Partnership Resources

Webinar: Partnering with the Immigrant Church

As the global Church increasingly reflects the Majority World, and with America’s rapid secularization, the focus on mobilizing ethnic minorities ...

Seven Secrets of the Spirit-Filled Life: Daily Renewal, Purpose & Joy When you Partner with the Holy Spirit      

Having spent years of his life studying the Holy Spirit, theologian and author Jack Levison shares the seven secrets to ...

Building God’s Kingdom Together: Partnering with People on the Move

By Joy and Jaewoo Kim | For 30 years, Clarkston, Georgia has welcomed so many immigrants and refugees from around ...

Becoming Full Partners: Developing Male Allies in the Ministry Workplace

According to the March/April edition of Mission Frontiers magazine, nearly 70% of field missionaries are women ...

If the Goal is the Gospel, Why Partner with non-evangelistic Organizations?

As our culture is shifting towards a focus of socially oriented justice, as opposed to biblical, gospel-forward justice, how can ...

SHIFT: Becoming Full Partners

Series: Your Path to Success at the 2023 Mission Leaders Conference! According to the March/April edition of Mission Frontiers magazine, ...

Matching Missionaries and Partners: A Modern Approach

By Kevin Horan | When someone becomes a missionary with a raise-your-own-support type of agency, they are taught how to ...

Pursuing Partnership: Moving Mountains of Strongholds

Engaging the Battle for Men and Women in Partnership ...

Pursuing Partnership: 5 Needed Conversations

Conversation #5: Representation Matters ...

Pursuing Partnership: 5 Needed Conversations

Conversation #3: Performing a Cultural Analysis ...

Pursuing Partnership: 5 Needed Conversations

Conversation #2 – Theology Matters ...

Pursuing Partnership: 5 Needed Conversations

Conversation #1 - The Power of Story Sharing ...

Pursuing Partnership: 5 Needed Conversations

An Interview with the author: Rob Dixon ...

Thriving Partnerships with Churches

Development Track | Workshop Set 2 Thursday, September 29, 2022 8:30 AM Description Primary Audience Development professionals engaging with churches ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 22

More Resources for Revisiting Gender in the Church ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 21

Ephesians 5: Paul and His Subversive Passage on the Family ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 20

Does Paul Really Think Women are Gossips and Busybodies? ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 19

1 Cor 11:5 - Who were the women with shaved heads? ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 18

Was Abigail Right to Go Behind Nabal’s Back? ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 17

What Does it Mean that Woman is “Helper” (Ezer) ...

10 Training Resources for Men and Women Partnerships

by Wendy Wilson To see men and women partner more fully in thriving gospel efforts, we attempt to provide a ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 16

Are the Women in 1 Timothy Leaders, Needers, or Both? ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 15

The Influence of Artemis on the Issues of 1 Tim 2:8-15 ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 14

Who Was Artemis and Why Does it Matter (Part 2) ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 13

Who Was Artemis and Why Does it Matter (Part 1) ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 12

Biblical Womanhood, Part 2: What is a Woman? ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 11

Biblical Womanhood, Part 1: What is a Woman? ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 9

Why Don’t We See More Women in the Biblical Text ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 8

When “He” Also Means “She” (Gender in Bible Translation) ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 7

Sandra Glahn’s Interview w/ Eugene Peterson: On the Role of Women ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 6

Sandra Glahn’s Interview w/ Eugene Peterson: On the Role of Women ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 5

The Bible: Women Are More Present Than We Might Think ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 4

Women and Theological Education: Capitulating to Culture or Historically Rooted? ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 3

Church History: What Do We Learn about Women in Public Ministry? ...

Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 2

Historical Reserach: Time for an Update on Women ...

Pursuing Partnership, Part 28: Engaging our “Hidden” Women

Pursuing Partnership, Part 28: Engaging our “Hidden” Women ...

Pursuing Partnership: The Blessed Alliance – Week 12

The Blessed Alliance - Just the Beginning ...

Comparing Organizational Fundraising to Personal Partnership Development

A number of years ago, someone put a copy of Henri Nouwen’s booklet “A Spirituality of Fundraising” in my hands ...

Leadership Resources International is now WordPartners

A ministry developing global partners to train pastors changes its name to reflect how God has been shaping their strategy ...

Seeing Ministry Partners as People – or Targets?

A few years ago, a prayer formed in my head and heart, ”Lord Jesus, help me see the person, not ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 27: Leadership Profile on Marti Williams

Part 27: Leadership Profile on Marti Williams ...

How We Train Our People for Ministry Partnership Matters

As we seek to help our new and veteran ministry workers become and remain spiritually healthy, vision-driven, and fully funded, ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 23: Leadership Profile on Hmong and Lao-American Ministry Leader Mani Khy

Part 23: Leadership Profile on Hmong and Lao-American Ministry Leader Mani Khy ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 22: Profile – Cindy Lopez. “Men, Let Women be Part of Your Circle”

Part 22: Profile - Cindy Lopez. “Men, Let Women be Part of Your Circle” ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 21: What Does the Bible Say? Carrying on as we Wrap Up

Part 21: What Does the Bible Say? Carrying on as we Wrap Up ...

INVITING is UNITING: Partnership with the Local Church

When I was a child and my parents would go away on a trip, I was always a bit anxious ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 20: What Does the Bible Say? Interpretive Challenges in 1 Cor 14:26-40

Part 20: What Does the Bible Say? Interpretive Challenges in 1 Cor 14:26-40 ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 19: What Does the Bible Say? Interpretive Challenges in 1 Cor 11:2-16

What Does the Bible Say? Interpretive Challenges in 1 Cor 11:2-16 ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 17: Consider the Biblical Woman

Taking a Break to Consider the Practical Impact of our Theology? Before we move on in our series to the ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 14B: What Does the Bible Say? Interpretive Traditions

“Nothing helps more powerfully against the devil, the world, the flesh, and all evil thoughts than occupying oneself with God’s ...

Enabling Partners to Find Missionaries

In traditional partnership development, missionaries seek financial support based on personal relationships. But what if it could also go the ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 14A: What Does the Bible Say? Taking Another Look

What does the Bible Actually Say? The Topic of Women in Leadership Deserves a Second Look ...

Embracing Your Community in Ministry Partner Development

Diwali. Lunar New Year. Cinco de Mayo. Eid al-Fitr. Passover. Christmas ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 13: Got a ‘Billy Graham Rule?’ 4 Opportunities You May Be Missing

Billy Graham set up a boundary of never being physically alone with a woman who was not his wife because ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 12: The Place of Care over Fear?

Betsy, a single woman, co-directed an internship in a cross-cultural setting with a married man. On one occasion, their group ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 11: A Brother’s Cycle to Action

These days, my ministry is focused on helping the church affirm and empower women in the context of our Kingdom ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 10: A Brother’s Journey

These days, my ministry is focused on helping the church affirm and empower women in the context of our Kingdom ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 9: A Leadership Profile: Melanie Lachcik

Melanie Lachcik took a job as an executive assistant at a Christian nonprofit organization because she wanted to serve with ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 8: Seeing What They See

Diverse church, diverse mission. If the Great Commission is a calling to bring redemption in Christ into the diversity of ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 7: A Leadership Profile: Shesnarda Rivera

Shesnarda Rivera has learned to walk and talk twice in her life. She’s adjusted to several different versions of her ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 6: Limping through Mixed Messages

I (Eva) grew up in a missionary home, with mixed messages regarding women. At home I saw my parent's version ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 5: A Leadership Profile: Jennifer Hoines

Some of Jennifer Hoines’ patients are a several-hour commute away on Guatemalan mountain roads. She sometimes makes the sacrificial journey ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 4b: Brother to Brother – An Invitation to Evaluation

“So I ended up having to write up a statement and having a man read it to the church.” ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 4a: Brother to Brother – Why are We Benching Key Kingdom Players?

“So I ended up having to write up a statement and having a man read it to the church.” ...

Partnering with the Black Church in Key Trends in 21st Century Missions

Thursday | 3:45 PM | Craig Denison, Jennifer Abohosh ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 3: Why the Discussion Matters

I continue to be challenged, overwhelmed . . . and hopeful as the Lord takes me further into the many ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 2: The Spectrum of Guiding Thought

Among North American evangelicals who hold a high view of Scripture, there is a wide spectrum of views on biblical ...

Pursuing Partnership Part 1: A Special Movement of God’s Spirit?

What special work may God be doing among us in these days? We’ve seen new discoveries in archeology and biblical ...

Announcing Missio Nexus/Sixteen:Fifteen Partnership

Sixteen:Fifteen and Missio Nexus: Together for the Great Commission We are thrilled to announce that Sixteen:Fifteen and Missio Nexus have ...

Partnership Development and the Coronavirus

Many of you in the middle of raising support may be wondering what to do during this unprecedented time ...

Church and Agency Partnerships

Perspectives from Churches - A report by Jennifer Holloran, COO - Wycliffe Bible Translators On January 21, 2020, more than ...

Announcing the Wheaton and Missio Nexus Partnership

We are pleased to announce our new Missio Nexus partnership with the Wheaton College Graduate School and the Wheaton College ...

Beyond the Newsletter: Communicating Value to Ministry Partners

Keeping in touch with people who we don’t see regularly takes initiative ...

Partnership or Handout?

My biggest struggle when I first sensed God calling me into ministry was fundraising. I just could not see myself ...

Partnering Well

Churches engaged in mission want their missionary partnerships to positively affect their church, and missionaries want their church to do ...

Missio Nexus Podcast Episode 40: Carlos Calderon of Partners International

In this episode Ted interviews Carlos Calderon of Partners International ...

14 Ways to Collaborate & Partner in Christian Mission

An Annotated Bibliography of Recommended Articles, Books, Websites, and Videos ...

Equipping Your Field Leadership for Effective Partnerships

Presented by: Jose de Dios, Russ Simons Description: New realities on the mission field call for partnering and not just ...

International Local Church Partnerships

Presented by: Randy Schmor Description: The 21st century local church sees itself more and more as a primary player in ...

Giving Honor: a Key to Healthy Cross-Cultural Partnerships

Presented by: Werner Mischke Description: PROBLEM: Objective 1: Observe from Scripture and social science that RIVALRY was a problem in ...

North America Churches’ Fit in Global Networks and Partnerships

Presented by: Ellen Livingood Description: Only a tiny fraction of the vast number of churches across America have found their ...

Developing a Network Engagement Strategy for Effective Partnerships

Presented by: Eldon Porter Description: This workshop will focus on the practical steps required to build an effective network engagement ...

Flourishing Male/Female Ministry Partnerships in the Era of #ChurchToo

Presented by: Rob Dixon Description: In the era of #metoo and #churchtoo, are healthy and thriving ministry partnerships between women ...

Healthy Missions Partnerships and Effective Short-term Teams

Presented by: Larry Ragan Description: How do you identify, build, and maintain healthy international partnerships for your church/organization? How do ...

Partnership Is the Future of World Mission

Presented by: Kärin Butler Primuth Description: Watch Listen Download Audio ...

Partnering Together to Maximize Effectiveness: Churches & STM

Presented by: Jesse Kroeze Description: Learning from each other is essential to navigating short-term missions in a way that will ...

Becoming Partnership Friendly: Redefining the “We”

Presented by: Eldon Porter Description: Why are western agencies often seen as not partnership friendly and how is that being ...

Member Care and HR Working in Partnership: A Dialogue

Presented by: Faith De La Cour Description: How can mission Member Care and HR teams work together for the greater ...

Partnership: Matchmaking for Missionary Training

Partnership: Matchmaking for Missionary Training Written by Mark Morgenstern Mark is one of our fourteen Mission Advisors focused on assisting ...

Partnership and the Strategic Role of Networks

Description: We live in an unprecedented period of mission history. The new paradigm of “from anywhere to everywhere” is by ...

Partnering with Oral Learners

Presenters:  Rob Harvey, Executive Director, Orality Nexus Stephen and Tricia Stringer, Scripture Resource Strategists, IMB Develop your oral strategy and ...

Men and Women Leading Together: Pursuing Godly Partnerships

About Our Facilitators Wendy Wilson Ms. Wendy Wilson expresses her joy and privilege as envisioning and equipping women to bring ...

Degrees of Partnership

Partnership is something we long for but often have a difficult time defining. North American churches and organizations are seeking ...

Finances on the Field: Choosing a Missionary Banking Partner

 Originally published on Missionaries are always on the move, so choosing a bank that understands and serves your unique international ...

Partnerships and the Strategic Role of Networks

We live in an unprecedented period of mission history. The new paradigm of “from anywhere to everywhere” is by nature ...

Missio Nexus Podcast Episode 15: Eldon Porter on Partnerships and Networks

Tune in as Ted interviews Eldon Porter about the rising tide of networks and partnerships ...

The Macedonian Call in the Twenty-first Century: Partnering for Contextual Equipping of International Missionaries

The late 1980s and early 1990s were perhaps the most exciting days of modern missions—the Iron Curtain fell, and immediately ...

Effective Partnering: The Church and Cross-cultural Worker On-Task Together

Everyone agrees that we must work together to accomplish the task of Matthew 28:19-20 so that we may move closer ...

Managing Complex Kingdom Partnerships

Partnering is something we all do, but many of us know little about. Partnering in a cross-cultural setting can get ...

Missions Partnering with the Body of Christ

By Mark Stebbins, The Navigators How should we prioritize partnering with other missions’ sending organizations who want to recruit collegiate laborers to ...

Sister Church Partnerships: An Integrated Process and Timeline

Sister Church Partnerships: An Integrated Process and Timeline Randy Schmor 2016 Mission Leaders Conference Short-Term Mission Partnerships between North American ...

Partnership at Work: A Conversation Between the Church and Agency Leaders (MOB)

Partnership at Work: A Conversation Between the Church and Agency Leaders (MOB) John Ward & Joe Caruso 2016 Mission Leaders ...

Missional Living on on a Global Scale: A Case for Sister Church Partnerships

COMPARTMENTALIZING, categorization, and silo making. You may not realize it, but if you are a North American or a church ...

A Common Mission: Healthy Patterns in Congregational Mission Partnerships

by David WesleyWipf and Stock. 2014. —Reviewed by Alexander K. Zell, adjunct professor, Crown College, St. Bonifacius, Minnesota; former international ...

Resolving Conflict with Cross Cultural Partners

Resolving Conflict with Cross-Cultural Partners Mary Lederleitner, Cross-Cultural Consultant, Wycliffe International April 14, 2011 Description: Understand your own and your ...

Authentic Intercultural Partnerships

Description: Authentic Intercultural Partnerships Authentic Intercultural Partnership: Nine Things Every Partnership Needs to Succeed Daniel Rickett, Ph.D., Vice President, Sisters ...

Partner-Friendly Organizations

Partner friendly organization maximizing kingdom impact through Partnering Intelligence Brian O'Connell, President, May 22, 2:00 - 3:30 pm Eastern Over ...

Three Rails of Partnership Development

Three Rails of Partnership Development with Ellen Livingood Three Rails of Partnership Development: Field, Church, and Logistics Ellen Livingood, Catalyst ...

On-Site Facilitators: The Pivotal Link for Global Church Partnerships

On-Site Facilitators: The Pivotal Link for Global Church Partnerships Ellen Livingood, Founder and Director, Catalyst Services April 10, 2008 Local ...

Results Focused Partnership w/ Brian O’Connell

Dec 10, 2009 - Results Focused Partnerships Brian O'Connell, President, REACT Services Description:This webinar focuses on principles and best practices ...

Global Church-to-Church Partnership Essentials

Global Church-to-Church Partnership Essentials Michael VanHuis, Global Advancement Officer, Pioneers December 2, 2010 Key Words: Partnership, Partnerships, Church to church ...

Overcoming Global Partnership Hurdles

Overcoming Global Partnership Hurdles Presenter: Ellen Livingood, Catalyst Services Date: January 18, 2011 Description: Local churches are collaborating with partners ...

Partnerships and Resources for Church Planting

Partnerships and Resources in Church Planting Speaker: Craig Ott Organization: Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Original Air Date: November 1, 2012 ...

Metrics for Missions Workshop: Results Focused Partnership w/ Brian O’Connell

Metrics for Missions: Results Focused Partnership: A 90-minute workshop (audio recording with handouts)Presenter - Brian O'Connell, President, REACT Services This ...

Short-term Mission Partnerships: Lessons from Paul and the Philippians

In recent years, much has been said about the good and the bad of short-term missions. Short-term missions have been ...

Think Big, Think Small: Partnerships as a Revolution in Global Missions

We think small about the gospel. Over the past fifty years, Christians have usually defined the gospel like this: “We ...

What a Strange Family! Church-Agency Partnerships

Despite blemishes both the church and the agency have, there is also incredible potential. What would it look like if ...

A Vision for Partnership: Radio as a Case Study

For agencies to thrive in the future, partnerships must be more and more at the core of strategy, and those ...

Sister Churches: American Congregations and Their Partners Abroad

by Janel Kragt Bakker Oxford University Press, 198 Madison Ave., New York, NY, 10016, 320 pages, 2013, $29.95. —Reviewed by ...

Essential Mission Partnering Principles

Only when we understand the spiritual foundation of our fellowship with God and one another will we find the motivation ...

The Beauty of Partnership Study Guide (Standard Edition)

by Werner Mischke, designer/editor Mission One, Inc., P.O. Box 5960, Scottsdale, AZ 85261, 212 pages, 2011, $29.95 (free DVD discussion ...

Resolving Conflict with Cross-cultural Partners

How we personally make meaning of situations is a critical component in conflict ...

The Role of Best Practice Principles in a Partnership Culture

An organization that functions well in the partnership culture will be better positioned to manage the variety of partnership scenarios ...

Cross-cultural Partnerships: Navigating the Complexities of Money and Mission

Understanding and avoiding the pitfalls associated with such relationships is the subject of this timely new book ...

Successful Partnership: A Case Study

A tremendously effective partnership between a group of missionaries to North Africans in France and a local French church led ...

How Convictions Catalyze Fruitful Cross-cultural Partnerships

An inside look at fruitful cross-cultural partnerships in Latin America as seen through the eyes of David Brooks and Jōse ...

Of Partnerships and Power Trips

The differences between true partnerships and power trips disguised as partnerships are significant ...

Reflection on a Missions Partnership

Now that the Alliance has completed its ministry, how can we evaluate its effectiveness? By God’s grace there is good ...

Of Partnerships and Power Trips

The differences between true partnerships and power trips disguised as partnerships are significant ...

Reflection on a Missions Partnership

Now that the Alliance has completed its ministry, how can we evaluate its effectiveness? By God’s grace there is good ...

Short-term Missions for Long-term Partnership

The author asks, “Are we tourists or are we God’s missionary people?” Rickett shares why many STMs are not working ...

Short-term Missions for Long-term Partnership

The author asks, “Are we tourists or are we God’s missionary people?” Rickett shares why many STMs are not working ...

The Devil is in the Details: Avoiding Common Pitfalls when Funding New Partnership Endeavors

Having clearly defined objectives and guidelines at the outset of a partnership with an international ministry can prevent many problems ...

Well Connected: Releasing Power, Restoring Hope Through Kingdom Partnerships

Powerful global forces are motivating organizations of many kinds to bridge traditional barriers by attempting new partnerships and alliances. But ...

The Devil is in the Details: Avoiding Common Pitfalls when Funding New Partnership Endeavors

Having clearly defined objectives and guidelines at the outset of a partnership with an international ministry can prevent many problems ...

Well Connected: Releasing Power, Restoring Hope Through Kingdom Partnerships

Powerful global forces are motivating organizations of many kinds to bridge traditional barriers by attempting new partnerships and alliances. But ...

Partnerships in Ministry: Moving from Misguided Metaphors to Sustainable Strategies

Effectively partnering with ministries cross-culturally is important to avoid the use of three common (and misguided) metaphors ...

Partnerships in Ministry: Moving from Misguided Metaphors to Sustainable Strategies

Effectively partnering with ministries cross-culturally is important to avoid the use of three common (and misguided) metaphors ...

Partnership Revisited

Sometimes you’ve just got to go back to the basics. When Vince Lombardi, former coach of the National Football League’s ...

The Effective Use of Resources in Missions Partnerships

This is what an African national staff member told his Western missionary leader after ten years of working with a ...

Partnership Revisited

Sometimes you’ve just got to go back to the basics. When Vince Lombardi, former coach of the National Football League’s ...

The Effective Use of Resources in Missions Partnerships

This is what an African national staff member told his Western missionary leader after ten years of working with a ...

Mission and Church Partnership Dynamics: Lessons from SIM-ECWA in Nigeria

What happens when an international, interdenominational faith mission agency decides that a national church it birthed has reached maturity and ...

Mission and Church Partnership Dynamics: Lessons from SIM-ECWA in Nigeria

What happens when an international, interdenominational faith mission agency decides that a national church it birthed has reached maturity and ...

Western-National Church Partnerships: Are They Really A Good Idea?

In recent decades many Western churches have moved from sending their own missionaries into developing nations to supporting indigenous ministries ...

Western-National Church Partnerships: Are They Really A Good Idea?

In recent decades many Western churches have moved from sending their own missionaries into developing nations to supporting indigenous ministries ...

Building Strategic Relationships: A Practical Guide to Partnering with Non-Western Missions

Daniel Rickett examines partnerships between Western churches and their international counterparts ...

Building Strategic Relationships: A Practical Guide to Partnering with Non-Western Missions

Daniel Rickett examines partnerships between Western churches and their international counterparts ...

Making Your Partnership Work

We are in the midst of a major paradigm shift in missions. It is now neither possible nor desirable for ...

Making Your Partnership Work

We are in the midst of a major paradigm shift in missions. It is now neither possible nor desirable for ...

Toward Interdependent Ministry Partnerships: Fueling Ministry without Fostering Dependency

Partnership, Self-reliance, Accountability, Dependency. These are buzzwords that came to dominate table talk about missions in the last decade of ...

Toward Interdependent Ministry Partnerships: Fueling Ministry without Fostering Dependency

Partnership, Self-reliance, Accountability, Dependency. These are buzzwords that came to dominate table talk about missions in the last decade of ...

Serve. Assist. Partner. How to Help the Church in China Meet the Challenges of a New Generation

How do individuals, churches, or organizations assist, serve and partner with the church in China? ...

Serve. Assist. Partner. How to Help the Church in China Meet the Challenges of a New Generation

How do individuals, churches, or organizations assist, serve and partner with the church in China? ...

Partnership Resources on the Web

Our focus in this article is how international mission agencies can work together in functional collaborative partnerships ...

Partnership— More than a Buzzword

The purpose of this article is to attempt to clarify biblical and missiological issues behind the contemporary use of the ...

Seven Mistakes Partners Make and How to Avoid Them

I was inspired recently by the title of an article in a business magazine, “Failure: The Secret to My Success.” ...

Sri Lankan Leader Eyes Partnerships

Ajith Fernando, national director of Youth for Christ in Sri Lanka, spoke about partnership and related issues during a recent ...

Partnership Resources on the Web

Our focus in this article is how international mission agencies can work together in functional collaborative partnerships ...

Partnership— More than a Buzzword

The purpose of this article is to attempt to clarify biblical and missiological issues behind the contemporary use of the ...

Seven Mistakes Partners Make and How to Avoid Them

I was inspired recently by the title of an article in a business magazine, “Failure: The Secret to My Success.” ...

Sri Lankan Leader Eyes Partnerships

Ajith Fernando, national director of Youth for Christ in Sri Lanka, spoke about partnership and related issues during a recent ...

Preventing Dependency: Developmental Partnering

Developmental partnering can be summed up in one word: brotherhood ...

Preventing Dependency: Developmental Partnering

Developmental partnering can be summed up in one word: brotherhood ...

Sending and Receiving in Light of Equal Partnerships in Mission

The concept of partnership in mission is the focus of discussion and debate across a wide spectrum of mission agencies ...

Sending and Receiving in Light of Equal Partnerships in Mission

The concept of partnership in mission is the focus of discussion and debate across a wide spectrum of mission agencies ...

Unique and United: A Partnership in South Africa

This month marks 13 years of missionary service for me. I have learned that missionary and national church relationships are ...

16 Key Partnership Principles

1. Effective partnerships are built on trust, openness, and mutual concern. Partnerships are more than coordination, planning, strategies, and tactics ...

Lessons of Partnership

Some suggestions from my experience to help your mission partnerships take shape and function effectively ...

Howdy, Partner

Appreciation for the Western saga is one of several inconsequential things I remember most fondly about my father, along with ...

Unique and United: A Partnership in South Africa

This month marks 13 years of missionary service for me. I have learned that missionary and national church relationships are ...

Lessons of Partnership

Some suggestions from my experience to help your mission partnerships take shape and function effectively ...

16 Key Partnership Principles

1. Effective partnerships are built on trust, openness, and mutual concern. Partnerships are more than coordination, planning, strategies, and tactics ...

Howdy, Partner

Appreciation for the Western saga is one of several inconsequential things I remember most fondly about my father, along with ...

The Other Side of Partnership

Many of us have been taught that our relationship with donors means we receive money and prayer support, and they ...

The Other Side of Partnership

Many of us have been taught that our relationship with donors means we receive money and prayer support, and they ...

Partnerships at the Crossroads: Red, Yellow, or Green Light?

The '90s are the decade of decision for Westerners and the new world of missions ...

Partnerships at the Crossroads: Red, Yellow, or Green Light?

The '90s are the decade of decision for Westerners and the new world of missions ...

Slaying the Dragons of Self-interest: Making International Partnership Work

Our key choices mean surrendering our power over our structures ...

Slaying the Dragons of Self-interest: Making International Partnership Work

Our key choices mean surrendering our power over our structures ...

Cheaper by the Dozen? Indigenous Missionaries Vs. Partnership

We must find a better way to express our partnership ...

Cheaper by the Dozen? Indigenous Missionaries Vs. Partnership

We must find a better way to express our partnership ...

Get Ready for Partnership with Emerging Missions

Missions is rapidly entering a new age marked by a decline in the growth of Western missionary-sending and a rapid ...

Get Ready for Partnership with Emerging Missions

Missions is rapidly entering a new age marked by a decline in the growth of Western missionary-sending and a rapid ...

Good Partners Are Costly

Practical ways in which we can minister to our partners ...

Good Partners Are Costly

Practical ways in which we can minister to our partners ...

The Homeland Church—Partner or Pawn?

After years of getting from the churches, mission agencies should now support them ...

The Homeland Church—Partner or Pawn?

After years of getting from the churches, mission agencies should now support them ...

Assistance Programs Require Partnership

Many national churches in the Third World are on the eve of establishing their credibility in society and government. Their ...

Assistance Programs Require Partnership

Many national churches in the Third World are on the eve of establishing their credibility in society and government. Their ...

An Equal Partnership Structure

At the Green Lake consultation it looked as though another Lincoln-Douglas debate were shaping up. Dr. Louis King and Dr: ...

An Equal Partnership Structure

At the Green Lake consultation it looked as though another Lincoln-Douglas debate were shaping up. Dr. Louis King and Dr: ...

2024 Virtual Events

2024 Virtual Events - Webinars, CMLs, TLBs and 2iCs ...

Prophets in the Qur’ān and the Bible 

Of the dozens of books on Islam, the Qur’an, and ministry to Muslims on my shelves, I cannot find a ...

Enjoying the Journey Together

By Steve Richardson | The global missions movement has developed from the “West to the rest,” to wondering if any ...

Urban Collaborative Ecosystems for Missions

By Don Allsman | God is sending hundreds of unreached people groups (UPGs) from their homelands to other parts of ...

Reimagining North American Global Missions Engagement

By Valerie Althouse | I am a White American woman who grew up in a white majority church that emphasized ...

Forsaking Resource Righteousness for the Global Theological Table Fellowship

By Jessica Udall | When an extended family gathers together from far and wide to share a feast, who sits ...

On Mission Together as the Whole Body of Christ

By Linda P. Saunders | As image bearers, it is time to take our rightful place as an inclusive body ...

Embracing Diversity and Mutuality: A 40-Year Journey

By Abegail Lyn “Abby” A. Galzote | The mission field is changing as more foreign and national partners work together ...

Diversity and Mutuality: The Foundation of Transformative Impact

By Heather Denson | Diversity and mutuality are foundational principles that drive the transformative impact of cross-cultural engagement and service ...

Defining Mutuality in a Missiological Frame

By Ted Esler | Mutuality can be a powerful concept in missiology. It captures a sense of how Christ came ...

Colorful Cooperation in Mission

By Mimsie Robinson and Bob Fetherlin | In the last century, monocultural mission became fertile soil in which seeds of ...

A Different Kind of Love

By Heather Pubols | Jesus calls everyone who follows him to practice a love that transcends boundaries. Missionaries have demonstrated ...

Thriving in Cross-Cultural Ministry – Arriving, Article 3 of 3

Installment 12: Arriving, Article 3 of 3 Your First Six Months on the Field ...

Webinar: Launching Collaboration in the People Care & Development Community

This webinar will introduce you to the need for collaboration and a primer on collaboration as we share our vision ...

Share Your Insights with The Sending Collective

Schedule a 45-minute discussion and be part of a movement that sends missionaries well through kingdom collaboration and partnership ...

New Study on Church Missions! Participate for Free Copy

Participate in a comprehensive church missions study and receive a free report to enhance your mission efforts ...

7 Days of Prayer: Sunday, 9 June 2024

Pray for the church in India in the aftermath of the election, which shocked everyone ...

Missio Nexus Announces New Director of Leadership Formation

Jenn Williamson to lead the association's efforts to foster leadership formation across diverse demographics ...

God’s Word, At Last

After a 50-year translation effort, a new people group in Brazil have the New Testament in their language ...

Webinar: Risk and Short-Term Missions

Dynamics of Risk and Short-Term Missions ...

Exciting Insights from the Latest Study on Risk and Short-Term Missions

We are thrilled to announce the release of two comprehensive reports on the critical intersection of risk and short-term missions ...

5 ways your ministry can save money on travel

Here are a few tips to help you practice ministry-travel stewardship ...

Multiplying Leaders in Intercultural Contexts

Reviewed by Bob Bagley who is now semi-retired after almost four decades of service with Global Partners in various leadership ...

Stay in the Game: The Role of the North American Church in the Amazon

By Chris and Tina Ferry | Foreign missionaries arriving to serve in the Amazon and lowland region of South America ...

An Indigenous Perspective on Unity and Collaboration

By Henrique Dias Terena and César Rodríguez Sáenz | Indigenous Christians are realizing that the church does not belong to ...

Uniting Waves, Transforming Lives: The Three Waves Movement

By Enoque Ozório de Faria and Javier Mayorga Ramirez | Across the Amazon region and lowlands of South America, God ...

God’s Grace Abounds Among the Quechua

By Pío Víctor Campos Barco | Nearly half of Bolivia’s population come from its Indigenous communities of which the Quechua ...

Rethinking Missions in Native America

By Patrick Lennox | The mission to Native America is not complete. We need more Native pastors to plant new ...

Carrying Gospel Light to the Ends of the Earth

By Derek Ross | Despite immense challenges and forces of evil that worked to destroy our culture, my family stands ...

Navigating Uncharted Territories

By Chondeug Joseph Jang | In mission history with First Nations in Canada, relationships were broken and Christianity often meant ...

Webinar: A Journey Towards Polycentric Missions Leadership

In their article for the Lausanne Movement titled, "What is Polycentric Mission Leadership?" Micaela Braithwaite and Joseph Handley write, "[Polycentric] ...

We Are Still Here

By Jenn Brown | I am a Christian and a Native American from the Yuchi tribe. My family’s story reflects ...

Walking Alongside Our Indigenous Siblings

By Heather Pubols | Across the Americas, God is calling foreign, national, and Indigenous believers to find a place alongside ...

The Great Story and the Great Commission: Participating in the Biblical Drama of Mission    

This book uses the whole Bible to inform the understanding of the mission of God and the mission of God’s ...

Press Release: Frontier Fellowship appoints new Executive Director

Frontier Fellowship is pleased to announce the appointment of new Executive Director, Ethan Collins ...

Now Available! Sponsorship Opportunities for the 2024 Mission Leaders Conference

We're excited to announce that sponsorship opportunities at the 2024 Mission Leaders Conference are now available! This event is dedicated ...

Press Release: Chad Hayward

The Accord Network mourns the passing of former CEO Chad Hayward on Saturday, January 27th, 2024 ...

It’s not Easter, surely.

You’ve started to wonder if it’s really March because it was only yesterday that you were setting up the Christmas ...

Influential Women in Early Church History: Part 5 – Mary

Part 5 - Mary, the Mother of Jesus and a First-Century Leader in the Church ...

Unlock the Power of Prayer for the Nations

The future of missions depends on our prayers today. What an opportunity we have! Do we pray with the fervor ...

CML: Missionary Care for the Local Church

Michael Van Huis and Carlos Negrón of Missio Nexus will be joined by their special guest Jeff Jackson.  Jeff will ...

Influential Women in Early Church History: Part 4 – Marcella of Rome

Part 4 - Marcella of Rome: A Patron of Faith and Scholarship in Early Christianity ...

New Study on Risk and Short-Term Missions

We need your imput! How is the landscape of North American short-term missions shaping the next generation of global missionaries? ...

Influential Women in Early Church History: Part 2 – Thecla

Part 2 - The Inspiring Legacy of Thecla: A Modest Apostle and Martyr ...

Influential Women in Early Church History: Part 1 – Perpetua

Part 1 - Perpetua: A Woman of Faith and Courage Who Defied Cultural Expectations ...

On the Refugee Highway: Extending the Embrace of Christ

By Kaisa Golding and Jim Olang | The refugee crisis presents an urgent opportunity for the church to embody the ...

Rethinking Indian Missions for a Changing World

By Isac Soundararaja | India is poised to play a significant role in global missions beyond its borders, and India’s ...

The Afghan Initiative: A New Model for Mission in an Age of Migration?

By Scott Brock | In August 2021, many people fled Afghanistan when US troops withdrew. Afghan believers were a vulnerable ...

Waiting to Be a Missionary

“We’re asking you to wait to go, but don’t forget that waiting is an active thing ...

7 Days of Prayer: Sunday, 31 December 2023

On this New Year’s Day, we pray for the many who are enduring the shaking of  war in Sudan, Israel/Gaza, ...

Movement Catalysts: Profile of an Apostolic Leader

Reviewed by David Greenlee, PhD, missiologist for Operation Mobilization based in Tyrone, Georgia ...

Elisabeth Elliot: A Life

Rarely does a biography make the book review list for Evangelical Missions Quarterly. Lucy Austen’s biography of Elisabeth Elliot, however ...

Missionaries as Needy Patrons

By Tamie Davis and Moyra Dale | Patronage relationships are common in many cultures. Western missionaries in these environments are ...

Loren Cunningham’s Legacy: Transforming Missions

By Charis Jackson and Lynn Green | To say Loren Cunningham reshaped missions is not an overstatement. It’s a fact ...

Polycentric Missions Should Include the Church

By Ellen Livingood, Matthew Philip, and Scott White | Immense global changes are affecting every aspect of missions. Missions models ...

The Nigerian Church and Global Missions

By Adeoluwa Felix Olanrewaju | The Nigerian church has been engaged in cross-border and cross-cultural missions for more than 150 ...

Building Bridges Between Local Churches and New Neighbors

By Sara Miller* | Church leaders and organizations are grappling with the changing dynamics of the American church. However, the ...

A Framework for a New Era of Missions

By Craig Greenfield | When every geopolitical nation has a gospel presence, what is the role of an outsider in ...

Training for Polycentric Mission

By Mark Hedinger and Kate Wiseman | Polycentric mission brings the joy of multiplied expansion, and at the same time, ...

Missionary Sending: Keeping Christ at the Centre

By Jon Fuller | What does it mean to send and be sent? Understanding sending as deeply rooted in the ...

Missions in the Network Society

By Eldon Porter and Joseph Handley | The world is more interconnected than ever before, and the way we do ...

8 Significant Great Commission Stories of 2023

A list of opportunity and challenge Editors note: This article was first published on Ted Esler's Substack. Ted is the ...

Notable Missionary Deaths in 2023

The year 2023 saw the passing of several influential Christian missionaries and ministry leaders. These men and women of faith ...

On Being a Missionary (Abridged): An Introduction to Cross-Cultural Life and Ministry  

This book presents in practical ways that “going, staying, and being left to carry on (cross-cultural ministry) are all hard ...

Proactive, Church-Based Missionary Recruitment and Sending

Without an intentional strategy to recruit and send missionaries to the nations, most churches might send a missionary every now ...

The Fruits of a Generation Trained in Short-Term Missions

How much do people know about long-term, serious, contemporary missions practice? Editors note: This article was first published on Ted ...

Give Me This Mountain     

Give me this Mountain is a compelling page turner that tells the story of a well-educated British woman who met ...

John Chau and Missions to Uncontacted Peoples: The Rest of the Story

“Morning, Miriam. I just got a message that indicates our friend (John Chau) may not be with us anymore…Our hearts ...

Shifting Powers: Russia, China, the West and the Rest.

This session will explore the implications for mission strategies, mission sending, and partnering with national churches ...

CEOs in Fundraising

How do CEOs and their Development Staff forge powerful partnerships? While an organization may have a designated Development ...

2023 Survey of Finance and Adminstration Practices

This session will build on the 2018 survey, providing the results of a survey of mission agencies as to their ...

Multiethnic Communities and Missions: Past, Present and Future

This workshop will explore the historic participation of multiethnic communities in missions, the trajectory of their involvement and reasons why ...

Deputized Fundraising and Restricted Donations…Tax and Accounting Implications

We will address various tax and accounting issues associated with practices of deputized fundraising, receiving restricted donations, and designating net ...

The Tale of Two Roles

Raising money and accounting for those funds are both integral activities in an organization. Sometimes it seems finance and development ...

Church to Church: Impactful Global Collaboration with Strategy & Relationship

This workshop will explore angles on how North American churches collaborate & partner strategically with pastors & their churches in ...

Grow Your Platform Through Organizational Book Publishing

What if you were given 3-5 hours to share your mission with a donor, prospective missionary, or church partner? ...

Race and Mission

This workshop will feature a frank discussion with workshop participants about the challenges and complexities of mission ...

Missio Nexus Welcomes Three Key Leaders to its Team

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Missio Nexus Welcomes Three Key Leaders to its Team Wheaton, IL – November 7, 2023 Missio Nexus, ...

Nobody’s Mother: Artemis of the Ephesians in Antiquity and the New Testament

Nobody’s Mother: Artemis of the Ephesians in Antiquity and the New Testament ...

Marriage or Missions?

How to navigate relationships on your journey to the nations ...

Links between Paul, Artemis, Ephesus, and 1 Timothy

Links between Paul, Artemis, Ephesus, and 1 Timothy ...

Artemis of Ephesus: Why Her Identity Matters

Artemis of Ephesus: Why Her Identity Matters ...

Portraits of Global Christianity: Research and Reflections in Honor of Todd M. Johnson

This book provides practical strategies and insights for achieving sustained movement expansion ...

Author Interview: Gina A. Zurlo 

This book provides practical strategies and insights for achieving sustained movement expansion ...

Who Was Artemis of Ephesus?

Who Was Artemis of Ephesus? ...

Who Was Artemis and Why Should Bible Scholars Care?

Stronghold #12 – Identity and “Roles” ...

Race and Missions

Friday Morning Session by James McGee III This workshop will feature a frank discussion with workshop participants about the challenges ...

Holistic Care for Holistic Health

By Karen Bomilcar | The church has tremendous potential to help communities reach new levels of wholeness. This often-unexplored context ...

Community Health: A Disciple Making Movement to Foster Peace

By Boureima Diallo and Daniel O'Neill | A fruitful disciple-making movement in Burkina Faso has utilized community health outreaches as ...

Being a Witness in a Healthcare Setting

By Latha Mathew and Lindsey Miller | IHS Global developed a training process that equips healthcare workers around the globe ...

The Transformational Potential of Missional Healthcare

By Anil Cherian | My wife, Shalini, and I moved from India to East Africa as medical missionaries, in 2014 ...

The Mission Hospital: Four Stages of Development

By Richard Davis, Evelyn Mbugua, Peter Halestrap, Ken Muma, Faith Lelei, and Chege Macharia | Ralph Winter describes four stages ...

Global Health Engagement: A Central Part of Global Mission

By Daniel W. O’Neill | Global health engagement is a key part of church planting efforts and an indispensable partner ...

Cross-Cultural Healthcare Missions in the 21st Century

By Rebekah Naylor | In the twenty-first century is healthcare missions viable and strategic? Are we mandated to meet the ...

Healthcare Missions: Past, Present, and Future

By Neil Thompson | Healthcare missions has a long history in Christianity, which continues to grow and develop. But how ...

The Open Door Amongst Closed Doors

By Joshua Bogunjoko | Medical missions, especially among least reached communities, seems difficult and the financial proposition absurd. Yet all ...

Introducing Carlos Negrón

Introducing Carlos Negron: Your Catalyst for Church Engagement at Missio Nexus We are pleased to welcome Carlos Negrón to the ...

Reporting Challenges for Movements in a World of Misinformation and Persecution

By Stan Parks | Globally, 1,965 church planting movements (CPMs) are being reported, with approximately 90% of these among current ...

Overcoming Fertility Challenges and Opening Opportunities for the Gospel

By Sherry Liu | One of six families struggles to conceive, a journey that can be challenging and filled with ...

Healthcare Missionary Burnout 

By Jim Ritchie | The role and experience of healthcare missionaries (HCMs) is different from other missionaries. HCMs tend to ...

Now What? Utilizing Medical Missionaries From Africa

By Matthew Loftus and Bruce Dahlman | After much time and a great deal of investment, those of us who ...

Pain of a Different Sort

By Jean Johnson | Pairing foreign healthcare clinics with indigenous gospel and disciple-making efforts may have unintended consequences. They may ...

Join a Table Discussion Group to Network around a Common Topic

Wednesday & Thursday Dinner | 5:45 PM - 6:50 PM ...

Webinar: How Agencies Grow Church Engagement

The target audience for this webinar is mission agency leaders, especially those who do church engagement ...

When Should You Call Your Lawyer? 

Leaders at Missio Nexus are frequently asked, “When should we contact an attorney?” As US culture continues to shift, the ...

Facing Fear: The Journey to Mature Courage in Risk and Persecution 

Violence against Christ-followers is increasing globally. This book is a pastoral and practical resource for workers who advance the gospel ...

High Functioning Mission Teams

Many well-intentioned, big-hearted missions committees tend to be more reactive than proactive – rather than leading a compelling vision and ...

Your Future Self: How to Make Tomorrow Better Today   

Hal Hershfield is a professor of psychology, marketing, and behavioral decision-making at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management where he has ...

Pioneering Church Planting in the Metaverse

Stories of individuals like Ella from El Salvador, who found spiritual comfort in a Metaverse church amidst her battle with ...

EMQ: New Issue Exploring the Digital Frontier of Missions

From innovative technologies to the power of digital collaboration, this edition explores how the increasing availability of digital tools is ...

Polycentric Mission Leadership: Toward a New Theoretical Model for Global Leadership.

Reviewed by Marcus Dean, Professor of intercultural studies and missions, Houghton University, and former missionary in Colombia and Puerto Rico ...

The Realities of Money and Missions: Global Challenges and Case Studies  

Reviewed by Chris Flanders, professor of missions, Graduate School of Theology, Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas ...

Mobilizing your Senior Leadership

CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE RECORDING One of the chief roles of pastors is to declare the whole counsel of ...

The Global Impact of George Verwer

By David Greenlee and Greg Kernaghan | George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilisation, passed away on April 14, 2023. His ...

Bible Studies Don’t Fix Religious Persecution 

By Helene Fisher and Elizabeth Lane Miller | Walking away from current beliefs into new ones is never neutral. In ...

Mobilizing Techies for Mission 

By Dorinda Beeley | Over the last 22 years, God has led me on a journey from missions tech skeptic ...

AI Hallucinations, Chatbots, and the Truth of Holy Scripture

By Jeremy Hodes | While limitations and potential nefarious uses need to be considered, AI also offers tremendous opportunities in ...

Meeting God in the Metaverse

By Jeff Reed | God has been preparing the digital and the metaverse mission fields, and in these digital environments ...

Can Digital Make Us Human Again?

By Justin Sooter | How can Christians live in a world where we are glued to screens and where verbal communication ...

Let the Nations Hear

By D. B. Brown | Traditional and embodied missions methods are not always possible among the least reached communities. Digital ...

Funnels and Loops: How Mass Communication is Accelerating Movements

By Josiah Palusky | Innovative strategies are linking new and existing methods of evangelism and discipleship in ways not previously explored ...

Global Missions from the Comfort of Your Living Room

By Dorrie Manu | The Mentor Ministry software platform enables people serving as mentors to connect online with mentees looking for ...

Digital Missions Launchpad

By Ace Pendon | The Cru Digital Strategies team has been building digital training programs to equip the body of ...

Digital Strategies for Collaboration

By Andrew Feng and Nick Wu | Missions leaders and practitioners see the need for digital solutions, but they may ...

Global Disciples Appoints North America President to Address Rapid Growth

Global Disciples, the near-culture missions organization active in 65 countries, has appointed Dr. Jeremy Campbell to serve in the newly ...

Journey into Effective People Care and Development

Nurture and empower God’s beloved global workers by joining the People Care and Development Track at the 2023 Mission Leaders ...

SHIFT: Trauma Informed Staff Care

Series: Your Path to Success at the 2023 Mission Leaders Conference! You’re not wrong, it does seem like trauma is ...

New Funding Models for Global Mission: Learning from the Majority World 

This book is about conversion in the contexts of the poor. It raises questions about the God that the poor ...

Let the Silence be Broken

A third of the world’s population is unreached—they have no Bible, no church, certainly no Christian radio, and most of ...

2022 Missions Staffing Diversity

Data on diversity in North American missions staffing ...

2022 Missions Activities

Data overview of missions organization activities ...

Love and Work: How to Find What You Love, Love What You Do, and Do It for the Rest of Your Life  

After a discussion of how to discover one’s unique “Wyrd,” the author goes on to thoroughly discuss how to live ...

Webinar: Equipping Gen Z: A God-Designed Generation for a God-Given Task

Gen Z (b. 1996-2010) is experiencing a mental health crisis, biblical illiteracy, and sexual brokenness; yet they are uniquely skilled, ...

How useable are Adult Learning Principles across cultures?

Are the values and assumptions of various cultures in conflict with adult learning principles, or are these principles culturally transferable? ...

Webinar: Sharing Your Story: Becoming a Media-Savvy Communicator

Today's 24/7 news cycle environment requires mission leaders to understand how to successfully work with reporters and media influencers to ...

The Future Role of “Far Culture” Workers

Contributed by Dick Brogden, Nour Yakoub, Yvonne Berty, and Joel Malek Photo by Jens Behrmann on Unsplash Introduction With the ...

Listening to Learn: Perspective of Young Black Christians on Faith and Missions

Missio Nexus Member Benefit Missio Nexus is releasing the 2023 Executive Summary of a focus group-based research project that was ...

How to Help without Hurting in the African Context

Reviewed by Bob Bagley | Africa has a long history of receiving agencies coming from the western world with well-intentioned ...

African Christianity and African Independent Churches

Reviewed by George F. Pickens | The demographic shift of Christianity to the Global South has both fascinated and bemused ...

The Role of Pastoral Visits in Missionary Member Care

By Ed Grudier | While both agencies and churches can engage in member care with their missionaries, churches can focus ...

Translating for Transformation: The Missional Impulse of Translation

By Paul K. Kimbi | Missions includes church planting, evangelism, reconciliation, and much more. Bible translation programs aim to do ...

(Mis)Understanding the Need

By David Chakranarayan | Two-thirds of Christians in the US say they have not heard of the Great Commission. Even ...

Preaching the Good News in a Time of Crisis

By Rachel Mash | How must we live in order to halt the disasters that are devastating food security and ...

Creation Care: An Essential Component of Integral Mission

By Kuki Rokhum and Joylin Niruba | The Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief (EFICOR) started as an effort ...

Planting Hope in the Wilderness of Our Hearts

By Lawrence Ko | Being fully human comes with a mission to care for creation as God originally intended. Asian ...

Witnessing God’s Resurrection Power in People and the Land

By Alice and Martin Tlustos | For many years we wrestled with our commitment to bring the gospel to people ...

Posture Over Program: OMF’s Creation Care Journey

By Jasmine Kwong | OMF began its journey into creation care in the 1950s when work expanded into Southeast Asia ...

A Missional Theology of Creation Care

By David Bookless | In the current era of missions, caring for creation often holds little strategic value. However, this ...

When you finally get what you’ve been waiting for.

This message you're about to see is from a participant in the Storyteller Workshop. It is a powerful testimonial to ...

Pray with Haiti 

Like so many organizations with mission partners in Haiti, our hearts are filled with concern and empathy for good people ...

Webinar: Diversity and Mission Mobilization

In this webinar we discuss two studies that have just been completed focusing on opportunities and hinderances for people of ...

Webinar: How to Share Your Organization’s Message Through Self-Publishing Books

What if you were given 3-5 hours to share your mission with a donor, prospective missionary or church partner? ...

Prayer Releases Young People into Missions

By Ann Low, Cody Low, Rebecca Joy, and Jed Tin | Prayer, revival, and missions usually happen in succession, and ...

The Power of Teaching Children to Pray

By Candy Marballi | For decades we have seen children simply as an objective of mission, but God is calling ...

Disability vs. Health in Evangelism Strategies

By Phill Butler | While Western culture praises individualism, God did not design us to go it alone. Scripture reveals ...

Tentmaking: Paul’s Missionary Strategy?

By Samson L. Uytanlet | Was tentmaking Paul’s intentional missions strategy? Or did Paul simply make tents during his missionary ...

Purpose and Power of Prayer Guides

By Madison Strauder | Prayer guides can be an important way to engage the Church in participating in God’s mission ...

Missionaries and Prayer Support: We Need to Talk

By Katherine Lorance | Many missionaries dutifully work to gain prayer commitments from churches, small groups, and individuals. Despite this ...

Praying through 12 Common Characteristics of Disciple Making Movements

By Robin Smith | Prayer makes a difference! In our ministry we have witnessed the powerful role of prayer in ...

The Impact of Prayer on Church Planting, Evangelism and Miracles

By David Lewis | We do not know how many intercessors are around the world, and their impact is not ...

Cultivating Grassroots Prayer Movements

By Jenny Oliphant | Since 2020, more people have been involved in global, united, Great Commission prayer than ever before ...

Decade of Harvest: the Convergence of Gospel and Prayer Movements

By Jason Hubbard | 2033 marks 2,000 years of the Great Commission and the birthday of the Church. As we ...

Holding the Rope: Making Space for Prayer in the Bible Translation Movement

By Jo Johnson, Sineina Gela, Ann Kuy, Nancy Duncan, and Zac Manyim with Gwendolyn Davies and Jim Killam | Holding ...

Through the Gift of God’s Word, the Sick Are Healed

She prayed, hoping God would hear her. And though she wasn’t sure if God was really there, he heard her ...

In South Asia, God’s Word Brings Healing and Freedom

“Many times, I wanted to end my life,” Talin* remembers ...

How might God call me to be part of someone else’s MPD journey?

Although advocacy was a relatively new concept, my husband and I  wanted to come alongside her in her journey ...

Polycentric Mission Leadership: Toward A New Theoretical Model for Global Leadership  

This book, by an author who has devoted his adult life to Christian missions, offers a “new” model for mission ...

Bible Translation Equips Everyday Evangelists to Share the Gospel

Caritina Gutierrez Gutierrez..DOB: 2-18-47..Lives in San Blas Atempa, Oaxaca..Married at age 17, 7 sons ...

Missional vs Missions with a S? with Michael Goheen

How churches were affected by the pandemic and what church renewal in the Netherlands might look like ...

Women Missing in Church History: Filling Out the Historical Record – Week 11

Week 11 - A Taste of Chapter 9: Faith Missionaries, Evangelists and Church Founders ...

Webinar: Organization Initiatives for Sexual Wholeness

Christianity Today’s Morgan Lee walks you through what you need to know to make compelling audio in a world where ...

Women Missing in Church History: Filling Out the Historical Record – Week 10

Week 10 - A Taste of Chapter 8: Denominational Missionaries and Bible Women ...

A Story of God At Work in Africa

I could watch people going out, rejoicing in what God has given to them. I was like the only dry ...

Women Missing in Church History: Filling Out the Historical Record – Week 9

Week 9 - A Taste of Chapter 7: Social Justice Activists ...

Women Missing in Church History: Filling Out the Historical Record – Week 8

Week 8 - Women Missing in Church History: Filling Out the Historical Record - Week 8 ...

Women Missing in Church History: Filling Out the Historical Record – Week 7

Week 7 - Women Missing in Church History: Filling Out the Historical Record - Week 7 ...

The Spirituality of (year-end) Fundraising

It is no secret in the nonprofit world that year-end giving makes a significant impact on annual budgets, sometimes up ...

Women Missing in Church History: Filling Out the Historical Record – Week 6

Week 6 - Women Missing in Church History: Filling out the Historical Record - Week 6 ...

Mobilizing Gen Z: Challenges and Opportunities for the Global Age of Missions       

This book discusses the work of mobilizing Gen Z (young people born between 1996 and 2010) for global ministry in ...

Women Missing in Church History: Filling Out the Historical Record – Week 5

Week 5 - A Taste of Chapter 3: Mothers, Sisters, Empresses, and Queens ...

2021 Missions Staffing Numbers

Home office, short-term field and long-term field staffing data for 367 organizations ...

2021 Missions Founding

Data on the dates of missions organization founding ...

2021 Missions Activities

Data overview of missions organization activities ...

Leadership in Turbulent Times 

This book, by Pulitzer winning author Doris Kearns Goodwin, is a brilliant study in leadership ...

Women Missing in Church History: Filling Out the Historical Record – Week 4

Week 4 - A Taste of Chapter 2: Virgins, Scholars, Desert Mothers, and Deacons ...

Contemporary Research on Global Christianity

In just seven chapters and under 150 pages, World Christianity and the Unfinished Task provides a broad overview of the ...

The Promise of the Open Generation

By Daniel Copeland and Alyce Youngblood | In Barna’s largest generational study to date, we contemplated what it means to ...

Inviting Gen Z to Serve

By Amanda Roozeboom | Short-term missions trips that are thoughtfully planned and executed can be an important way to welcome ...

A Balanced Framework

By Tim Crouch with Mark and Cinda Wood | Teams working in cross-cultural contexts face formidable challenges. The balanced framework ...

Transforming Frames of Marginalization

By John Trotter | To what degree has society’s frame of reference on disability shaped the Church, ministries, and perceptions ...

Go Digital Before It’s Too Late

By Andrew Feng and Nick Wu | Many missions organizations face two significant problems: limited capacity and ineffective stewardship. Embracing ...

Do Missions Conferences Matter?

By Evi Rodemann | Missions conferences around the world have played an important part in mobilising young people into long-term ...

Gen Z and Global Missions: Allies or Enemies

By Ruth Hubbard | Gen Z has several positive and negative characteristics that may affect their willingness and motivation to ...

Three Strategies for Engaging Gen Z in Missions

By Jolene Erlacher | The people who comprise Gen Z in North America are growing up in a post-Christian society ...

Costly: Non-Negotiables in Relating to Nationals and Persecution

Executive Leadership Track | Workshop Set 4 Thursday, September 29, 2022 15:45 PM Description Primary Audience Missionaries, mission agency leaders ...

Empower Your Global Worker with Modern Giving Technologies

Information Technology | Workshop Set 3 Thursday, September 29, 2022 13:45 PM Description Primary Audience CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CTOs, Directors, ...

Essential Keys to a Mobilized Church

Local Church Missions Essentials | Workshop Set 4 Thursday, September 29, 2022 15:45 PM Description Primary Audience Pastors, mission pastors, ...

Getting Started in Planned Giving

Development Track | Workshop Set 4 Thursday, September 29, 2022 15:45 PM Description Primary Audience Development professionals interested in planned ...

How to Mobilize Your Senior Pastor and Church Staff for Missions (Combined)

Local Church Missions Essentials | Workshop Set 3 Thursday, September 29, 2022 13:45 PM Description Primary Audience Church mission leaders: ...

Ukraine Ministry Update

Global Strategies Track | Workshop Set 3 Thursday, September 29, 2022 13:45 PM Description Primary Audience Those wanting to learn ...

What Research Reveals about Generation Z

By Patricia Savage | As we at OneHope researched characteristics of Gen Z youth across the world, we discovered they ...

Helping Generation Z Flourish and be Catalysts for God’s Mission

By René and Sarah Breuel with Mary Tindall | When we thoughtfully engage younger generations in a whole story gospel, ...

Bringing Open Hearts to Engage Generation Z

By James Choung with Mary Tindall | Generational theory helps us understand generations as distinct cultures. This demystifies how we ...

Good to Great: 7 Principles to Maximize your STM Impact

Short-term Missions Track | Workshop Set 1 Wednesday, September 28, 2022 15:45 PM Description Primary Audience Mission trip organizers & ...

Apostolic Imagination: Recovering a Biblical Vision for the Church’s Mission Today       

This book argues that the “Church has ventured away from the apostolic path and continues down a road involving numerous ...

STM: Standards Introductory Workshop – Part 1

Pre-Conference Session | Tuesday, September 27, 2022 13:00 PM Description Primary Audience Church and organizational staff, mission committee members, and ...

Women Missing in Church History: Filling Out the Historical Record – Week 3

Week 3 - A Taste of Chapter 1: Patrons, Missionaries, Apostles, Widows, and Martyrs ...

No Choice Network & Church Renewal with Missie Nederland

How churches were affected by the pandemic and what church renewal in the Netherlands might look like ...

Women Missing in Church History: Filling Out the Historical Record – Week 2

Week 2 - Pursuing Partnership series: Filling out the Historical Record with Women in the Mission Of the Church ...

What Is the Minimum Training Needed to Be Effective?

What defines effective? Obviously that they have the money needed. But it ALSO includes a healthy perspective of inviting partners ...

Equipping Global Workers to Tell Their Stories

Making video stories for supporters has never been easier! By using the smartphone in your pocket, you can capture the ...

Webinar: A New Word: Redeploying Returning Missionaries among Diaspora People

“Convergence”. This term is used in strategic innovation to look at the way things combine to create a new reality… ...

Women Missing in Church History: Filling Out the Historical Record – Week 1

Week 1 - Pursuing Partnership series: Filling out the Historical Record with Women in the Mission Of the Church ...

How to Be Spiritually Healthy, Vision-Driven and Fully Funded

“Spiritually Healthy, Vision-Driven, and Fully funded” – You have heard these words numerous times, but what do they mean?  ...

Diverse Mission Initiatives

Missio Nexus is seeking to more deeply engage in partnership with the ethnically and racially diverse missions community across North ...

Bringing the New and the Need Together  

Innovation is a NEW solution that generates VALUE for the provider and the people who NEED it ...

40-Day Devotional Series: Counting the Cost

This year, the theme for our annual conference is Counting the Cost. To accompany this theme we put together a 40-day ...

Invaluable Investment: Counting the Complex Costs of Bible Translation 

By Mart Green | The translated Word of God is regarded as one of the greatest evangelizing tools in existence ...

Creating Passion?

A variety of messages are flowing from pulpits that, while cloaked in Biblical language, do not represent a Kingdom perspective ...

8 Lessons Learned in 80 Years of Bible Translation

By Jennifer Holloran | Much has changed since Wycliffe Bible Translators was founded in 1942. But our calling has remained ...

Equipping the Church for Church-Centric Bible Translation

By Natalia Piroshenko and Sofia Ivanov with Lincoln Brunner | When local churches own and run Bible translation projects, communities ...

The Jesus Factor

By A. Steven Evans | Jesus was a master storyteller. Oral Bible storying follows his example and makes scripture accessible ...

Oral Bible Translation is Key to Seeing Scripture in Every Language

By Swapna Alexander, Bryan Harmelink, and Youngshin Kim, with Jim Killam | Literacy does not need to be a necessary ...

Journey With Me

Lamp’s book provides a basic introduction to foundational spiritual disciplines and practices that are critical for all believers, but especially ...

Solving the Consultant Dilemma

By Brigitte Rabarijaona | Bible translation consultants’ expertise and skills are pivotal in ensuring quality translations. The current shortage of ...

Collaboration in Bible Translation

By Paul Kimbi and Sarah Starrenburg | Scripture translation is experiencing unprecedented progress as a result of a determined commitment ...

Multilingualism and Ministry

By Kyle Harris | Missionaries involved in all aspects of ministry from church planting to discipleship to Bible translation must ...

The Landscape of Bible Translation in the 21st Century

By Phil King and Dick Kroneman | The rich and diverse landscape of Bible translation, today, brings together past wisdom ...

Turning Points in the Expansion of Christianity      

This book is about the history of the expansion of Christianity across geographical, cultural, ethnic, and religious boundaries ...

Contextualized Training for Non-Western Audiences

By God’s grace, I’ve had the privilege of training global missionaries in personal support raising on five continents ...

Baptisms in Middle East

During a training and preparation visit this month in Dubai, some of our Area Strategy Team leaders were invited by ...

How to Help Underfunded Staff

For whatever reason, support-raising brings so many emotional extremes to our lives. From the highs of seeing God provide in ...

Not Called: Recovering the Biblical Framework of Divine Guidance      

This book appeals to a fresh look at the biblical data on the concept of vocational call, comparing differing definitions ...

Passionate Persistence

The relational world we live in is governed by social norms and etiquette that shape our decisions more than I ...

Transformational Heart Change Through MPD

Raising up a team of partners is a journey and process, not just a process of connecting with people and ...

Agency Mobilizer Training Survey Report

"As I have observed the mobilization landscape over the past few years and endeavor to provide resources for missions mobilizers, ...

Webinar: Peer 2 Peer for Marketing and Communications Staff: Harvesting Those Ripe Fields – Digital Marketing for the Kingdom

Digital marketing is a very effective way to expand the reach of your ministry. But today's digital media landscape is ...

14 Reasons to Attend Counting the Cost

The Mission Leaders Conference is an annual event hosted by Missio Nexus. This annual event is the largest gathering of ...

Webinar: Risk in Missions – Practical insights for Agencies and Churches

Risk in missions is something we take very seriously.  This year the On Mission virtual conference is dedicated to the ...

60+ Expert-Led Sessions in 12 Workshop Tracks

From executive leadership, development, and global strategies, to people care, mobilization, and training, there is a workshop track for everyone ...

Personalized Missionary Prayer

What a heart-breaking tragedy to have fine young men wiped out at an advanced post by enemy fire simply through ...

Today’s Missions in the Latin American Social Revolution

No one questions that our world of today is an exciting place to live. It has been called by many ...

Global Missions and Risk

The graphic shows how churches and mission organizations approach risk and what issues are the most important for their context ...

Embrace Your Humanity: What to Write When It’s Not Butterflies and Rainbows

2020 was a hard year for us all. It was an especially hard year for writing newsletters and knowing what ...

Help! How to Renew Stale Vision

Paper, glue, and markers lay scattered around the table as we crafted cards for the Church’s partner ministries ...

7 Ways to Pray for Muslims during Ramadan

24/7 prayer campaign There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world and a good majority of them remain unreached by ...

Join the Global Movement Praying for Muslims during Ramadan

While Muslims fast and intentionally seek Allah for 30 days, we invite you to pray for them during this significant ...

Member Care: Loving Those We’ve Sent

By Heather Pubols | How can organizations and churches adequately care for a globally based workforce? Around 30 men and ...

All Creation Groans: Toward a Theology of Disease and Global Health

Edited by Daniel O’Neil and Beth Snodderly. Reviewed by Mark A. Strand, professor, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota ...

Institutional Intelligence: How to Build an Effective Organization

By Gordon T. Smith. Reviewed by Tim Pewett who has been serving for almost a decade in theological education and ...

Attempt Great Things for God: Theological Education in Diaspora

By Chloe T. Sun. Reviewed by Bob Bagley, associate executive director of Global Partners ...

A Guide for Member Care Engagement

By Harry Hoffman | There are four different member care roles: the member care beginner, member care provider, member care ...

Spiritual Miscarriage: The Death of a Vision

By Brenda Bosch | Spiritual miscarriage occurs when a vision in your spirit that leads to much preparation and passion, ...

Safe Harbor: The Role of Hospitality in Member Care

By Celeste Allen | When workers are overwhelmed and tired they need someplace to get away and catch their breath ...

From Ministry Call to Home Call: The State of Member Care in India

By Isac Soundararaja | In India the challenges and the unmet needs of over 60,000 Christian workers and their children ...

Diaspora in Detroit

Unreached People in Detroit ...

Missionary Care from a Latin American Perspective

By Paulo Feniman | Missionary care (or member care) is frequently viewed in western cultures in the context of supervision ...

Member Care from an Asian Perspective

By Belinda Ng | The specific and unique needs of workers in the Asian context continue to be challenging in ...

Towards Contextualization of Member Care

By Sampson Dorkunor | Care for the Lord’s workers is a challenge for missionary leaders around the world. Yet worker’s ...

Building and Leading Culturally Diverse Teams

By Galen Burkholder and Tefera Bekere | Here are four keys to building and leading a strong culturally diverse team ...

Fostering Sexual Wholeness: Breaking Silence to Defeat Shame

By Dennis Martin | As missionaries, the fear of consequences for sexual brokenness, often labeled as moral failure, makes it ...

How to Make a Successful Missionary

By Curtis McGown | I want to share with you what we have found to help you succeed whether you ...

Best Practices for Church-Based Missionary Care

By Lori Rogers and David Wilson | Today, missionaries have unprecedented access to communications tools. And yet, missionaries experience more ...

Oikos Care: Caring for Our Missionaries by Caring Through Our Missionaries

By Pam Arlund, Mary Ho, and Peggy Spiers | What would member care look like if we, as senders and ...

Growing Your Church’s Capacity for Meaningful Member Care

By Ivan Liew | Building a church’s ability to provide member care to future and existing missionaries involves charting both ...

Beyond ‘Paying and Praying:’ Engaging the Church in Member Care

By Rene Rossouw | Many churches love to boast about their missionaries and their involvement in the nations, while they ...

Critical Missions Conversations

We asked some critical questions to mission leaders at the Mission Leaders Conference ...

Member Care in Nigerian Missions

By Adegbite Olanihun | As the Nigerian Church wakes up to her global missions responsibility, addressing member care issues becomes ...

Diaspora in Detroit

Unreached People in Detroit ...

All Creation Groans: Toward a Theology of Disease and Global Health

Edited by Daniel O’Neil and Beth Snodderly. Reviewed by Mark A. Strand, professor, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota ...

Institutional Intelligence: How to Build an Effective Organization

By Gordon T. Smith. Reviewed by Tim Pewett who has been serving for almost a decade in theological education and ...

Attempt Great Things for God: Theological Education in Diaspora

By Chloe T. Sun. Reviewed by Bob Bagley, associate executive director of Global Partners ...

A Guide for Member Care Engagement

By Harry Hoffman | There are four different member care roles: the member care beginner, member care provider, member care ...

Spiritual Miscarriage: The Death of a Vision

By Brenda Bosch | Spiritual miscarriage occurs when a vision in your spirit that leads to much preparation and passion, ...

Safe Harbor: The Role of Hospitality in Member Care

By Celeste Allen | When workers are overwhelmed and tired, they need someplace to get away and catch their breath ...

From Ministry Call to Home Call: The State of Member Care in India

By Isac Soundararaja | In India the challenges and the unmet needs of over 60,000 Christian workers and their children ...

Missionary Care from a Latin American Perspective

By Paulo Feniman | Missionary care (or member care) is frequently viewed in western cultures in the context of supervision ...

Member Care from an Asian Perspective

By Belinda Ng | The specific and unique needs of workers in the Asian context continue to be challenging in ...

Towards Contextualization of Member Care

By Sampson Dorkunor | Care for the Lord’s workers is a challenge for missionary leaders around the world. Yet worker’s ...

Building and Leading Culturally Diverse Teams

By Galen Burkholder and Tefera Bekere | Here are four keys to building and leading a strong culturally diverse team ...

Fostering Sexual Wholeness: Breaking Silence to Defeat Shame

By Dennis Martin | As missionaries, the fear of consequences for sexual brokenness, often labeled as moral failure, makes it ...

How to Make a Successful Missionary

By Curtis McGown | I want to share with you what we have found to help you succeed whether you ...

Best Practices for Church-Based Missionary Care

By Lori Rogers and David Wilson | Today, missionaries have unprecedented access to communications tools. And yet, missionaries experience more ...

Oikos Care: Caring for Our Missionaries by Caring Through Our Missionaries

By Pam Arlund, Mary Ho, and Peggy Spiers | What would member care look like if we, as senders and ...

Growing Your Church’s Capacity for Meaningful Member Care

By Ivan Liew | Building a church’s ability to provide member care to future and existing missionaries involves charting both ...

Beyond ‘Paying and Praying:’ Engaging the Church in Member Care

By Rene Rossouw | Many churches love to boast about their missionaries and their involvement in the nations, while they ...

Member Care in Nigerian Missions

By Adegbite Olanihun | As the Nigerian Church wakes up to her global missions responsibility, addressing member care issues becomes ...

Member Care: Loving Those We’ve Sent

By Heather Pubols | How can organizations and churches adequately care for a globally based workforce? Around 30 men and ...

The 4 Phases in a Disaster

Ted Esler As the war unfolds in Ukraine, ministries are responding. It is not hard for me to imagine what ...

Global Bible Translation

Unprecedented advances in technology, innovation and collaboration among the global church are accelerating the pace of Bible translation like never ...

Baptisms in the Middle East

By Bucky Elliott During a training and preparation visit this month in the Middle East, some of our Area Strategy ...

9 Ways to Pray for Ukraine

Lack of knowledge about women in church history is problematic for many reasons. The old phrase “Those who don’t know ...

9 Ways to Pray for Ukraine

Lack of knowledge about women in church history is problematic for many reasons. The old phrase “Those who don’t know ...

Building a Solid Foundation in MPD

Look, I get it. You have finally wrapped your mind around the idea that you will be raising monthly support ...

New Resource for Missions Collaboration and Communications

Long-time Missio Nexus friend, Phill Butler has just completed a new resource website ( with 140+ articles and 30+ videos ...

God’s Perfect Timing

During the March 2020 medical training in India, we had little time to think about the COVID-19 virus.  Evenings in ...

Bandersnatch: C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and the Creative Collaboration of the Inklings

The Inklings were a group of authors who met and critiqued each others work. J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were ...

Organizational Effectiveness

Missio Nexus is announcing a new partnership with The Global Center for Non-Profit Excellence! As part of our Improve initiatives ...

Roundup #280

Saudi Arabia's once-feared morality police have been sidelined and lost influence ...

Connect to Mission Increase

Connect to Mission Increase a strategic partner of Missio Nexus: God has given your organization a vision for His glory ...

Leadership Profile: An Interview with Dr. Sandra Glahn

Over the next few months we will continue our weekly Pursuing Partnership series with an exploration of the impact of ...

BLF Ministries (BLF USA) changes name to Synergie Francophone to reflect new generation of ministry

Wheaton, Illinois, December 2021 – The Board of Directors of BLF Ministries voted to change its name to Synergie Francophone ...

Diaspora in Vancouver

Unreached People in Vancouver ...

Diaspora in Vancouver

Unreached People in Vancouver ...

What I’ve Learned About Radical, Selfless Living — From Russian Pastors

Have you noticed how self-absorbed we’ve become in America? ...

Jesus Centered: Focusing on Jesus in A Distracted World

Steve Brown invites us on a genuine journey with Jesus, a needed focus in the distracted world of “so much going on.” His ...

The Strategic Nature of International Student Ministry

Many people ask me why international student ministry is such an efficient way to reach the world for Christ. There ...

Fanning The Flame in Missouri

In the Spring of 2021, the Western Missouri Operation Andrew Project began with Director of Missions Woody Wilson and churches ...

7 Simple, Yet Powerful, Principles to Empower Your Ministry

I’ll be honest. Raising financial support for my ministry is not one of my favorite things to do. I’ve discovered ...

Beyond Poverty: Multiplying Sustainable Community Development

This book presents key principles, cases studies, and proven strategies for catalyzing movements that multiply disciples while lifting whole communities ...

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know

This book is an invitation to let go of knowledge and opinions that are no longer serving you well, and ...

Mission Mobilizer Training Survey

Dear Mobilization Leader,Your ministry and leadership in mobilization does not go unseen. We value what you do and want to ...

Is Crisis Communications the ‘Redheaded Stepchild’ in Your Crisis Planning?

Crisis Communications is what I call the overlooked “redheaded stepchild” of crisis management ...

4 Characteristics of a GREAT MPD Coach

My husband, Mark, and I hadn’t even graduated from college when we began raising our support in 1995. What we ...

Mission Agency Fundraising Report

During 2020 and 2021 Missio Nexus has been endeavoring to help mission agencies have access to additional resources in the ...

Webinar: Educational support for families: Can your agency achieve its goals without it?

For many years, the mindset of missions has been for leaders to be “hands-off” regarding the education of the children ...

Diaspora in Greater Chicago

Unreached People in Greater Chicago ...

I won’t come down…

This is part one of a two part article series. This first article shares the support raisers experience. The second ...

Growing Numbers Adopting Media Strategies to Make Disciples

The Vision: Leveraging Media to Start Disciple-Making Movements ...

Finding Workers Reaching Frontier People Groups

Frontier People Groups, or FPGs, are those unreached groups who have fewer than 0.1% Christians of any kind among them ...

The Innovation Crisis, Creating Disruptive Influence in the Ministry You Lead

Throughout The Innovation Crisis, Ted Esler utilizes thoughtful reflection, conversational narrative, and historical and present-day examples to drive home the ...

Friendship with God: Discover God’s Relational Presence and Receive Peace, Identity, and Purpose for Your Life

Are you tired of feeling spiritually bored and disconnected from God? Do you have an underlying dissatisfaction in your relationship with ...

Growing a Heart Filled With Gratitude

“The joy of the Lord is my strength!” (Nehemiah 8:10). This was my mantra as a teen and young adult ...

Missiology for Missions Pastors

Missio Nexus is curating a book about the challenges and opportunities that local church missions pastors face. This page is ...

Re-Thinking Mobilization

By Jenn Williamson ...

The Virtual Journeys

The journeys with and by the Short-Term Mission (STM) desk at International Ministries took volunteers, podcast guests and subscribers to ...

Honor, Shame, and the Gospel: An Update

Tune in for a conversation with the authors of the new book 𝘏𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘳, 𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘮𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘎𝘰𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘭 ...

Virtual Missions Trips

How the pandemic opened the doors to a new kind of advocacy ...

MPD and Non-MPD Staff: A Clear Call and United Front

When talking about support raising, I try whenever possible to stay away from the words “fundraising” and “donor“when describing support ...

Ted Esler on the Mission Minded Podcast

Ted recently appeared on the Mission Minded Podcast. This interview provides some background on Ted's ministry, how he got engaged ...

It’s All About Perspective

When talking about support raising, I try whenever possible to stay away from the words “fundraising” and “donor“when describing support ...

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: Past, Present and Future of the Perspectives Study Program

Join a conversation about the past, present, and future of the Perspectives Study Program ...

Diaspora in Greater Los Angeles

Unreached People in Greater Los Angeles ...

Join the Globally Engaged Churches Track

Church missions leaders know well, especially after the last couple of years, that the one constant in life is change ...

Roundup 246

Covid-19 is impacting missions and missionaries ...

Roundup #242

Events, Data, Analysis, Future Trends impacting work among the unreached ...

Webinar: Know Yourself and Know Your Audience

Simon Sinek says, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” ...

Five Essential Anchors for MPD

My father was a ship fitter at the US’s first Naval Shipyard, that included everything for the fabrication and repairs ...

Coaching—Perseverance and Permission

“Coaching makes all the difference.” ...

Charitable Giving In a Post Covid World

Join a conversation about the why, what and how of investing in kingdom enterprises ...

Day 26 – Sherry Thomas

Part of the Black Missionary Heroes Past and Present Devotional Series ...

How Getting to Full Support Changed Me as a Coach

It is stated in three simple words – get fully funded. You are a leader, a coach, a trainer, and, ...

Diaspora in Greater Toronto Area

Unreached People in the New York Metro Area ...

Day 6 – Lott Carey

Part of the Black Missionary Heroes Past and Present Devotional Series ...

Operation World

Learn about the history and the future of the definitive global prayer handbook ...

Will Churches Prioritize Missions in 2021?

A friend of mine that served with me as an intern many years ago recently asked me, “Are you finding ...

Come Work With Us

Missio Nexus is looking for part-time or full-time staff for a number of roles. Come join us! ...

A Free Resource to Grow Your Ministry

How to grow healthy faith for yourself and others. Missio Nexus is partnering with Soul Shepherding to provide you with ...

Barbara Bowman

Creating a Culture of Philanthropy; Developing Partnerships with Major Donors and Foundations ...

Is There a Roadmap for Making Support Raising Sustainable?

Three years ago our organization started with this question: How can personal support raising be sustainable for everyone? ...

I Attended SRS Bootcamp, But Now I’m Stuck!

“I loved the SRS Bootcamp and learned a lot. I read the book, studied the scripture, and invested financially into ...

New Member Benefit: Missio Nexus Bible Certificate Program

Missio Nexus has partnered with BibleMesh to create a new certificate program designed to meet the requirements for theological preparation ...

The Post-Quarantine Church: Six Urgent Challenges + Opportunities That Will Determine the Future of Your Congregation

The book is written as a result of the author’s blogs, webinars, and church consultations with “tens of thousands of ...

Millennials and MPD: What I Have Learned Coaching New Staff in Support Raising

Support Raising for ethnic minorities usually conjures up words like shame and honor. But no longer are these terms relegated ...

Roundup #229

More Tigray war and more violence in Africa, China's travel QR codes, refugees in USA, more ...

All Nations International Commemorates its 27th Anniversary

All Nations International Commemorates its 27th Anniversary ...

Rocket Fuel: The One Essential Combination That Will Get You More of What You Want from Your Business

This book put forth a simple thesis. The authors suggest that the best run organizations have a visionary leader and ...

Mobilizing Communities of Color – Resources

This list of books, articles, and messages was compiled on the recommendation of participants in the 24 Plus event, Mobilizing ...

The Awakening Nigerian Missions Movement

Awakening, challenges and opportunities of the Nigerian missions movement ...

Ethnic Minority Support Raising is an Untapped Goldmine for Your MPD!

Support Raising for ethnic minorities usually conjures up words like shame and honor. But no longer are these terms relegated ...

Finding Your People—How Friendship Contributes to Sanctification

One afternoon, I was coaching a small group as we did a team-building ropes course, and everyone (including me!) was ...

Finance Webinar Series: Navigating the Shifting Sands of the PPP Loan Forgiveness Application

Finance Webinar Series: Accountability with a Small Staff and a Small Budget ...

Innovation Lab Survey

We are planning to partner with The Seeds Innovation Lab, a ministry of Missio Nexus member Pioneers, to deliver a ...

When to Say “No” to Raising Support

When I met Jessie, everything indicated he would be a star in his ministry. The ministry he was aiming for ...

How to Revitalize Global Ministry and Engage the Church with Stories

Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they ...

Mission Fields to Mission Forces

Matthew Ellison and Ted Esler chat with Gideon and Sarah, African American missionaries to North Africa, about how many missions ...

Does Africa Need More Bible Colleges?

As I travel around East Africa and North America for my work, I meet many generous and visionary church members, ...

How to Get the Most Out of Your Coaching Experience

Since 2010 I have trained hundreds of missionaries in partnership development and during this time there has not been a ...

2019 Missions Data Summary Report

Overview Data Infographic: This overview is available for all member agencies ...

Roundup #223

#223 - October 9, 2020 By Justin Long See archives & subscribe here. Don't Miss BEYOND NUGGET TRAINING: MULTIPLYING GOSPEL ...

Finance Webinar Series: Accountability with a Small Staff and a Small Budget

Finance Webinar Series: Accountability with a Small Staff and a Small Budget ...

Equipping Indigenous Workers

The world is changing, but the gospel remains the same. And every day, God is at work in central and ...

Diaspora in New York Metro

Unreached People in the New York Metro Area ...

Beyond Hospitality: Migration, Multiculturalism, and the Church

This edited volume sees Canada as a mosaic (“where, when intermingled, distinct individual pieces complete the whole”) and challenges the ...

How to Raise Financial Support for your Church Plant

Make sure you look at the previous post first which gives the WHY of raising financial support for your church ...

How Missionaries Mobilize Others

In our latest research here at the Center for Missionary Mobilization and Retention, we interviewed 14 missionary candidates from two ...

Excelerate Award Presented to YouVersion

The Excelerate Award celebrates excellence, innovation, and partnership ...

Next Harvest Blessing with Cyrena Dennison

Cyrena Denniston was presented with a distinction we’re calling the Next Harvest Blessing ...

The Task of Mission In Light of a Recent Discovery in the New Testament

Presented by Bob Blincoe, President of Frontiers USA ...

Enabling Collaboration Through Technology

Saturday | 9:00 AM | Joseph Vijayam ...

Collaboration: Rooting for Your Rivals

Thursday | 3:45 PM | Peter Greer ...

Innovative Approaches to Global Collaboration

Wednesday | 3:45 PM | Kärin Butler Primuth ...

Standards Introductory Workshop – Part 1 and 2

Tuesday | 1:00 - 9:00 PM | Kathy Mort ...

To Send or Not to Send?

We talk with President of Frontiers USA, Bob Blincoe. Bob will shed light on whether or not churches should still ...

You’re Invited! The Mobilized Church – Keys to Unlock Missions Potential

themobilizedchurch Has your church’s unique, God-given potential to reach the nations been UNLOCKED? Join Sixteen:Fifteen for our interactive experience…The Mobilized ...

Flexible Planning in Missions Construction

Hopitale Baptiste Bibilque - Tsiko, Togo Flexible Planning in Missions ConstructionBy: Tim Hunsicker, AIA, NCARB, EDACABWE International Project Office You ...

What do we mean by facilitation?

The world is changing, but the gospel remains the same. And every day, God is at work in central and ...

Webinar: Spiritual Formation Integration for Ministry Leaders

Description: Spiritual formation integration is a foundational element of a healthy and thriving ministry, but it is often one of ...

Alliance for the Unreached Names Dr. Marvin J. Newell as New Executive Director

Marv Newell, new executive director of The International Day for the Unreached ( ...

8 Tips on Writing Newsletters that Rock

I’ve observed that most missionaries struggle with one of two things when writing their prayer and update newsletters. Either they ...

Webinar: Charitable Giving in the Wake of COVID-19

Description: What is the role of the Global Church in creating a world without orphans? How can we accomplish this ...

Innovation in the Mission Field

We talk with missions innovator Andrew Scott, of Scatter Global, who sounds a call for a new era of missions ...

Learned Helplessness

Dread. That’s what I felt before my weekly check-in as an MPD coach with this staff. The litany of excuses, ...

An Open Letter to the Christian Family about Generosity to Our Missionaries

I (Tim) had a world-changing meeting at Cracker Barrell recently. I was privileged to sit down with a young couple ...

Leading Without Authority: How the New Power of Co-Elevation Can Break Down Silos, Transform Teams, and Reinvent Collaboration

In this book, the authors lay out a case for what they call “co-elevation” (this book introduces new words throughout ...

The Price of Effectiveness: What Organizational Change Actually Costs

In 1919, Texas Baptists began a ministry for college students. Our first Baptist Student Ministries (BSM) was planted at Texas ...

Diversity on the Mission Field

Join Ted and Matthew as they discuss "Diversity on the Mission Field" with guest Pastor Adrian Reeves ...

National African American Missions Conference Report – Day 2

photo credit: Rebecca Hopkins. Caption: Church members and staff from Christian nonprofits gathered for prayer for racial healing in June ...

Missions Trends in a Post COVID-19 World

This episode of the Mission Matters looks at missions trends in a post COVID-19 world with guest Amy Young from ...

Supreme Court on Bostock v. Clayton County: Implications and Guidance for Faith-Based Organizations

by Joseph Brown, Esq. and Theresa Lynn Sidebotham, Esq. On June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States ...

Out-Innovate: How Global Entrepreneurs–from Delhi to Detroit–Are Rewriting the Rules of Silicon Valley

In Silicon Valley innovation happens because of a robust and supportive “ecosystem,” a highly skilled labor pool, and an emphasis ...

Looking Beyond the Class

At first, the words were faint, harmlessly percolating in my mind, but a question soon formed and draped over my ...

How Do You Meet Face-to-Face?

Survival Guide to Raising Support During the Coronavirus – Part 5 ...

Martyrdom on a Mission

On this episode Matthew and Ted are joined by Pam Arlund, and will look at the recent sacrifice of the ...


Survival Guide to Raising Support During the Coronavirus – Part 4 ...

How Do I Raise Support Right Now?

Survival Guide to Raising Support During the Coronavirus – Part 3 ...

Identity, Security, and Community

By Dick Brogden Jeddah, KSA. November 2019 Synopsis: God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all ...

2019 – 2020 Webinars

Here is a list of our past and current webinars for your easy access: Five Directions to Guide Investing Your ...

Should I Even Be Raising Support Right Now?

Survival Guide to Raising Support During the Coronavirus – Part 2 ...

Missio Nexus Podcast Episode 57 – Final Podcast, New Beginnings

Today we introduce The Mission Matters Podcast. We are excited to announce this partnership with 1615. Full information about the ...

Webinar: From City to Shore: Jesus Film Project is Seeking to Equip the Global Church

Description: From city to shore and jungle to township, Jesus Film Project® is providing captivating media tools and strategies to ...

Survival Guide to Raising Support During the Coronavirus – Part 1

(This is Part 1 in our series as we look at heart postures and strategies for connecting with ministry partners ...

Fundraising in a COVID-19 Era

The Mission Matters is a partnership of Misso Nexus and Sixteen:Fifteen Missions Coaching. Our subject today is Fundraising In a ...

COVID-19 Resources

Updated Nov. 10, 2020 Articles:No every organization is NOT a startup by Ted EslerFunding fall out from COVID-19 by Ted ...

Short-Term Agency COVID-19 Report

The following information was collected April 27 to May 5, 2020 through a Missio Nexus initiated survey in partnership with ...

Setting Your Focus

My wife homeschooled our children for a few years. She did a great job motivating our kids. She set an ...

My Anchor Holds – Hebrews 6:19-20 (TPT)

We want to pause a moment and just share a little Jesus together. Yes, we have tips and suggestions about ...

Building a Connected Missions Team

How to Involve Your Congregation to Expand Your Impact Building a missions team around global missions is essential not only ...

Mission Agency Church Engagement

By Jennifer Holloran (Chief Operating Officer, Wycliffe USA and Missio Nexus Board Member) On February 10-11, 2020, representatives from 23 ...

Coronavirus and Fundraising?

Question: With the Coronavirus pandemic shutting down much of the world, what can you do now in fundraising? Nothing? Wait until ...

COVID-19 Church Mission Leader Report

The following information was provided through a Missio Nexus initiated survey from April 8-14, 2020. Thirty-five churches of varying sizes ...

Wanna Go For a Sprint?

An MPD Sprint is a 30-45 day period in which full-time staff spend part-time (20 hours a week) in a ...

Webinar: Challenges in the N. American Church / Defining Mission

Description: In an age of deconstruction and rethinking, the Church should not be surprised to find itself confused by words ...

Mission Amid Global Crises: Academy, Agency, and Assembly Perspectives from Canada

This edited book presents Canadian reflections on understanding and practicing church mission in a time of multiple crises that impact ...

On Mission 2020 – On Demand

On Mission 2020 is still available to watch! Check out - On Mission On Demand Watch the full broadcast, or ...

Let’s Develop Sound Missiology for International Student Reentry

Fatima was hostile to the Gospel, attending Christian events and Bible studies on her US campus mostly to argue. Then ...

Webinar: Networking Practitioners Ministering Among The Muslim Diaspora in North America – An Initiative of The Vision 5:9 Network

How does one go about developing an online ministry network community from scratch? Are there coaches out there who lead ...

On Mission 2020 Dave and Lorene Wilson

Dave & Lorene Wilson - Avant Ministries Engaging the Church in Missionary Mobilization & Transcript Discussion Questions Audio ...

On Mission 2020 Steve Leston

Steve Leston - To Every Tribe Church and Agency Partnerships for Stronger Mobilization Transcript Discussion Questions Audio and Video ...

On Mission 2020 Jeff Boesel

Jeff Boesel - OC International Partnership in Mobilization and Preparation Transcript Discussion Questions Audio and Video ...

Crossing Cultures: Preparing Strangers for Ministry in Strange Places

This is an overview of the preparation that cross-cultural church planters should consider before launching their ministry ...

Troubling Trends in the American Church

Research published by Charity Navigator found that at least 30% of all charitable giving in the U.S. happens during the ...

TEE in Asia

Edited by Hanna-Ruth van Wingerden, Tim Green, and Graham Aylett ...

Redeeming Technology for God’s Kingdom: The Mobile Ministry Forum

By Brian James, Clyde Taber, and Keith Williams ...

Notable Missionary Deaths in 2019

Bob Finley (May 2, 1922-March 22, 2019) Founder of International Students Inc., and Christian Aid Mission Born in Albemarle County, ...

Should I Consider an End of Year Campaign?

Research published by Charity Navigator found that at least 30% of all charitable giving in the U.S. happens during the ...

Organizational Resurrection: Where to Start When Your MPD Culture is Broken

Looking back at my personal history of starting new things versus finishing those same things, I am absolutely convinced it ...

Puppets Teach Values in Prisons and Schools

Why would you take a children’s puppet show to one of the most violent prisons in a country known for ...

Coaching Millennials in MPD Fundraising

Millennials, like other generations, have come to be known for the qualities which characterize them ...

Love the Listener, Then Share the Words?

The clash of cultures between Christianity and Islam weighs heavily in international affairs, but it takes on a very personal ...

Carpe Diem Redeemed: Seizing the Day, Discerning the Times

Life is short, and it can be as easily wasted as lived to the full. In these fast and superficial ...

Engaging STM Senders and Supporters

Thursday, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM | Randy Schmor ...

Enabling Collaboration Through Technology

Thursday, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM | Joseph Vijayam ...

The Only One: Living Fully In, By, And For God

This brand new book will be hot off the press sometime this month. One of the book endorsers, Kurt Nelson, ...

The Rise and Fall of Movements: A Roadmap for Leaders

Simply put, movements are the multiplication of disciples and churches. Drawing on both the ministry of Jesus and also reflections ...

China: Statistical Highlights

Statistical highlights that give us a glimpse of the current political situation and status of religion in China ...

Are You Bulldozing Your Appointments?

As a rookie support raiser, I was somehow able to get appointments before I had received much training. I’m not ...

Missio Nexus Podcast Episode 49 – USAID

In this episode Ted interviews USAID personnel Randy Tift and Diana Lighfoot ...

Three Fundraising Culs-de-sac: Extremely logical half-truths that take you in circles

Funding coaches and leaders need to be alert for three subtle fundraising “sayings.” These half-truths seem logical, but following them ...

Wang, Sophia

Sophia Wang ...

Funding Principles Go Beyond Borders

The perception exists in some Non-Westerners that the West are “rich,” and so it is easy for them to support ...

Dubwig, Lynn

Lynn Dubwig ...

The Mobilized Church Workshop: Keys to Unlock Missions Potential

Has your church’s unique, God-given potential to reach the nations been UNLOCKED? ...

Loonshots, How to Nurture the Crazy Ideas That Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries

Unlike so many leadership books published over the past two decades, this one emphasizes structure instead of culture as the ...

Burden vs. Load: Living in the Tension as a Coach

In Galatians 6:2 Paul says, “Carry each other’s burdens and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” ...

Packing a Parachute and Other Superpowers

About Our Facilitators Karen Hawkins Karen brings nearly 30 years of experience and a passion for the partnership between assistants ...

Where Are the African-American Missionaries?

There are some unique barriers many African-Americans face as it relates to fundraising ...

Jesus in the Secular World #2: Responding to Global Secularization Webinar

Description: Fueled by global secularization, the Global Youth Culture is largely influenced by one predominant worldview: Secular Humanism. In this ...

Mapping Church Missions: A Compass for Ministry Strategy

Description: The terrain of church missions is often bewildering. Should we prioritize evangelism or works of service? ...

Jesus in the Secular World #1: Understanding Global Secularization Webinar

Description: Global secularization, a trend closely tied to the globalization of culture among urban youth, presents a unique challenge to ...

2018 – 2019 Webinars

Mapping Church Missions: A Compass for Ministry Strategy - presented on May 2nd by Sharon R. Hoover, Director of Missions ...

Praying for Your Missionary: How Prayers from Home Can Reach the Nations

The author explores Scripture’s teachings on how to live a disciplined life while offering practical strategies for growth based on ...

International Grantmaking

Thursday, 3:30 - 4:45 PM | Ted Batson, Jr. & Matt Sheers ...

When Receivers Become Senders

Friday, 8:30 - 9:45 AM | Randy Schmor ...

Mobilizing From the Church’s Perspective

Friday, 3:30 - 4:45 PM | Matthew Ellison ...

A Vision for Becoming a Fully Mobilized Church

Friday, 1:30 - 2:45 PM | Todd Engstrom ...

MomentumYes: Going Deeper to Customize the Curriculum for Your Group

Friday, 3:30 - 4:45 PM | Lori Rogers & Mark Whited ...

Models of Church Engagement in Global Missions

Friday, 8:30 - 9:45 AM | Ed Stetzer ...

Strengthening Church-Agency Relationships

Thursday, 3:30 - 4:45 PM | Lisa Freyenberger Smart ...

OnMission 2019 OnDemand

OnMission 2019 is still available! Check out - OnMission OnDemand Watch the full broadcast, or access all the videos at ...

Dixon, Rob

Rob Dixon ...

Liew, Ivan

Ivan Liew ...

OnMission 2019 Jeff Neely

Jeff Neely Partnering Together with MBB's Vision 5:9 Discussion Questions Transcript Audio & Video ...

Latsko, Mike

Mike Latsko ...

Women in God’s Mission

In my research I have been astounded by this: when women encountering difficult gender hurdles choose forgiveness over bitterness, God ...

Author Interview: Mary Lederleitner

Mission researcher, Mary Lederleitner, interviewed and surveyed respected women in mission leadership from across the globe to gather their insights, ...

The Toronto Missions Hub: Anatomy of a Missions’ Mobilization Movement

Would it be like God to give His Body in America a prescient model and prophetic message for missions’ mobilization ...

Freed, Dick

Dick Freed ...

Voegt, Richard

Richard Voegt ...

Batson, Ted

Ted R. Batson, Jr ...

Schmor, Randy

Randy Schmor ...

Reiff, Stan

Stan Reiff ...

Jakosz, Frank

Frank Jakosz ...

Lederleitner, Mary

Mary Lederleitner ...

Sims, Tim

Tim Sims ...

Heerwagen, Brian

Brian Heerwagen ...

Wagenmaker, Sally

Sally Wagenmaker ...

Pierce, Aaron

Aaron Pierce ...

Hoover, Sharon

Sharon Hoover ...

Grumelot, Suzanne

Suzanne Grumelot ...

Capin, Gregg

Gregg Capin ...

Grados de asociación

La asociación es algo que anhelamos, pero a menudo nos cuesta definirlo. Las iglesias y organizaciones de América del Norte están ...

Moving Missions Beyond Simple Charity and Short-Term Fixes

Is your organization torn between conflicting needs and priorities? Are you using resources that are given to your organization, but ...

Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Unchartered Territory

Utilizing “on the map” and “off the map” as two ways that leaders must understand their challenge, Bolsinger challenges the ...

All Nations Letter to Missio Nexus Members

December 13, 2018 Dear Leader in the Missions and Ministry Community — Greetings to you from All Nations, in the ...

Rising Wave of Support for Unreached Peoples Brings Hope of Global Flood of New Believers

International Day for the Unreached drive gains further traction with addition of four new organizing partners, bringing years of Great Commission ...

How to Implement a Media Strategy to Reach Diaspora Peoples

“God”, “Hope”, “Bible”, “How do I get out of depression?” Every day millions seek out popular search engines for some of life’s deepest ...

Focus on Fruit! Movement Case Studies & Fruitful Practices

Movements belong to God. We see what God is doing to bear fruit and follow His lead. When we notice ...

Resource Library (draft)

Missionary Evaluation Form Partnership Agreement between a Canadian and US office Employee Handbook Samples Expense Report Policy Donation card Samples ...

Insights From Respected Women In God’s Mission

Presenter: Mary Lederleitner, Executive Director Missional Intelligence Description: There are a lot of books written about leadership generally, and leading ...

A Divine Tapestry

By Brent Fulton ...

Stewarding the Purpose Inside Your People

Presenter: Mark Stevenson, Founder and Practice Leader, Clarity for Christian Leaders Description: In this webinar, Mark will share with you ...

Global Gates

Interview with Chris Clayman co-founder of Global Gates Written by David Garrison - Mission Advisor for Church Planting David is ...

Welcoming the Stranger

Presenter: Matthew Soerens, US Director of Church Mobilization, World Relief Description: Refugee and immigration issues have dominated headlines globally recently ...

The House Church and World Missions: A Case Study

Leanne M. Dzubinski, Jacqueline Parke, and Christa L. McKirland ...

A Missionary Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Canadian Thanksgiving is Monday, October 8; American Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 22. These holidays present the ideal opportunity for those ...

Panel Discussion: Mobilization vs. Recruitment

Presented by: Dave and Lorene Wilson Description: So what's the difference between Mobilizing and Recruiting missionaries? Is missions just a ...

Understanding and Leading Generation Z in Short-term Missions

Presented by: Jolene Erlacher Description: Short attention spans, addiction to technology, and lack of interpersonal skills are a few of ...

How to Monitor the Quality of Cross-cultural Relationships

Presented by: Julie Green Description: Responsible leaders audit their finances to make sure everything is right and supporting their ends ...

From Mission Field to Mission Force Latinos Are Stepping Up

Presented by: Alexandra Zamora Description: Latin Americans are crucial members of the Body of Christ and are also called to ...

Screening and Vetting to Avoid Screaming and Venting

Presented by: Mary Rayburn Description: Embedding the Seven Standards of Excellence into the application/selection process will ensure that your short-term ...

President/CEO/ED as Fundraising Professional

Presented by: Kurt Nelson, Michael Johnson, Ed Weaver Description: Who is the Chief Development Officer in your organization? While an ...

Mobilizing in Tandem: the Church and the Agency Shoulder to Shoulder

Presented by: Steve Beirn Description: This workshop will address the foundation upon which you build an agency/church partnership and teamwork ...

Creating a Culture of Philanthropy: Leadership Take Notice!

Presented by: Barbara Bowman, Kristen Shuler Description: Often fundraising is limited more by organizational culture, structure, and systems than by ...

NOT Merger BUT Deep and Generous Collaboration

Presented by: Warren Janzen, Kirk Ogden Description: Is it possible to move past agency competition and really seek the best ...

General Session – David Pierce

Presented by: David Pierce Description: David Pierce talks about Partnership at the 2018 Mission Leaders Conference. Watch Listen Download Audio ...

Navigating the Landscape of Networks

Presented by: David Hackett Description: In today's interconnected world, networks are playing a key role to shape mission strategies and ...

Solving People Problems Through a Strategic Communications Plan

Presented by: Robin Schwartz Description: Robin will introduce a strategic approach to problem solving your communications challenges by assessing your ...

Truth in Advertising: Balancing Idealistic Recruiting and the Realities of Missionary Service

Presented by: John Gilberts Description: It's a tension all industries struggle withÉ Our leaders are pressuring mobilizers to grow the ...

The Mind of a Missionary: What Global Kingdom Workers Tell Us About Thriving on Mission Today

In this book David Joannes challenges the reader to find his/her role in God’s Kingdom narrative. He draws upon history, ...

State Charity Registration

What is State Charity Registration? Charity registration is state registration (required in 40 states) of charities that solicit funds in that ...

A Missionary Pipeline for your Church

Webinar Title: A Missionary Pipeline for your Church Webinar Description: Churches are busy places and church leaders are busy people ...

The Roles of Church and Mission in Crisis Management: Overlap? Competition? Cooperation?

Description: This webinar will look at the issues churches and missions face in responding to crises on the field. How ...

The Kingdom Unleashed: How Jesus’ 1st-Century Kingdom Values Are Transforming Thousands of Cultures and Awakening His Church

The authors identify the historical and worldview issues that hinder Kingdom movements in the West. By returning to these, we ...

Mission Networks

Networks are becoming one of the fastest growing platforms for leaders and practitioners to connect in the global missions community ...

Missio Nexus Podcast Episode 33: Dan Busby on Donor Advised Funds

In this episode Ted interviews Dan Busby about Donor Advised Funds: what are they and how are they helping or ...

Survival Guide for the Soul: How to Flourish Spiritually in a World that Pressures Us to Achieve

Ken Shigematsu posits that what keeps believers from flourishing in their spiritual lives is a neglect of the inner life ...

Equipping Missions for the Cultural Challenges of Singleness, Marriage & Sexuality

About Our Facilitators Barry N. Danylak, PhD Barry is a pastor, author and international speaker on the topic of singleness ...

Missio Nexus Podcast Episode 32: Samuel Chiang of the Seed Company

In this episode Ted interviews Samuel Chiang regarding their recent work on a survey called "Translating the Great Commission." ...

Bridges To Everywhere

By Mark Stebbins Nations Bridges Ever just stare at a bridge and admire it?  Most of us have had the experience ...

Double Duty Fundraising

This article was originally published for Support Raising Solutions by Steve D.  Raising personal support is its own brand of crazy, ...

Mission Leaders Conference

Video Transcript: The Missions Leader Conference is the largest event in North America designed specifically for those in Leadership and ...

Embellish Your Profile

At Missio Nexus we are honored to partner with you! Your membership includes a listing in our organizational directory which ...

Measure What Matters, How Google, Bono and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs

John Doerr argues that the simple strategy of deploying OKRs (objectives and key results) has the potential of transforming not ...

Practice What You Preach

This article was originally published for Support Raising Solutions by DeNail Sparks. I was riding with my local campus minister and ...

Insurance Updates

Missio Nexus is pursuing offering health insurance plans to members. As an association, we represent a community of about 32,000 ...

Toward Global Missional Leadership: A Journey Through Paradigm Shift in the Mission of God

By Kirk J. Franklin. Reviewed by Alexander K. Zell, assistant professor, Crown College, St. Bonifacius, Minnesota, former international worker in ...

A Re-Focus on the Local Church: Media Collaboration in the Middle East

Ultimately it is the church on the ground, the local community of believers, that is the critical expression of Christ’s ...

Innovations in Mobilization Collaboration

Uber, iPhones, Airbnb, Netflix, and Amazon. The list goes on. Disruptive innovations are taking over traditional North American industries. The ...

Prayer: Our Greatest Task in Mobilization

A few years ago, my daughter texted me while she and her husband were traveling and praying about their future ...

Rites of Passage: Building a Mobilization Team in Your Church

Rites of Passage is a foreign concept to most evangelical churches, literally and figuratively. Somewhere along the way, the local ...

Mobilizing Movements

The Global Mobilization Network (GMN) believes mobilization is essential to calling the whole Church to committed participation in reaching the ...

Mobilizing God’s People for God’s Mission

In December 2015, more than two hundred forty leaders involved in mission mobilization from more than thirty countries gathered in ...

The Mobilization Index: Connecting the Global Church to the Unreached

Information is powerful. We’ve all experienced moments where the discovery of a particular piece of information has radically shifted the ...

Mobilization: The Fourth (and Final?) Era of the Modern Mission Movement

Hindsight is always 20/20 and peering into the rearview mirror of missions history, attempting to see it from God’s perspective, ...

Using Texting as a Tool in the Support Raising Process

This article was originally published for Support Raising Solutions by Aaron Babyar.  “Hey (potential ministry partner), I am excited about my new ...

Pipeline: Engaging the Church in Missionary Mobilization

David Wilson, along with the other authors, argue for a fully integrated global supply chain – a pipeline – that ...

OnMission 2018

All OnMission 2018 videos are available now! Access all the videos at one time, go at your own pace and ...

From Unhealthy Dependency To Local Sustainability

Presented by: Jean A. Johnson, Executive Director of Five Stones Global Description: It takes a great amount of intentionality to ...

2017- 2018 Webinars

Here is a list of our past and current webinars for your easy access: Insights From Respected Women In God’s ...

MLC 2018 Speaker Form B

Return to the Speaker Helps page. View Logistics and Venue page ...

The African American Missions Manifesto

It has been over ten years since the following manifesto was signed in Columbia, SC. The work done on this ...

Seeing What They See

Diverse church, diverse mission. If the Great Commission is a calling to bring redemption in Christ into the diversity of ...

Read the Weekly Roundup: May 11

Southeast Asian governments always never lose elections. Malaysia’s just did … “In an astounding result” (Economist), UMNO/BN lost… Longer read ...

How Do I Get My Pastor Engaged in Missions? – Cracking the Code

Description: It’s been said, “When it comes to missions in the church, the pastor either holds the key to the ...

Sprinting Toward MPD Success

 This article was originally published for Support Raising Solutions. At the Support Raising Leaders Conference, InterVarsity leaders shared their exciting results ...

Fundraising on Furloughs

 This article was originally published for Support Raising Solutions. It is an honor to be invited to contribute to the ...

Cybersecurity in Global Missions – Article 3

Cybersecurity in the Context of Global Missions Written by Josh. Josh is a full-time worker in the global missions community ...

OnMission 2018 Dennis Jackson

Dennis Jackson Global Partners Discussion Questions Transcript Audio & Video ...

The Questions of the Support Spouse

by Rebecca Hopkins “And what do you do in Indonesia?” My husband and I had just finished speaking at a ...

A Community Survival Strategy Tool: Holistic Worldview Analysis

The Holistic Worldview Analysis (HWVA) strategy is a holistic development strategy that engages closely with a community to understand its ...

The Trinity and the Localisation of Mission Issue

I had the good fortune recently to spend a few days of strategic dialogue with regional heads of an international ...

Discipleship Training: A Non-traditional Approach to Theological Education for the Highland Quichua of Ecuador

I believe a cultural blindness exists at the core worldview level of the western missionary and Quichua student that limits ...

Increasing Gospel Impact Through Skill-Based Discipleship Reflections on Southeast Asia Experiences

The church planters filled the small building on the edge of town. Many of them were the only Christians living ...

Leading Mission Movements

We live in an unprecedented period of mission history. The new paradigm of “from anywhere to everywhere” is by nature ...

Navigating Müller’s Theology

THE MAN George Müller was born in 1805 to a family of modest wealth. His father was a tax collector ...

Where are our missionaries?

Missiographic: North American Missionaries Serving Globally. As long as there are people with no access to the gospel we must ...

Cybersecurity in Global Missions – Article 2

Cybersecurity in the Context of Global Missions Written by Josh. Josh is a full-time worker in the global missions community ...

Read the Weekly Roundup: February 16

Supreme Court: Violence in name of religion cannot be justified … quashing a Bombay High Court ruling … WhatsApp’s entry ...

2017 MLC Recordings Available

In case you missed it, the video + audio from the 2017 Mission Leaders Conference is available online for viewing by members! ...

SIL International Takes a Serious Look at Multilingualism and Migration

By Steve Quakenbush, Ph.D., Global Scripture Access Services Director and MUSE Task Force Chair SIL International In a world increasingly characterized by ...

2018 Mission Leaders Conference

Join Other Mission Leaders in Orlando for this year's 2018 Mission Leaders Conference. Connect for 3 days to learn from ...

Discipleship in Christendom … and Beyond

by Gerald L. Sittser and Carlos Calderon ...

Cybersecurity in Global Missions – Article 1

Cybersecurity in the Context of Global Missions Written by Josh. Josh is a full-time worker in the global missions community ...

Strategically Seeking Referrals

Twenty-five to thirty percent of all donations occur at the end of the year. Did you hear that?! During November ...

Creating Pathways for Women in Leadership

Creating Pathways (and Reducing Barriers) for Women in Organizational Leadership A report from the Mission Nexus 24 event December 4-5, 2017 ...

Debunking Myths About Ethnic Minority Support Raising

As a fully funded ethnic minority Navigator staff and Ministry Partnership Development (MPD) coach, I want to challenge a few ...

Finding Support Raising Coaches in Your Organization

Finding Your Guiding Light: How Do I Identify Potential MPD Coaches and Trainers in My Organization? by Ellis Goldstein (Article ...

Peer 2 Peer #CML 2018 Details

April 24-26, 2018 - Scottsdale, AZ  (Click Here for Registration) J.D. Payne (Speaker): J. D. Payne, Ph.D. is one of ...

Change That Lasts: Debriefing and Following Through with STM Participants

Change That Lasts: Debriefing and Following Through with STM Participants Friday @ 1:30pm How do you help your teammates process ...

Strategic Planning: Managing Your Tomorrow, Today (AM)

Strategic Planning: Managing Your Tomorrow, Today (AM) Friday @ 3:30pm A great strategic planning process will create clarity that will ...

The Digital Lens: Innovation, Technology Trends, and Mission (AM)

The Digital Lens: Innovation, Technology Trends, and Mission (AM) Friday @ 1:30pm The digital revolution is changing organizational landscapes. New ...

International Operations: There Are Many Ways to Do It (FM)

International Operations: There Are Many Ways to Do It (FM) Friday 1:30pm There are many ways that organizations carry out ...

Funding Mission Ministries Beyond Charitable Giving (FM)

Funding Mission Ministries Beyond Charitable Giving (FM) Friday @ 8:30am Many ministries are experiencing limited or reduced giving, aging donor ...

Best Practices in Risk Management (AM)

Best Practices in Risk Management (AM) Friday @ 8:30am Risk management has evolved significantly over the past years. It is ...

Fully Funded – The Best Member Care Strategy (MC)

Fully Funded - The Best Member Care Strategy (MC) Friday @ 1:30pm Conflict over finances is the leading cause of ...

How Do I Mobilize in My Church? (MOB)

How Do I Mobilize in My Church? (MOB) Friday @ 1:30pm Come discover lessons learned in sending into missions. How ...

Not Every Donor is the Same! (DEV)

Not Every Donor is the Same! (DEV) Friday @ 3:30pm Effective stewardship is critical for engaging and retaining your donors ...

Fight the Fear of Fundraising (MOB)

Fight the Fear of Fundraising (MOB) Saturday @ 9:15am The #1 obstacle to people joining mission agencies is the fear ...

Pooling our Resources for Evangelism, Discipleship, and Church-planting Training (TR)

Pooling our Resources for Evangelism, Discipleship, and Church-planting Training (TR) Saturday @ 9:15am We all know the value of partnerships, ...

Unveiling the New SOE

Unveiling the New SOE Saturday @ 9:15am Come hear about the exciting new developments going on with the SOE and ...

Nuts & Bolts: Starting a Fundraising Office (DEV)

Nuts & Bolts: Starting a Fundraising Office (DEV) Friday @ 1:30pm Many small faith-based nonprofits are confronted with growing their ...

FLSA and Mission Organizations (TL)

FLSA and Mission Organizations (TL) Friday @ 1:30pm The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) made significant headlines last year with ...

Missionary Preparation: Distinguishing the Roles of Church and Agency

Missionary Preparation: Distinguishing the Roles of Church and Agency Friday @ 8:30am This workshop will highlight the special role of ...

Conducting Investigations: A Primer (TL)

Conducting Investigations: A Primer (TL) Friday @ 8:30am This workshop is an overview on responding well to workplace accidents, potential ...

Changing Culture in Sending Missions (MOB)

Changing Culture in Sending Missions (MOB) Friday @ 8:30am These leaders will share lessons learned to engage and mobilize African ...

The Generosity Project: Understanding Ministry Giving Across Generations (DEV)

The Generosity Project: Understanding Ministry Giving Across Generations (DEV) Thursday @ 3:30pm This workshop will share the key findings of ...

Simple Steps to Cybersecurity (AM)

Simple Steps to Cybersecurity (AM) Thursday @ 3:30pm No organization is immune from cybersecurity threats, but you can be better ...

From Relief to Development in Short-term Missions

From Relief to Development in Short-term Missions Thursday @ 3:30pm Much has been said in recent years about relief vs ...

The MisLinks Story

Special Note Little did Mike and I know that when he wrote this piece it would be his final one ...

Detecting and Preventing Mission Fraud

Presented by David Bogosian, Executive Vice President, Christian Aid Description Billions of dollars are disbursed from the West each year ...

Coaching New Staff For The First 100 Days

It’s a wonderful day when someone new joins your staff. Perhaps they are a recent college graduate. Maybe it’s someone ...

Resources and Relationships in Missions: Navigating the Minefield of Dependency

Presented by Jeffrey Fussner, formerly Special Assistant to the International Director, and then most recently Director of People Development, TEAM ...

Getting a Head Start on Year-End Giving

Twenty-five to thirty percent of all donations occur at the end of the year. Did you hear that?! During November ...

Read the Weekly Roundup: December 1

Lake Chad: the world’s most complex humanitarian disaster (NYT Mag) … longform read + audio. Boko Haram, climate change, armies, ...

Mission Staffing and Financing

The recent release of the North American Mission Handbook includes data on both staffing and finances for agencies in the ...

A Call for Global Mobilization Collaboration

A Call for Global Mobilization Collaboration by Mark Stebbins “So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half ...

North American Mission Handbook: US and Canadian Protestant Ministries Overseas 2017-2019

The Mission Handbook has been in continuous publication every three years since 1953. It is a reference source to help ...

The Porn Phenomenon and its Potential Impact On Mission Recruitment & Retention

Presented by: Bishop David Perrin Too often, men and women have no where to go when they struggle with a secret ...

Keys for Effective Global Missions Engagement for Local Churches

Keys for Effective Global Missions Engagement for Local Churches by Matthew Ellison Since 1995, I have had the amazing privilege ...

Practical Discipleship

Build a discipleship framework rooted in daily living and Christian community and the great commission becomes a vivid reality ...

Listening Well

Teaching Pastors and Church Planters to Exegete Their Context ...

Apostolic Church Planting

A More Excellent Way? ...

Managing Trauma’s Effects on the Practitioner (as tested and tried in Rwanda)

To appreciate the scope of the Rwandan genocide is difficult; in terms of human and material loss, it equated to ...

Reflections on Short-Term Missions

A few years ago, fifteen to twenty people travelled from the United States to another country to build a village ...

Engaging Sinbad City: What Research Shows About God’s Work among Workers in the Muslim World

The world missions community has spent the past thirty years or so establishing footholds in many parts of the Muslim ...

Mutually Transformative Power of the Gospel Through Medicine in China

In the Gospel of Luke, we read the account of a young Jesus who went to the temple in Jerusalem, ...

When Endings Lead to Opportunities: Lessons from the Closing of Global Mapping International

The words “The End” immediately conjure up the last page of a book we simply haven’t been able to put ...

Christian Mission & Economic Systems: A Critical Survey of the Cultural and Religious Dimensions of Economies

by John Cheong and Eloise Hiebert Meneses, eds. William Carey Library, 2015. —Reviewed by Eva M. Pascal, PhD candidate, Religious ...

Missions: How the Local Church Goes Global

astor Andy Johnson makes a solid biblical case as to why every local church should be engaged in global missions ...

When Everything is Missions

Far too long many churches have become either distracted or sidelined by prevailing misconceptions of what their mission to the ...

A Framework for Reaching the Diaspora

Recently I interviewed Nate Scholz, who has identified principles for creating a collaborative ministry framework for urban centers with immigrant ...

Mission CEOs Survey

What are the challenges and opportunities that confront CEOs of ministries? One hundred and sixty mission CEOs were surveyed and ...

Enhancing Character Development through Soul Care

As Richard stood staring out his office window, he knew something was wrong. His enthusiasm for ministry that had accompanied ...

The Missing Key to the Refugee Crisis: Christian Hospitality towards Muslims

We live in a rapidly changing world in which massive amounts of people move from one place to the next ...

The International Church for a Global World

The International Church is a kairos call to a profound need and compelling opportunity. God is sovereignly and supernaturally planting ...

Issues in Contextualization

by Charles H. KraftWilliam Carey Library, 2016 —Reviewed by Cameron D. Armstrong, International Mission Board, Bucharest, Romania; PhD Intercultural Education ...

Secularism and Africa: In the Light of the Intercultural Christ

by Jim HarriesWipf & Stock, 2015 —Reviewed by, Bob Bagley, Africa area director for Global Partners, the missions division of ...

A Journey of Opportunity: Following God’s Direction in China

As the church in China has grown, its needs have changed. How can outsiders understand, encourage and partner with the ...

Ambassadors: Crossing Cultural Distance

What is the cultural distance between two countries? Usually we think more about the physical mileage, but the cultural mileage ...

Our Anchor in a World Adrift: 7 Stats You Need to Know to Serve the King

These are turbulent times and it is hard to stay firmly grounded with the constant waves of change. These 7 ...

Singapore: Unique Qualities for Great Commission Impact

Few places have the innovation and diversity of Singapore. But how has that translated into mission opportunity? Learn more about ...

Why Should the Free Care?

If you are living today free from persecution, why should you care about this issue? For starters we are asked ...

The Olympic Dream and the Human Race

The Olympics are full of powerful symbolism that describes the Human Race and all its grand hopes and deep flaws ...

Indigenous Rights Vs. Rip-Off Profits

We know that God created every person and desires to see them valued as His children. But many indigenous peoples ...

Tensions Influencing Missions Organizations

The world’s many priorities don’t always work in unison. Many times priorities create tension as they pull us in different ...

Top 40 Underserved and Unreached Places

There are so many amazing things happening as GodÕs people go out on mission. But still the need is tremendous ...

Stepping Beyond the Tents

Every 4 seconds someone is forced to flee their home. These refugees are vulnerable and without long-term options. Many struggle ...

Coffee Fuels More Than You Imagine

Join us around the table to talk about how coffee fuels so many things in life. But most of all, ...

Engaging Kingdom Workers Online

Whether you are utilizing the web to mobilize others into mission or using the web to find opportunities, it is ...

Global Bible Searches: What Are They Searching For?

Do you know what Scriptures people are searching for? It is an important question. Whether they are preparing a Bible ...

Water is Not a “Natural Resource”

As we commemorate World Water Day we can all agree that life needs water. But who's water is it? Explore ...

How India Leaders Make Ministry Decisions

Much of the time we do not think intentionally about how we make decisions in our ministry efforts. This is ...

What is the World Voting For?

In 2014 over 1.7 billion eligible voters may be a part of major elections happening in their nations. With up ...

There is Hope for the City!

We hear so much talk about global urbanization, but the numbers are confusing. In some instances cities are seen as ...

30 Years of Connections: Mapping and Missions

As GMI celebrates its 30th Anniversary, it seems like a good time to take a look at the maps that ...

Brazil: An Emerging Force in Global Mission

As Brazil finds its place on the world's stage, the Brazilian Church is doing the same. Its vibrant and growing ...

The People Have Spoken: Missiographics Top 5

Explore the infographics we have released throughout Missiographics Service ...

Breaking the Ebola Cycle

The Ebola epidemic in West African countries like Liberia is a terrible tragedy that has captured global attention and response ...

A Visual Note of Thanks from the Missiographics Team

As Christmas and the New Year quickly approach, we want to take this time to extend a huge Thank You ...

What has your Missions Leadership Journey been like?

Whether you are a leader in your ministry organization or someone who is serving alongside a leader as they shoulder ...

Diaspora Missions: “OK, We Get it! Now What?”

Critical Questions for Effective Diaspora Involvement The case has been made in the missions community for what God is doing ...

Turning Verbal Commitments into Actual Gifts – It Doesn’t Have to Be Awkward!

How do I best follow-up with someone who has said  they will give… but hasn’t started giving yet? My guess ...

Find Inside

Learn more about our contributors and get into the Word ...

What Churches Should Know

Protecting Their Missionaries ...


How to Strengthen Your Cyber­security Defenses ...

Risk From a Field Perspective

For almost two decades, my husband Neal and I have lived in or near war zones with our children, or ... The Weekly Roundup, 4/28

Not showing up right? View this email in your browser. 2017, Issue No. 17, April 28 Data | LongReads | ...

Exponential Organizations

This book highlights the changing business environment in which some companies have leveraged new technology to create exponential growth. It ... For those we help: CORRECTED LINK 

Not showing up right? View this email in your browser. For all those we help... Perspective, Insight, Context, Analysis I ... For those we help

Not showing up right? View this email in your browser. For all those we help... Perspective, Insight, Context, Analysis Do ...

Don’t George Muller Me: A Missionary’s Plea for Understanding

George Muller (1805-1898) is a model of faith for many. Moving from Prussia to Bristol, England, in 1832, Muller ministered ...

The Right Stuff and the Future Mission Aviator

When I was a boy, my dream was to one day become an astronaut. I lived and breathed everything NASA—from ...

The Local Church and Mission to the Diaspora: Examples in the Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada

Diaspora is not a new phenomenon, and missiology is not a novel field of study. Human migration is in fact ...

Global Church: Reshaping Our Conversations, Renewing Our Mission, Revitalizing Our Churches

by Graham Hill—Reviewed by James Patole, minister, C&MA; PhD (Missiology) research scholar, SAIACS, University of Mysore, Bangalore, India ... The Weekly Roundup, 3/24

Not showing up right? View this email in your browser. Was this forwarded to you? Sign up to get it ...

Deaf: The Final Frontier of the Great Commission

Deaf people collectively are considered to be one of the largest unreached people groups in the world today. In this ...

New Voices Swell Chorus Calling for American Churches to Focus More on World’s Unreached

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – The chorus of urgent voices calling for North American Christians to lift their eyes to the ...

Reading List for a Church Missions Leader

So, you are the newly appointed Missions Pastor, Global Missions Team Leader, or other influencer in the local church. What ...

Read the Weekly Roundup: February 17

Earthquakes: 6.7 Philippines — Famine: looms in [Yemen, S Sudan, Nigeria, Somalia] as aid system struggles to cope ...

Abide, Bear Fruit

On October 12, 2017 one thousand two hundred (1,200) church planters and leaders will gather in Thailand for five days ...

Justin Long’s Weekly Roundup for 02/10

Not showing up right? View this email in your browser ( . Was this forwarded to you? Sign up to ...

The Integrity Challenge

Every Christian with a heart to please Christ faces a daily challenge to maintain and even grow in integrity—to be ...

Theological Education in Nepal

The Church in Nepal is the fastest-growing Church in the world today (Mitchell 2013). Officially, there were no Christians and ...

A Diaspora Mission Strategy for Local Churches

In the last decade, research on and response to migration has become a priority for nations and communities. More recently, ...

Weekly Roundup: December 16

Reuters: Battle of Aleppo ends after years of bloodshed with rebel withdrawal — and more ...

Mission in Motion

This book is the result of a qualitative research project on mobilization that collected data from around the globe. The ...

New Member: Mission ConneXion

Missio Nexus welcomes a new member: Mission ConneXion. The purpose of Mission ConneXion is to connect local churches and individuals ...

Question of the Month – November

Organizations and Churches in our November survey were asked whether or not they were directly engaged with diaspora ministry in ...

You see, Missions Doesn’t Work

By Dr. Jim Raymo, Director of Grad Studies, BGU on behalf of SOE  “You see, missions doesn't work!” It was ...

Weekly Roundup: December 2

By Justin D. Long, ed. Perspective, Insight, Context, Analysis New events W. Africa: “Weapons in the Sahel”: 50pg on cross-border ...

Leadership Mosaic

Missio Nexus’ leadership thoughtfully summarize books, giving you the Leader’s Edge to help inform, stimulate and provoke profitable discussion. Leader’s ...

Once a Missionary, Always a Missionary

By Melissa Paredes, Wycliffe Bible Translators USA Missionary life is all Josh* has ever known. Born to Wycliffe missionaries John and Carol, ...

2016 MLC General Session with Luis Palau

2016 Mission Leaders Conference Luis Palau and his ministry have shared the Gospel with more than 1 billion people through evangelistic ...

Up Close with Ed Stetzer

Ed Stetzer 2016 Mission Leaders Conference Executive Leadership During the first 30 minutes of this session Ed will present his ...

Changing the How: New Methods for Developing Missional Technology

Changing the How: New Methods for Developing Missional Technology Nick Skytland & Ali Llewellyn 2016 Mission Leaders Conference Mission Finance ...

Fruitful Near-culture Church Planters: A Qualitative Study

It is a fundamental principle of church-planting movements that workers for the harvest are in the harvest (Garrison 2004, 172; ...

The Culturally Intelligent Mission Organization: Five Factors to Evaluate

The phenomenon of globalization is impacting all sectors of society, and mission agencies are no exception. Of course, mission agencies ...

Transnational Adoption: A Noble Cause? Female Missionaries as Pioneers of Transnational Adoption, 1945-1965

All theology is based on autobiography. All theology has its unique color and context, and so does my missiology. My ...

Walk This Way: A Better Path to Global Engagement

by Paul McGuinness181 Publishing, 2015 ...

Buttocks, Bridges, and Kola Nuts

By Niyi Gbade and John Becker A proverbial look at navigating through conflict in North-South partnership. Matako ghawi ghaleka cha ...

Editor’s Letter: Fight Club

There are not many constants in life, but conflict with other people is one we all must face. This issue ...

Protecting Your Ministry from Sexual Identity and Gender Issues

The idea that one person’s “sexual liberty” trumps another’s religious freedom is prevalent. Focus groups are working diligently to challenge ...

Engaging Women in Mission Leadership

By Wendy Wilson, Professional Services Group consultant for Missio Nexus, and founder of the Women's Development Track. As an increasing number ...

Question of the Month – August 2016

How often (on average) do you pray for the unreached? Thank you to those who participated in our survey this ...

MLC 2015 Plenary: Legacy with Nancy Ortberg

Nancy is a founding partner of Teamworx, a business and leadership consulting firm which provides fast-passed, practical and compelling sessions to ...

New Member: Steiger International

No Longer Music is a ministry of a worldwide mission organization called Steiger International, which is called to reach and ...

Church-planting Catalysts for Gospel Movements

Many pastors and missionaries are crossing the globe, teaching, encouraging, and resourcing with good intentions, but questionable effectiveness. Other church-planting ...

God’s Transforming Story: How the Metanarrative of Scripture Can Change Lives

We all love a good story. In 2012, moviegoers worldwide spent the equivalent of US$62.4 billion at the box office ...

MLC 2015 Plenary: Complexity with Skye Jethani

Skye is an author, editor, speaker, consultant and ordained pastor.  Since 2004 he has served on the editorial team of ...

2016 Spring Anthology

Partnership We talk about it. We like it. We know it is right to do. Yet, partnership so often eludes ...

Well Sent

Well Sent provides a description of a missionary sending process that squarely rests in the hands of the local church ...

2016 Mission CEO Survey: Traversing the Global Landscape

2016 Mission CEO Survey: Traversing the Global Landscape. In 2013, Missio Nexus launched the Mission CEO Survey: Mapping Global Currents ...

The Ecuadorean Earthquake

Missio Nexus announces the May/June 2016 Global Issues Update: The Status of the Ecuadorean Earthquake, with Voltaire Cacal and Keith ...

Team of Teams

This is a book which describes the transformation that the US military undertook in the initial years of the War ...

Planning for Safety on Short-Term Mission Trips

Do you think it’s safe to go to (fill in the blank)? Have you ever gotten that question from a ...

A Look Back on 2015: SE Asia Mobilization Centers

The One Challenge Global Alliance (OCGA) is a multi-national, multi-cultural, gospel-driven vision embraced by the 11 independent mobilization centers (MC) ...

OnMission Bob Blincoe

OnMission 2016 presents: Bob Blincoe Topic: Best Practices:  Church and Agency Partnership Bob Blincoe President Frontiers Audio ...

OnMission Ellen Livingood

OnMission 2016 presents: Ellen Livingood Topic: Best Practices:  Church and Agency Partnership Ellen Livingood President Catalyst Services Audio & Video ...

OnMission Rob “Mags” Magwood

OnMission 2016 presents: Rob "Mags" Magwood Topic: Best Practices: Church and Agency Partnerships Rob “Mags” Magwood Canadian Director SEND International of Canada ...

OnMission John Becker

OnMission 2016 presents: John Becker Topic: Best Practices in Partnership John Becker Vision 5:9 and AIM International Network Profile Vision 5:9 ...

Moving Mountains

Missio Nexus’ leadership thoughtfully summarize books, giving you the Leader’s Edge to help inform, stimulate and provoke profitable discussion. Leader’s ...

Report on Recent MANI Network Gathering

The Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI) recently drew together leaders from across Africa and around the world at two major ...

New Member: International Project

Missio Nexus welcomes a new member: International Project. International Project exists to reach the diaspora unreached people groups that God ...

Unsung Heroes

In this section, we honor seventeen individuals for their faithfulness in ministry ...

Visible Means of Support: A Clarion Call from a Donor to a Missionary

YEARS AGO, I MET A MISSIONARY who had just moved to town. “What brought you here?” I asked, trying to ...

The Need for Reciprocal Contextual Collaboration in Europe

WITH PROPHETIC IMAGINATION, Andrew Walls (2002, 202) claimed that the great new fact of our time is that mission is ...

The Future of the Orality Movement and the International Orality Network

A STORYTELLING EVENT IS HAPPENING. The news of it has been shared from person to person and interest has multiplied ...

Called to Unity for the Sake of Mission

by John Gibaut & Knud Jorgensen, eds. Regnum Books International, 2014. —Reviewed by Cameron D. Armstrong, church planter, International Mission ...

Journey to a Better Way: A Wesleyan Perspective on Doing Mission Better

by John BaileyWestBow Press, 2015. —Reviewed by Bob Bagley, Africa Area director, Global Partners, the missions division of the Wesleyan ...

2016 Church Mission Leader Survey

In 2013, Missio Nexus launched the Mission CEO Survey: Mapping Global Currents.  This inaugural CEO survey was fielded among chief ...

Predictions of Gospel Advance in 2016

I am neither a prophet, nor the son of a prophet. But, looking over the landscape of global missions, I ...

#Iwitness: Seeking God in Times of Ease & Difficulty: An Example from Cuba

I was making my way across Cuba in a Tico, which has the interior space the size somewhere in between ...

In Harm’s Way: Reflections on Missionaries and Risk

Recent world events have raised the sensitivity of many members of sending churches to the risks which missionaries expose themselves ...

#Iwitness: God’s Amazing Work in Our World

This past year, we solicited articles from Christian workers all over the world. We asked, “How is God touching the ...

Recovering Prayer and Discernment in Our Agendas and Strategies

What is the role of prayer and spiritual discernment as we look to the future of our organizations? How does ...

The Mission of Preaching: Equipping the Community for Faithful Witness

by Patrick W. T. JohnsonIVP Academic, 2015. —Reviewed by Dennis J. Horton, associate professor, Religion; associate director, Ministry Guidance, Baylor ...

The Missionary’s Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Canadian Thanksgiving was last month; American Thanksgiving is next week. This is the ideal time for those of us who ...

Let’s Leave Shahada to Real Muslims

I write as a follow up to Gene Daniel’s important contribution on shahada confession, which appeared in the July 2014 ...

Perched on the Shoulders of Giants: Building Legacy for the Sake of Mission

Retaining historical awareness of the church’s mission is especially important in moving forward. Some churches are stuck in the past, ...

Four Ways to Improve Field Staff Retention

If you lead field staff, there are at least four things you can do to improve their likelihood of remaining ...

Overturning Tables: Freeing Missions from the Christian Industrial Complex

by Scott A. BesseneckerIntervarsity Press, 2014. —Reviewed by Joel Rainey, PhD, strategist for engagement, Mid-Atlantic Baptist Network; professor of ministry, ...


A line up of the articles in the October 2015 issue of EMQ ...

STAND Conference Personnel Track Audio Files

These are the recordings that were made at STAND - MLC2013. of the PersonnelTrack. Contains these files: Stand Together or ...

STAND Audio Files: Mission Executives Track

These are the recordings that were made at STAND - MLC2013. of the Mission Executives Track. Contains these files: From ...

Stand Conference Short Term Mission Tracks Audio Files

These are the recordings that were made at STAND - MLC2013 of the Short Term Missions Track. Contains these files: ...

STAND Conference: Church Track

These are the recordings that were made at STAND - MLC2013 for the church track. Contains: Cultural Partnering: Navigating Expectations ...

Show me the Way: Guidance and Missions“ How Do We Discern God’s Best?

Show me the Way: Guidance and Missions How Do We Discern God's Best? Presented by Dan Bacon, D. Miss, Leadership ...

Business as Mission

Business as Mission Business as Mission: Principles and Strategies for Building Profitable Kingdom Ventures with Non-profit Resources Thomas Sudyk, Owner ...

Mega Churches and Missions

Mega-Churches and Missions Robert J. Priest, Trinity International University February 5, 2009 Megachurches and their pastors are forging influential new ...

Life Lessons for Leaders

Life Lessons for LeadersJohn Kyle, Mission to the World, ret.April 30, 2009 - 2:00 pm Eastern Growing up among a ...

Measuring Ministry Impact

Measuring Ministry Impact: The Keystone of Outcomes-Based Evaluation Daniel Rickett, Vice President, and Bob Morrison, Director of International Programs, Sisters ...

Tips on Personal Support Raising in a Tight Economy

Tips on Personal Support Raising in a Tight Economy Tips on Personal Support Raising in a Tight Economy Ellis Goldstein, ...

Cultural Intelligence

David Livermore, Executive Director, Global Learning Center, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary May 7, 2009 Why are some leaders able to ...

Church Missions Coaching: Unleashing the Missions Power and Potential of Local Churches

Description:How can a local church, desiring to be involved in reaching an unreached people group, take concrete steps toward active ...

Eight Full Funding Essentials

Eight Full-Funding Essentials (That We Too Easily Neglect) Scott Morton, The Navigators and Ellis Goldstein, Campus Crusade for Christ International ...

Structuring and Leading an International Mission Organization in From-Everywhere-To-Everywhere World

The global church is a missionary-sending church. Missionaries from Nigeria minister in Chicago, Ecuadorians in Delhi and Koreans in Paris ...

Helping Churches in Missions: What Do They Need and Want?

Description: A significant number of local congregations are making a radical shift in their missions philosophy – moving from silent partner ...

8 Myths and Mistakes to Avoid in Raising Personal Support: Back to Basics

Eight Myths and Mistakes to Avoid in Raising Personal Support: Back to Basics Kevin DiFelice, Ellis F. Goldstein, Presenters January ...

Leadership Succession Planning: Key to Long Term Success w/ Bill Frisby

Description: Boards and executive directors avoid succession planning because it seems threatening and uncomfortable. They know they should plan and ...

Diaspora Missiology and Mid-Term Missions: An Action Plan

Presented by Mr. Don Johnson, Assistant to the US Director for Special Projects, SEND International NOTE: The recording has some ...

Strategic Thinking in Collaboration

Strategic Thinking in Collaboration Mark Avery Air Date: September 27, 2012 Strategic planning at a network/ partnership level, a process ...

Frontier Mobilization: The Powerful Potential of the Unsent

Frontier Mobilization: The Powerful Potential of the Unsent Presented by Mr. Steve Shadrach, Executive Director and Mr. Ryan Emis, Director ...

Business as Mission

Business as Mission: 5 Reasons Why it is an Important Strategy in the 21st Century Presenter: Larry Sharp, Vice President ...

Seven Models for Community Minisry

A focus on community ministry and outreach is vital for the future success of any church, and this focus can ...

Executive Transition: Preparing for the Inevitable

Executive Transition: Preparing for the Inevitable Presenters: Bill Frisby, CEO/Founder,Strengthening Leaders, David Rippey, Ed.D, Senior Partner, Strengthening Leaders, L3C Date: ...

Young Evangelicals and Financial Giving

Young Evangelicals and Financial Giving: Is There Hope for the Future of Missions? Presenter: Lynn Cooper, Professor of Communications, Wheaton ...

2014 Mission Leaders Conference OPEN” – complete recording package”

2014 Mission Leaders Conference 'OPEN' Complete set of audio recordings from conference. Audio 1 Audio 2 Audio 3 Audio 4 ...

2014 Mission Leaders Conference OPEN” Missiology Today (EMS)”

2014 Mission Leaders Conference 'OPEN' Missiology Today(EMS) Track recordings from conference. Audio 1 Audio 2 Audio 3 Audio 4 Audio ...

2014 Mission Leaders Conference OPEN” Diaspora/Ethnic Ministries”

2014 Mission Leaders Conference 'OPEN'Diaspora/Ethnic Ministries Track recordings from conference. Audio 1 Audio 2 Audio 3 Audio 4 Audio 5 ...

Human Trafficking

MissioNexus announces the March/April 2014 Global Issues Update: Global Status on Human Trafficking. Presented by Jennifer Tunehag Complex global challenges ...


This edition of Global Issues Update addresses the Global Status of Refugees with subject matter expert Tom Albinson. Tom has ...

Status of Bible Poverty

The Mission Exchange announces the December 2010 Global Issues Update: Global Status of Bible Poverty Complex global challenges impact Great ...

Global Status of the Refugee Highway

Missio Nexus presents the January/February 2014 Global Issues Update: Global Status of the Refugee Highway, with Brian O'Connell. Complex global ...

Growing Toward Your Dreams

In these four teaching modules you will learn now to: Use the power of a dream to fuel your growth ...

How the Most Effective Leaders Run a Meeting – Part 1

C-Suite Webinar: How the Most Effective Leaders Run a Meeting Research by the London School of Economics in partnership with ...

While You Were Micro Sleeping: Fresh Insights on the Changing Face of North American Missions

This book is available for $7.95 per copy including shipping to a US address or $54.95 for a team pack ...

How the Most Effective Leaders Run a Meeting – Part 2

C-Suite Webinar: How the Most Effective Leaders Run a Meeting Research by the London School of Economics in partnership with ...

From Anywhere to Everywhere—Together!

Mission from anywhere to everywhere is here to stay, and most exciting of all, it is something that God’s people ...

The New Testament, Fiscal Strategy, & the Majority World

Buying church buildings, paying pastors, and providing material encouragements to move people to attend services do not make a church ...

Evangelism in Asia: Developing and Living Out Relevant Theologies

The key to reaching Asia will be evangelism through local churches adopting methods relevant to Asia ...

The Workplace PRIEST: Activating Our God-given Identity as Priests at Work

In this article, I look at the God-given role identity of New Covenant priest. I delineate what aspects of following ...

Beyond Literate Western Practices: Continuing Conversations in Orality and Theological Education

by Samuel E. Chiang and Grant Lovejoy, eds. International Orality Network in cooperation with Capstone Enterprises. 2014. —Reviewed by Lynn ...

SYMPOSIUM: The Unengaged: An Engaging Strategy….Or Not?

Over the past year or two, there has been a big push by a number of missionary agencies to “engage ...

SYMPOSIUM RESPONSE #2: A “Straw-man” Case?

In his final words to his followers, Jesus told them to make disciples of all nations or peoples. The idea ...

Using Scripture in Multilingual Churches

Communication is more than content. It is also media, or the channels and ways in which content is communicated. This ...

Mission Networks: Connecting the Global Church

In our interconnected and globalized world, mission networks are playing an increasingly important role in shaping Great Commission strategies ...

Orality Is Just Good Missiology

Of the estimated seven thousand extant languages in the world, less than one percent have well-developed written traditions ...

Crossing Cultures with Ruth: Lessons on Thriving in Mission

by James NelsonGlobal Mapping International —Reviewed by Lynn D. Shmidt, mission practitioner; associate professor of mission, Asbury University At first ...

Stopping the Traffick: A Christian Response to Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking

by Glenn Miles and Christa Foster-Crawford, Tanis DoCarmo, and Gundelina Velzco, editorsWipf & Stock —Reviewed by Michael Herbert, pastor, Fellowship ...

H/S-1 to H/S-5: Levels of Awareness of Honor/Shame in Cross-cultural Ministry

Since 2009, I have been on a learning journey about the dynamic of honor/shame in scripture and its significance for ...


Here's what's in the April 2015 issue of EMQ ...

How Majority World Missions Can Relate Better To The West

My previous blog, “Relating Better to Majority World Missions,” took a look at one aspect of a two-sided issue – ...

One Method Does Not Fit All: Case Studies of the Muslim Diaspora

Although the Church has made great strides in developing a multitude of effective mission strategies for engaging Muslim people around ...

Symposium Response 2: Looking at the Decentralization of Missions

Reflecting on Marv Newell's article, I see two primary causes for the shift in “missions” vocabulary that he describes ...

Models of Ministry with the Transient Urban Poor

A description and analysis of some effective models of ministry to migrants and refugees in global cities, and important principles ...

Sharing Resources in Contexts of Poverty

RIckette shows how two independent organizations, whether church or mission, each possessing the qualities of selfhood, autonomy, and self-reliance, can ...

First the Kingdom of God: Global Voices on Global Mission

by Daniel K. Darko and Beth Snodderly, editors William Carey International University Press —Reviewed by David R. Dunaetz, Azusa Pacific ...

Mission as Transformation: Learning from Catalysts

by David Cranston and Ruth Padilla DeBorst, editorsRegnum Books International —Reviewed by JR Rozko, director of operations & advancement, Missio ...

Single Mission: Thriving as a Single Person in Cross-cultural Mission

by Debbie Hawker and Tim Herbert, editorsCondeo Press —Reviewed by Anna Bishop, minister (world mission), All Souls, Langham Place, U.K ...

Relating Better to Majority World Missions

Missions is a central and permanent fixture of the Church. Robust mission outreach pulsates all over the globe and there ...

ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION: Every Person (From Everywhere)

In many traditionally “resistant” parts of the world (where we must keep our missionary work discreet), it is indigenous diaspora ...

ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION: The Great Shift: Africa in Missions

History and theology of God’s mission inform the philosophy and practice of mission. Among mission historians, Andrew Walls is credited ...

Spanish Spirituality: Who Is Most Open to Christ?

After looking through a September 1998 survey conducted by the Center for Sociological Research, I was intrigued and began wondering, ...

ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION: Navigating Post-Christendom Cultures: The Future of Mission in North America

In large parts of North America, there is not only a new public ignorance or casual disregard of Christianity, but ...

ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION: Missiographic: 50 Years of EMQ: A Decade by Decade Overview

Just how versatile is the gospel? Does it have to change in order to stay ‘the same’ in a new ...

The Importance of Communication in Establishing a Hispanic Ministry

Just as a building is only as strong as its foundation, a ministry is only as strong as the vision ...

Every Member on Mission through Churches Everywhere

EVERY MEMBER ON MISSION! Every member on mission!” These words by Pastor Rick Warren captured the hearts of three thousand ...

50 Years of EMQ: Looking Back and Forward

The Evangelical Missions Quarterly was conceived in an ice cream bar called the Eskimo Inn at Winona Lake, Indiana. After ...

A Missional Orthodoxy: Theology and Ministry in a Post-Christian Context

by Gary Tyra IVP Academics, P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515, 393 pages, 2013, $30.00. Reviewed by Daniel Shinjong ...

Holistic Church Planting: Moving Beyond Polemics to Obedience

The author shows how unclear constructs hurt the cause of integration, and suggests a more fundamental point of integration for ...

Discovering the Secret Stories of God:

The woman told me her story quietly as we huddled around the table in her cramped home in Serbia. She ...

Engaging Women in Mission Leadership

As an increasing number of mission agencies desire to involve more gifted women as decision-makers in their executive and board ...

From Times Square to Timbuktu: The Post-Christian West Meets the Non-Western Church

by Wesley Granberg-Michaelson Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, MI 49516, 189 pages, 2013, $18.99. —Review by Chuck Davis, ...

Must-haves for Innovation in Missions

Achieving a culture of creativity in the context of missions brings with it significant leadership challenges, but also holds the ...

Learning Curve in Rwanda: A Long Journey of Transformation

Church was a form of religion, but life transformation wasn’t taking place on a consistent basis. We questioned the purpose ...

What Does the Future of the Traditional Mission Agency Look Like?

The paradigm shift in missions from a primarily Western to a now-global phenomena is profound and far-reaching, particularly for the ...

The Priority of Leadership Training in Global Mission

The Western church can contribute to the health of the whole body of Christ through the wise support of theological ...

Resourcing Majority World Seminaries: A Case Study from Indonesia

The Western church can contribute to the health of the whole body of Christ through the wise support of theological ...

Influences and Dangers of Money in Missions

Money is both influential and powerful; it can be used strategically for the benefit of God’s kingdom or detrimentally through ...

Missionaries and Deployed Military: A Match Made in Heaven?

Perspectives from one serving in the military on ways that missions might benefit from taking advantage of the opportunities military ...

Closing the Rift: Addressing Common Mission Misconceptions

I long for the Church to fully embrace its identity as the missional powerhouse God has formed it to be—that ...

A Passion for Souls: Our Continued Journey in Global Missions

Goulding discusses his church's journey to become more “synergistic”, proactively seeking God’s will for a global mission program to ensure ...

Developing Indigenous Leaders: Lessons in Missions for Buddhist Asia

by Paul H. De Neui, ed. William Carey Library, 1605 E. Elizabeth Street, Pasadena, CA 91104, 229 pages, 2013, $17.99 ...

The Ways of the People: A Reader in Missionary Anthropology

by Alan R. Tippett, ed. Doug Priest, series ed. William Carey Library, 1605 East Elizabeth St., Pasadena, CA 91104, 686 ...

Why Cities Matter: To God, the Culture, and the Church

by Stephen T. Um and Justin Buzzard Crossway Publishers, 1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton, IL 60187, 176 pages, 2013, $15.99. —Reviewed ...

2013 Fall Anthology

Navigating Global Currents Cultural  currents are making waves in ministry environments the world over, with ripple effects on boardroom agendas ...

Re-imaging Medical Missions: Results of the PRISM Survey

Comprehensive survey of potential medical missionaries reveals significant challenges in the days to come ...

The Power of Diversity in Global Missions

A broad look at ethnic and cultural diversity, principles in relation to diversity, and challenges for those in global settings ...

Together in One Mission: Pentecostal Cooperation in World Evangelization

by Arto Hämäläinen Pathway Press, 1080 Montgomery Avenue, Cleveland, TN 37311, 337 pages,2012, $19.95. —Reviewed by Robert L. Gallagher, director ...

Western Christians in Global Mission: What’s the Role of the North American Church?

by Paul Borthwick InterVarsity Press, P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL, 209 pages, 2012, $15.00. —Reviewed by Paul W. Shea, ...

The Changing Environment of World Mission: Six Areas of Importance

Deculturation is speeding up. And it’s happening worldwide. We must, therefore, ask ourselves, Is the mission industry keeping up with ...

The Global Church: A Journey toward the Other

By entering into a kenotic relationship with the stranger, we extend a true welcome. A better model for doing mission ...

The Efficiency of Storying

A defense of how Chronological Bible Storying produces true and faithful disciples who may or may not hunger for literate ...

Master-less Plans of Global Evangelism

How is it that when it comes to the development of mission strategy, missions has become essentially syncretized to a ...

A House of Prayer for All People

During my college years I asked the Lord to give me a church in the south that would bring black ...

Reaching the City: Reflections on Urban Mission for the Twenty-first Century

by Gary Fujino, Timothy R. Sisk, Tereso C. Casiño William Carey Library, 1605 E. Elizabeth St., Pasadena, CA 91104, 304 ...

Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration and Mission

by J.D. Payne InterVarsity Press, P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515, 206 pages, 2012. $15.00. —Reviewed by Jenny Yang, ...

Sebi tafratse (with all due respects): A Word to the West from the Rest

by Solomon AryeeteySebi tafratse (with all due respects): A Word to the West from the Rest These are indeed very ...

Weighing Character and Personality

Who, for example, would tend to be better positioned to shine in cross-cultural communication, Ms./Mr. straight-laced introvert, or Ms./Mr. personality? ...

Sebi tafratse (with all due respects): A Word to the West from the Rest

What is really thwarting our mission to reach the world? A strong and important plea from a Majority World leader ...

Quandaries Our Missionaries Face

A ministry may be placed at risk because of a missionary's self-defeating behavior and attitudes. Seven quandaries individuals face and ...

Moscow: Missions in Context of Urban Need

Many evangelicals are beginning to engage a cultural strategy (A-E-I-O-U) that touches five cultural issues in Moscow ...

Are You Ready to Change?

When you have been doing something for almost twenty years, you had better be able to change with the times ...

Using Local Proverbs in Ministry

Why we should use local proverbs in ministry and ways that they can be effectively utilized ...

Transformational Development: Lessons from Central Asia

A case study of how small and medium enterprises are positively impacting local communities ...

Church Planting in a Week: Implications for Long-term Ministry — Bolivia, a Case Study

One trip changes the way the author sees short-term ministry. The key to effectiveness, he says, lies in three basic ...

Opening Ourselves to New Movements, Voices, and Opportunities

How do I determine what God’s purpose is for my generation? What is my generation’s relationship to the work of ...

The Local Church in Mission: Confessions of a Recovering Mission Snob

Watching mission blossom here at Bonhomme Presbyterian Church has challenged many of my assumptions about mission and the local church ...

The Local Church in Mission

Watching mission blossom here at Bonhomme Presbyterian Church has challenged many of my assumptions about mission and the local church ...

Releasing Indigenous Leaders: Empowerment vs. Enlistment

By emphasizing the empowerment of national leaders, we become more effective in multiplying not only leaders, but also believers and ...

How (Not) to Collaborate with a Majority World Church

Collaboration in intercultural ministry can be improved by considering three relational realities. The author uses a case study from Africa ...

Field Leaders: Navigating the Complexities of a Four-dimensional Role

Field leaders typically navigate four dimensions in their roles: personal, organizational, stewardship, impact. The authors give guidance on how to ...

How Technology is Transforming Bible Translation

Rather than assume Bible translation can only be done the way it has always been done, it is time to ...

Short-term Missions Serving Long-term Efforts in Eastern Europe

A case study of how one group in Eastern Europe is using short-term teams to accelerate the impact of long-term ...

Why I Am Not a Missionary!

The author shares why terminology can be limiting and occasionally harmful—and why it may be time we shifted our thinking ...

Confessions of a Seasoned Missions Fundraiser

The right perspectives on fundraising that counter thirteen common misconceptions ...

Accountability in Missions: Korean and Western Case Studies

by Jonathan J. Bonk, editor Wipf & Stock, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401, 360 pages, 2011, ...

Complexities of Money and Missions in Asia

by Paul H. De Neui, editor SEANET Series, vol. 9. William Carey Library, 1605 E. Elizabeth Street, Pasadena, CA 91104, ...

In the Midst of Change: Shaking Up the EMQ Columns

by A. Scott Moreau and Laurie Nichols Mike O’Rear and I (Scott) started the Missions on the Web column in ...

SYMPOSIUM: Response 3: It’s the Wrong Question

by Bryant L. MyersAnswering this question requires some nuance. It was useful once, but it is now neither useful nor ...

Esther as a Model for Doing Mission without Mentioning God

The Book of Esther reminds us that even when God’s name is absent, mission can still take place. Our commitment ...

Reaching Thailand in this Generation: The Thai Church’s National Plan

God is using six internal factors within the Church to push Thailand toward a spiritual tipping point: prayer, unity, research, ...

Adjusting Missionary Methods to Today’s Realities

by Marvin J. Newell As human beings living in a mechanized world, we embrace the processes of calibrating and recalibrating ...

After Imperialism: Christian Identity in China and the Global Evangelical Movement

by Richard R. Cook and David W. Pao, eds. Pickwick Publications, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401, ...

The Importance of the Missionary Society in Peru: Asociación Misionera Evangélica Nacional

A look at the origins and structure of the first indigenous mission in Peru and its importance for missions in ...

Reaching Out to Muslims: A Kairos Moment for Hispanic Christians

We are living in a time when God is giving the Hispanic Church the opportunity to reach out to Muslims ...

Walk with Me (Part 2): The Path to Interdependency

In part two of his discussion, Rickett shares a proposal by which the Western Church and the Majority World Church ...

The Spiritual Formation of Mission Leaders

The author discusses the importance of communion, community, and ministry in leadership ...

A Guide to Successful International Scholarships

Six key components in one international scholarship program in Bolivia have led to great success in Christian leaders making an ...

John Stott Finishes His Race

Corwin focuses on three things that impress him most about Stott’s engagement with mission issues ...

Transforming Worldview through Song

Atkins shares how music can be used to confront issues within a believer’s worldview ...

Lean on Me (Part 1): The Problem of Dependency

As the first of two articles on the dependency/ interdependency debate, Rickett presents the main views of Glenn Schwartz and ...

MK Education Consultants: Keeping Families on the Field

Shipman gives an overview of why education consultants are vital to missionary families around the world. She includes key characteristics ...

The Tension between Reaching and Teaching

We cannot pit church planters against theological educators ...

Global Church Planting: Biblical Principles and Best Practices for Multiplication

by Craig Ott and Gene Wilson Baker Academic, P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287, 464 pages, 2011, $29.99. —Reviewed ...

Letters to the Editor

Continuing the Discussion of “Women in Missions.” ...

La Vida Profunda: Contextualizing Spiritual Formation

Case study of how one missionary team (Mission Mexico City) tried to contextualize the spiritual formation process with urban youth ...

Rice Farming & Church Planting

Overlaying church planting upon rice farming is a method that has proven very effective in South Asia ...

Does GenY Deserve a Mission Conference?

Although GenY may not technically be an “unreached people,” it may be on the endangered list ...

From Accomplices to Advocates: Discrimination against Non-native English Speakers in Mission Agencies

The authors discuss the prevalence, consequence, and contributing factors of discrimination against non-native speakers of English and provide insights to ...

The Integration of Business and Business as Mission

Mission and business could use the help of the other ...

Missions on the Web Interview with Joseph Vijayam

Joseph Vijayam is a widely-respected information technology professional who epitomizes servant leadership within the global Christian community ...

The Facilitator Era: Beyond Church Multiplication

by Tom Steffen Wipf & Stock, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401, 418 pages, 2011, $46.00. —Reviewed ...

Where There Was No Church: Postcards from Followers of Jesus in the Muslim World

by EJ Martin, ed. Fruitful Practice Research and Learning Together Press, 204 pages, 2010, $12.50. —Reviewed by Benjamin Lee Hegeman, ...

Worship and Mission after Christendom

by Alan Kreider and Eleanor Kreider Herald Press, 616 Walnut Ave, Scottdale, PA 15683, 276 pages, 2011, $19.99. —Reviewed by ...

Your Focus on the World: A Step-by-Step Guide to Leading Your Whole Church into Maximum Global Impact (with Implementation Guide)

by Ellen Livingood Catalyst Services, P.O. Box 152, Newtown, PA 18940, 214 + 108 pages, 2010, $19.99 ($9.99 implementation guide) ...

From Shock to Grind: Wrestling with Culture where God Has Placed Us

Iver shares how he has moved from culture shock to culture grind to a type of culture transcendence which looks ...

Missionary Ethics and the Practice of Bribery

Tan offers a detailed description of how to differentiate between a bribe, extortion, a payment, and a gift ...

Business as Mission in Creative Access Countries: Ethical Implications and Challenges

At least six characteristics/activities may negatively impact the witness and effectiveness of BAM workers ...

The Critical Role of Relationships in Missions

Relationships are the number one factor in building trust and finding favor among a people group ...

Muslim Churches? Another Perspective on C5

The author addresses the issue of C5 contextualization by focusing on three key areas ...

Praying for a Missionary: A Guide to Effective and Powerful Utterance

A veteran missionary shares practical, biblical tips for powerfully praying for those working overseas ...

Diaspora on the Web

by A. Scott Moreau and Mike O'Rear Although diasporas have been part and parcel of our faith heritage since the ...

Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity: Theological Perspectives, Ecumenical Trends, Regional Surveys

by Dietrich Werner, David Esterline, Namsoon Kang, and Joshva Raja, eds. Regnum, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6HR, U.K., 800 pages, ...

Unpacking Cape Town 2010

Corwin offers his impressions of Lausanne Congress 2010 in Cape Town, South Africa ...

“What about My Singleness?” Encouraging the Single Person toward Ministry

Working in mobilization has brought me into contact with many serious inquirers and applicants for long-term missionary work. As I’ve ...

Self-Reliance or Mutual Dependence? A Vision for the Worldwide Church

Drawing from 2 Corinthians 8, the author digs deeper into the truth that to be a Christian is to be ...

The Cycle of Christ-honoring Transformation in Communities

A case study from Central Asia outlines a four-stage process which demonstrates what true transformation in communities, not of communities, ...

Preparing for Long-term Ministry

What does it take to be effective in kingdom work over the long haul? ...

Setting Goals for North American Missions: A Multi-ministry Exercise

Forty-five mission executive directors/CEOs participated in an exercise to consider the future challenges for North American missions ...

The Death of Missions: Response 4: We Need to First Ask Questions

by Alex Araujo It is true that the word “missions” has become confused in the minds of many today, and ...

Serving Jesus with Integrity: Ethics and Accountability in Mission

by Dwight P. Baker and Douglas Hayward, eds. William Carey Library, 1605 Elizabeth Street, Pasadena, CA 91104, 403 pages, 2010, ...

“Why Some People Are Unproductive” Revisted: Slothfulness and the Missionary

The author shares four powerful reasons why missionaries need to remain focused on their calling ...

Integrating a Business as Mission Focus into a Traditional Mission Agency

A case study of how CrossWorld integrated a Business as Mission focus into a traditional church-planting agency ...

What Is a God-given Assignment?

Moving toward fulfilling the good work God has for us includes wisdom and action. Bacon offers guidelines for finding our ...

A Participant’s Account of Edinburgh 2010

by Frampton F. Fox A wide-eyed teenager on a trick bicycle approached me on the sidewalk in front of the ...

A Participant’s Account of Lausanne III

by Allen Yeh Lausanne has revitalized their movement by launching their Third Congress on World Evangelization (October 17-24, 2010) in ...

Diversity and Leadership: The Challenge of Leadership in Multicultural Missions

One of the greatest challenges in my ten years as international director of SIM (Serving In Mission) was to find ...

Follow-up Resources for Lausanne Capetown 2010

by A. Scott Moreau and Mike O’Rear By the time you read this, the four celebrations of the centenary of ...

Our Readers Write…

Prayer Letters to the Home Team I greatly appreciated Allan Hedberg’s comments on missionary letter writing (“Prayer Letters to the ...

When Kingdom Building becomes Empire Building: How Our Witness is Impacted

Three things to be on the lookout for in assessing your kingdom vision ...

Ethical Mission Response to Children at Risk

The author offers three foundational guidelines for workers among children in high-risk situations ...

Pastoral Care of Missionaries: Turning Theory into Practice

A case study of how the Church Missionary Society of Australia has worked to develop a model of best practice ...

Peanuts and Soda Pop… Why Alliances Can Be Good

Why would one missionary organization decide to form an alliance with another? ...

Operation World: Helping You Pray for Every Nation—Including Those in EMQ

Examples of how Operation World can help you pray in an informed way for issues addressed in EMQ articles ...

Design and Fit: Nurturing the Call of God in Mobilizing Mission Candidates

The essential work of mission mobilization is to best fit workers into global contribution ...

The Meeting of the Waters: 7 Global Currents that Will Propel the Future Church

The Meeting of the Waters is not your usual “mission textbook,” but it is the kind of trends analysis that ...

Written by the Hand of Paul: Church Planting Naturally

We sat down with local leaders to discuss lessons learned and some of the shortcomings in multiplicative strategies. As for ...

Trauma and Traumatic Stress in Cross-cultural Missions: How to Promote Resilience

Results from a research study explores the relationship between traumatic events and psychological symptoms ...

The Engage! Study Executive Summary

A study of current and former field staff looks at factors related to retention issues among North American cross-cultural workers ...

The Part Mass Media Can Play in Mission Strategy

Media can play a valuable role in mission strategy ...

Building a Church’s Missionary Sending Skills

No one model will fit all. However, there are practical steps which build sending capacity ...

Finding the Right Missions Service Opportunity

This edition of Missions on the Web looks at sites that offer matching services and online listings of many opportunities ...

Innovation in Mission: Women Workers in the Harvest Force

Empowering women harvest force workers to fulfill God’s calling in their lives can bear tremendous fruit for the gospel ...

What Happens When Apostles Disagree?

A comparison of the missiology of four men—Donald A. McGavran, Carl F. H. Henry, John R. W. Stott, and Ralph ...

Missions and the Arts

In 2002 we first developed a MisLinks page connecting to missionally-focused arts resources. Eight years is a lifetime on the ...

Prayer Letters to the Home Team

The following letter was written to a missionary with whom I have a long-term friendship ...

Challenges for a Constantly Changing Mission Context

Impressions gleaned from interaction with mission leadership across the country ...

Evaluating “A Common Word”: The Problem of “Points of Contact”

Why “points of contact” between Christianity and Islam are mythical—and why Christians must stay true to the task of missions ...

Preventing Discouragement and Keeping Church Planters Productive on the Field

A study of church planters reveals that they are more likely to be motivated to continue on the field if ...

Enhancing Your Internal Coaching Capacity

Sitting on the plane after the coach training class she’d just attended, Kris was excited about what she had learned ...

Academic Societies and Academic Sites Supporting Mission Research

Most of the sites referenced in this article are focused on evangelical and Protestant Christian mission, and we’ve included a ...

Westerners and Middle Easterners Serving Together author shares seven common struggles in ministry partnerships in the Middle East ...

2 1/2 Percent: Church Planting Movements from the Periphery to the Center

Harnessing the power of anomalies could become a gateway to spreading the gospel through media ...

Facilitating a New Student Volunteer Movement

How seminaries and Christian colleges can strengthen the Adopt-A-People Group program ...

The Problem of Power in Ministry Relationships

Compensating for power differentials in ministry by using space and symbols can lead to strong relationships between Western missionary organizations ...

Why We All Need Majority World Publishing

Three strategies for churches and leaders from the West and the Majority World to work together to make reverse mission ...

Strategic Impact: Multiplying Our Effectiveness with Children at Risk

How can we ever hope to assist the vast multitude of children at risk? There is a way, and that ...

Building the Church/Agency Relationship

Can the local church and mission agency work together in cross-cultural ministry to the satisfaction of both parties? ...

The Next Big Thing Might Actually Be a Small Step Sideways

New ways of doing are almost always preceded by new ways of thinking ...

Ducking Missionary Conflict in Africa and Beyond

Interpersonal conflicts frequently trouble missionary endeavors ...

Funding Kingdom Work By Building Financial Capacity in National Organizations

Wycliffe International’s “Matching Funds Experiment” produced significant results for the Church to consider when considering models of local and global ...

Let More African Americans Minister to Their “Cousin” Black Africans!

The author looks at similar values between African Americans and Black Africans that can lead to spiritual and social bonding ...

From Singular People Group Adoption to Multiple People Group Advocacy

The author discusses the benefits of a church moving from singular people adoption toward a multiple people group advocacy model ...

Friendship, Vodka, Money, and the Gospel

Four lessons emerged as national co-workers talked about their primary desires for partnership ...

Organizational Response to Internet Pornography among Members

The internet allows people to engage in the secret sin of pornography, and it is not until marriages and families ...

Mission Associations

In this installment of Missions on the Web we look at networks, fellowships, and associations of mission agencies around the ...

Effective Engagement in Short-Term Missions: Doing It Right!

The author takes an insightful look at the issues surrounding the largest mission initiative of our time ...

Leading Cross-Culturally: Covenant Relationships for Effective Christian Leadership

This latest book in a series of three by Sherwood G. Lingenfelter deals with culture and cross-cultural leadership for Western ...

A Story of Phenomenal Success: Indigenous Mission Training Centers and Myanmar

Four transferable principles that make an indigenous church-planting movement more likely to succeed ...

Church Planting and Kingdom Building: Are They the Same?

Global church planting involves the structural growth of the Body of Christ; however, kingdom building expands the concept of Christ-like ...

Overcoming Option Fatigue in Future Missionaries

We live in an age of unprecedented opportunity, where more options and choices are available to us than ever before ...

A Comprehensive Mission Thrust for Your Church

A four-phased approach to establish excellence in missions ...

From Seed to Fruit: Global Trends, Fruitful Practices, and Emerging Issues among Muslims

by J. Dudley Woodberry, ed. William Carey Library, 1605 E. Elizabeth St., Pasadena, Calif. 91104, 2008, 428 pages, includes a ...

The Audacity of Hype…and Humility

With all due respect to politicians and members of the mission community, isn’t exaggeration and truth-shading something to be avoided? ...

Language and Labels

Can the Church be a thought-leader in shaping language that ascribes and affirms human dignity by recognizing the God-given identity ...

The Audacity of Hype…and Humility

With all due respect to politicians and members of the mission community, isn’t exaggeration and truth-shading something to be avoided? ...

Language and Labels

Can the Church be a thought-leader in shaping language that ascribes and affirms human dignity by recognizing the God-given identity ...

How Cultures Work: A Roadmap for Intercultural Understanding in the Workplace

The author asks what effective and efficient multinational partnership looks like and how multinational teams can function practically ...

Rereading Acts 6:1-7: Lessons for Multicultural Mission Organizations

The conflict in Acts 6:1-7 may have multiple implications for multi-cultural mission organizations in the twenty-first century ...

Cutting the Purse Strings: How to Avoid and Overcome Paternalism

The author offers a list of guidelines missionaries should and should not do when supporting any type of mission effort ...

Doing One Thing Well: Stepping through the Short-term Mission Experience

The author suggests that a short-term mission trip focus on one thing: impacting the life of the participant in meaningful ...

Quality Standards for Agencies

Missionary agencies are vehicles for the establishment of a missionary vision within the Church and the facilitation of that vision ...

Online Member Care Resources

An update of missionary care resources online ...

Doing Diversity Well

Five potential guidelines for achieving diversity while maintaining unity ...

Preparing Missionary Couples for Cultural Stress

Even the most stable marriages are severely strained in the context of cross-cultural living. Eenigenburg lists potential stressors couples may ...

Personal Piety vs. Institutional Aid: A Case for a Return to Alms-giving

Daniels suggests missionaries on the field return to personal alms-giving, thereby investing in relationships on a deeper level ...

On Furlough: What Returning Missionaries and Home Churches Want

Ten ways missionaries on furlough and mission committees and churches can bless each other ...

Pitfalls Missions Committees Must Avoid

Missions committees must constantly update their mission vision and strategy. Hedberg outlines nine pitfalls committees must avoid ...

Mapping Resources for Missions

Finding map resources on the web ...

Antioch Revisited: Reuniting the Church with Her Mission

Author Tom Julien weaves a compelling story of a missionary who rediscovered that blueprint in Acts 13 and purposed to ...

Good and Faithful—New Zealand Missionaries and Their Experience of Attrition

Why do missionaries come home prematurely and what can be done about it? Hudson Deane has asked these questions to ...

Doing Diversity Well

Five potential guidelines for achieving diversity while maintaining unity ...

Preparing Missionary Couples for Cultural Stress

Even the most stable marriages are severely strained in the context of cross-cultural living. Eenigenburg lists potential stressors couples may ...

Personal Piety vs. Institutional Aid: A Case for a Return to Alms-giving

Daniels suggests missionaries on the field return to personal alms-giving, thereby investing in relationships on a deeper level ...

On Furlough: What Returning Missionaries and Home Churches Want

Ten ways missionaries on furlough and mission committees and churches can bless each other ...

Pitfalls Missions Committees Must Avoid

Missions committees must constantly update their mission vision and strategy. Hedberg outlines nine pitfalls committees must avoid ...

Mapping Resources for Missions

Finding map resources on the web ...

Antioch Revisited: Reuniting the Church with Her Mission

Author Tom Julien weaves a compelling story of a missionary who rediscovered that blueprint in Acts 13 and purposed to ...

Good and Faithful—New Zealand Missionaries and Their Experience of Attrition

Why do missionaries come home prematurely and what can be done about it? Hudson Deane has asked these questions to ...

Our Reader’s Write

Contrasting Worldviews In reading Leanne Dzubinski’s “Contrasting Worldviews and Their Implications for Missions in Spain” (January 2008), I am impressed ...

Coaching for On-field Development

It is time mission leaders rethink how they help missionaries develop. Coaching is one answer to effectively developing missionaries on ...

The Need for Field-based Counselor Training in Evangelical Missions

While Christian counseling has grown in North America, this is not the case in other parts of the world. Bowen ...

Missionary Burnout: Who is Adequate for These Things?

Speaking from experience, the author shares how missionaries and leaders can identify burnout—and offers five steps to recovery ...

Discerning When We Have Completed What God Has Assigned to Us

Five ways to discern when a missionary assignment is coming to an end ...

Good-to-Great Church Planting: The Road Less Travelled

Exploring the regions beyond simply successful church planting and explaining how church planting can rise to become great in nature ...

What Are Best Practices of Church Planting among Muslims?

“Is there any hope in reaching Muslims for Christ when there are so many obstacles?” ...

A Proverbial Gold Mine

In this installment of Missions on the Web, we provide you with access to proverbs from around the world ...

Missions in Contexts of Violence

A collection of instructive essays and case studies ...

Our Reader’s Write

Contrasting Worldviews In reading Leanne Dzubinski’s “Contrasting Worldviews and Their Implications for Missions in Spain” (January 2008), I am impressed ...

Coaching for On-field Development

It is time mission leaders rethink how they help missionaries develop. Coaching is one answer to effectively developing missionaries on ...

The Need for Field-based Counselor Training in Evangelical Missions

While Christian counseling has grown in North America, this is not the case in other parts of the world. Bowen ...

Missionary Burnout: Who is Adequate for These Things?

Speaking from experience, the author shares how missionaries and leaders can identify burnout—and offers five steps to recovery ...

Discerning When We Have Completed What God Has Assigned to Us

Five ways to discern when a missionary assignment is coming to an end ...

Good-to-Great Church Planting: The Road Less Travelled

Exploring the regions beyond simply successful church planting and explaining how church planting can rise to become great in nature ...

What Are Best Practices of Church Planting among Muslims?

“Is there any hope in reaching Muslims for Christ when there are so many obstacles?” ...

A Proverbial Gold Mine

In this installment of Missions on the Web, we provide you with access to proverbs from around the world ...

Missions in Contexts of Violence

A collection of instructive essays and case studies ...

Evangelism and Dreams: Foundational Presuppositions to Interpret God-given Dreams of the Unreached

A biblical understanding of dreams can facilitate a contextual approach to reaching Muslims (and those of other faiths) with the ...

Reflections on Missionary Redeployment: Caring for the Emotional Needs of the Missionary

Transitioning to a new field is often emotionally difficult for a missionary. Irvin offers three strategies for improving the outcome ...

A Shared Services Environment for Ministries: Riding Out the Storms of Change Together

To most effectively deal with the changing culture and worldview, ministries and mission agencies must join hands and share services ...

Cultural Bridges and Momina Traditional Religion: Seeking a Key Redemptive Analogy and Mission Many

In his work with the Momina, Henson found four significant cultural bridges that facilitated the communication of the gospel and ...

Reason to Believe: Cultural Agency in Latin American Evangelicalism

Based on three years of participant observation and interviews, Smilde explores the reasons why some men in Latin American convert ...

Evangelism and Dreams: Foundational Presuppositions to Interpret God-given Dreams of the Unreached

A biblical understanding of dreams can facilitate a contextual approach to reaching Muslims (and those of other faiths) with the ...

Reflections on Missionary Redeployment: Caring for the Emotional Needs of the Missionary

Transitioning to a new field is often emotionally difficult for a missionary. Irvin offers three strategies for improving the outcome ...

A Shared Services Environment for Ministries: Riding Out the Storms of Change Together

To most effectively deal with the changing culture and worldview, ministries and mission agencies must join hands and share services ...

Cultural Bridges and Momina Traditional Religion: Seeking a Key Redemptive Analogy and Mission Many

In his work with the Momina, Henson found four significant cultural bridges that facilitated the communication of the gospel and ...

Reason to Believe: Cultural Agency in Latin American Evangelicalism

Based on three years of participant observation and interviews, Smilde explores the reasons why some men in Latin American convert ...

Introducing “CrossGlobal Link” and “The Mission Exchange”: IFMA and EFMA Change Names, Foci

Marvin Newell, executive director of CrossGlobal Link, and Steve Moore, president and CEO of The Mission Exchange, discuss the changes ...

Discussions about Missions and Money

In this edition of Missions on the Web, we point you to some of the key documents and sites where ...

American Churches: Ministry Insights from Groundbreaking Congregations

This book is a tale of two cultures: the East Asian culture and the American culture ...

Harvest of Hope: Stories of Life-Changing Gifts

Over the past few years, a variety of non-profits, including many Christian organizations, have begun to publish lists or “catalogs” ...

To Give or Not To Give? Rethinking Dependency, Restoring Generosity & Redefining Sustainability

Dependency and sustainability are the new buzzwords. The order of the day is, “Support indigenous ministry, but be very careful ...

The Trendy Giant Wounds: Some Lessons from the Church in Africa

Careful and adequate pre-mission training needs to be done in preparing westerners to engage the cultural context of Africa in ...

The Trendy Giant Wounds: Some Lessons from the Church in Africa

Careful and adequate pre-mission training needs to be done in preparing westerners to engage the cultural context of Africa in ...

Introducing “CrossGlobal Link” and “The Mission Exchange”: IFMA and EFMA Change Names, Foci

Marvin Newell, executive director of CrossGlobal Link, and Steve Moore, president and CEO of The Mission Exchange, discuss the changes ...

Discussions about Missions and Money

In this edition of Missions on the Web, we point you to some of the key documents and sites where ...

American Churches: Ministry Insights from Groundbreaking Congregations

This book is a tale of two cultures: the East Asian culture and the American culture ...

Harvest of Hope: Stories of Life-Changing Gifts

Over the past few years, a variety of non-profits, including many Christian organizations, have begun to publish lists or “catalogs” ...

To Give or Not To Give? Rethinking Dependency, Restoring Generosity & Redefining Sustainability

Dependency and sustainability are the new buzzwords. The order of the day is, “Support indigenous ministry, but be very careful ...

Lessons from a Merger

Seven lessons learned from the successful merger of AEF and SIM ...

Relationships between Native and Non-native English-speakers for Missions

Studying the value of NEST/NNEST relationships in schools that teach English as a foreign language ...

Mission-Church Relations in Post-Soviet Central Asia: A Field Study

It is time to make “new mistakes” in church planting and in dealing with indigenous ministries ...

Personal Contact: The sine qua non of Twenty-first Century Christian Mission

Statistics from the World Christian Encyclopedia appear to indicate that less than sixteen percent of non-Christians know a Christian; however, ...

An Introduction to Blogging on the Internet

In this edition of Missions on the Web we provide links to numerous sources to help you enrich your experience ...

Can It Be Me?

Marjory Foyle has finally written her autobiography, which is great news to those of us who consider ourselves humbled to ...

Mission Handbook 2007-2009: U.S. and Canadian Protestant Ministries

The Mission Handbook is an essential book for at least two reasons: first, as the key directory and reference tool ...

Lessons from a Merger

Seven lessons learned from the successful merger of AEF and SIM ...

Relationships between Native and Non-native English-speakers for Missions

Studying the value of NEST/NNEST relationships in schools that teach English as a foreign language ...

Mission-Church Relations in Post-Soviet Central Asia: A Field Study

It is time to make “new mistakes” in church planting and in dealing with indigenous ministries ...

Personal Contact: The sine qua non of Twenty-first Century Christian Mission

Statistics from the World Christian Encyclopedia appear to indicate that less than sixteen percent of non-Christians know a Christian; however, ...

An Introduction to Blogging on the Internet

In this edition of Missions on the Web we provide links to numerous sources to help you enrich your experience ...

Can It Be Me?

Marjory Foyle has finally written her autobiography, which is great news to those of us who consider ourselves humbled to ...

Mission Handbook 2007-2009: U.S. and Canadian Protestant Ministries

The Mission Handbook is an essential book for at least two reasons: first, as the key directory and reference tool ...

Our Readers Write

Assessing Intercultural Sensitivity I read with interest Dan Sheffield’s article in the January 2007 EMQ (“Assessing Intercultural Sensitivity in Mission ...

Training Leaders: A Functioning Model for Missionaries

An example of how Church Based Training is being used in Austria, Germany and Switzerland to train local leaders ...

Confronting the AIDS Crisis in Africa

How one African denomination, the African Inland Church of Kenya, assumed its God-given responsibility in confronting the AIDS crisis in ...

Is Business as Mission Honest?

Tentmakers who embrace the idea of a Christian vocation can see themselves as Christian business people ...

Business as Mission Resources

The blending of business with mission is as old as Paul’s tentmaking work in New Testament times. However, over the ...

Innovation in Mission: Insights into Practical Innovations Creating Kingdom Impact

Editors Jim Reapsome and Jon Hirst and eleven authors provide twentieth and twenty-first century examples of innovation in world mission ...

Confronting the AIDS Crisis in Africa

How one African denomination, the African Inland Church of Kenya, assumed its God-given responsibility in confronting the AIDS crisis in ...

Is Business as Mission Honest?

Tentmakers who embrace the idea of a Christian vocation can see themselves as Christian business people ...

Business as Mission Resources

The blending of business with mission is as old as Paul’s tentmaking work in New Testament times. However, over the ...

Innovation in Mission: Insights into Practical Innovations Creating Kingdom Impact

Editors Jim Reapsome and Jon Hirst and eleven authors provide twentieth and twenty-first century examples of innovation in world mission ...

Our Readers Write

Assessing Intercultural Sensitivity I read with interest Dan Sheffield’s article in the January 2007 EMQ (“Assessing Intercultural Sensitivity in Mission ...

Training Leaders: A Functioning Model for Missionaries

An example of how Church Based Training is being used in Austria, Germany and Switzerland to train local leaders ...

Foreign Money and Indigenous Ministry: To Give or Not to Give?

There is a time, place and manner to use foreign funds for the expansion of national ministries. Missionaries serving overseas ...

Church in Context

A look at seven theological principles can help us embrace other elements of God's revelation and command ...

The Ultimate Need—The Infinite Christ

Three reasons why we are constrained theologically and missiologically to teach the truths of a Trinitarian God and Christ as ...

Missions-related News on the Web

One of the distinctive strengths of the Internet is its ability to provide immediate access to current news around the ...

Hope for the Southern World: Impacting Societal Problems in the Non-Western World

The majority of evangelical Christians now live in the southern hemisphere. God has multiplied his Church in Latin America, Africa ...

Mission in the Way of Paul: Biblical Mission for the Church in the 21st Century

Christopher Little is to be congratulated for writing a book on the second most significant missionary exemplar of all time, ...

Foreign Money and Indigenous Ministry: To Give or Not to Give?

There is a time, place and manner to use foreign funds for the expansion of national ministries. Missionaries serving overseas ...

Church in Context

A look at seven theological principles can help us embrace other elements of God's revelation and command ...

The Ultimate Need—The Infinite Christ

Three reasons why we are constrained theologically and missiologically to teach the truths of a Trinitarian God and Christ as ...

Missions-related News on the Web

One of the distinctive strengths of the Internet is its ability to provide immediate access to current news around the ...

Hope for the Southern World: Impacting Societal Problems in the Non-Western World

The majority of evangelical Christians now live in the southern hemisphere. God has multiplied his Church in Latin America, Africa ...

Mission in the Way of Paul: Biblical Mission for the Church in the 21st Century

Christopher Little is to be congratulated for writing a book on the second most significant missionary exemplar of all time, ...

The Whole New World of Unreached Peoples

The unreached peoples movement has come a long way since the 1974 Lausanne Congress, which was instrumental in launching it ...

The Ugly Beast Behind Well-spoken Pragmatism

The kind of Christian vision that insists upon measurable results and invests only in “grassroots” training may enjoy admirable motivation ...

Wise as Doves and Innocent as Serpents? Doing Conflict Resolution Better

Doing conflict resolution better requires understanding both human dysfunction and biblical discipline ...

Contextualizing Scriptures for Ethno-linguistic Minorities: Case Study of Central Asian Muslims

The Central Asian Russian Scriptures (CARS) Project is designed to contextualize the Russian Bible for the Muslim people of Central ...

The Later Years for Missionaries: Six Suggestions to Make the Transition

In the midst of so many demands, we must deal creatively, compassionately and constructively with valued older servants ...

The Whole New World of Unreached Peoples

The unreached peoples movement has come a long way since the 1974 Lausanne Congress, which was instrumental in launching it ...

The Ugly Beast Behind Well-spoken Pragmatism

The kind of Christian vision that insists upon measurable results and invests only in “grassroots” training may enjoy admirable motivation ...

Wise as Doves and Innocent as Serpents? Doing Conflict Resolution Better

Doing conflict resolution better requires understanding both human dysfunction and biblical discipline ...

Contextualizing Scriptures for Ethno-linguistic Minorities: Case Study of Central Asian Muslims

The Central Asian Russian Scriptures (CARS) Project is designed to contextualize the Russian Bible for the Muslim people of Central ...

The Later Years for Missionaries: Six Suggestions to Make the Transition

In the midst of so many demands, we must deal creatively, compassionately and constructively with valued older servants ...

Grab Some Leaders and Take Them Along

Leadership mission trips can provide focus and vision for churches involved in or preparing to enter the global mission field ...

Where Are We Going in MK Education?

Dramatic changes are occurring in missions and MK schools around the world. MK schools need to adapt to these changes ...

African Time

A veteran missionary compares "African time" with "American time" and shares how cross-cultural missionaries in Africa benefit from seeing time ...

A New Agenda: De-Americanization

Ministering transculturally requires letting go of "Christianity made in America" and contextualizing our faith in other cultures ...

The Theology of Internal Controls: Reducing the Risk of Theft and Fraud in Your Ministry or Nonprofi

To foster trust and harmony within a Christian workplace it is necessary for accountability to be carried out effectively and ...

Intercultural Communication Resources

Few skills are as important to missionaries as those which help in mastering communication in a new culture ...

Breaking Tradition to Accomplish Vision: Training Leaders for a Church-Planting Movement

What role should theological education take with church planting movements? To answer this important question, Paul Gupta presents a case ...

Grab Some Leaders and Take Them Along

Leadership mission trips can provide focus and vision for churches involved in or preparing to enter the global mission field ...

Where Are We Going in MK Education?

Dramatic changes are occurring in missions and MK schools around the world. MK schools need to adapt to these changes ...

African Time

A veteran missionary compares "African time" with "American time" and shares how cross-cultural missionaries in Africa benefit from seeing time ...

A New Agenda: De-Americanization

Ministering transculturally requires letting go of "Christianity made in America" and contextualizing our faith in other cultures ...

The Theology of Internal Controls: Reducing the Risk of Theft and Fraud in Your Ministry or Nonprofi

To foster trust and harmony within a Christian workplace it is necessary for accountability to be carried out effectively and ...

Intercultural Communication Resources

Few skills are as important to missionaries as those which help in mastering communication in a new culture ...

Breaking Tradition to Accomplish Vision: Training Leaders for a Church-Planting Movement

What role should theological education take with church planting movements? To answer this important question, Paul Gupta presents a case ...

Six Challenges for the Church in Missions

A veteran missions director shares six challenges the North American Church faces concerning world missions—and how to deal with these ...

Jesus Hall: A Case Study of a Bengali Muslim Ministry in New York City

One urban missions leader shares lessons from a six-year ministry outreach to Bengali immigrants ...

The Middle East and Missions on the Web

In this edition of Missions on the Web, we explore what the Internet has to offer in terms of information ...

Is it Insensitive to Share Your Faith? Hard Questions about Christian Mission in a Plural World

The issue of evangelizing non-Christian peoples has become one of the most controversial practices in our pluralistic world today. Is ...

Six Challenges for the Church in Missions

A veteran missions director shares six challenges the North American Church faces concerning world missions—and how to deal with these ...

Jesus Hall: A Case Study of a Bengali Muslim Ministry in New York City

One urban missions leader shares lessons from a six-year ministry outreach to Bengali immigrants ...

The Middle East and Missions on the Web

In this edition of Missions on the Web, we explore what the Internet has to offer in terms of information ...

Is it Insensitive to Share Your Faith? Hard Questions about Christian Mission in a Plural World

The issue of evangelizing non-Christian peoples has become one of the most controversial practices in our pluralistic world today. Is ...

Integrating Technology in Leadership Training

When I began my missionary career in the Philippines in 1986, making a long-distance telephone call was a major project ...

Short-term Medical Teams: What They Do Well…and Not So Well

Short-term medical teams take many forms and serve in many ministry settings. This article is limited to general medical teams ...

Photo Sensitivity: Looking through the Lens of the Local People

Bob was sent by his church to check out a project they were supporting in Africa. At the height of ...

Through the Eyes of Another: Intercultural Reading of the Bible

This hefty book is the product of a three-year study of John 4:1-42 by 120 groups from all parts of ...

Integrating Technology in Leadership Training

When I began my missionary career in the Philippines in 1986, making a long-distance telephone call was a major project ...

Short-term Medical Teams: What They Do Well…and Not So Well

Short-term medical teams take many forms and serve in many ministry settings. This article is limited to general medical teams ...

Photo Sensitivity: Looking through the Lens of the Local People

Bob was sent by his church to check out a project they were supporting in Africa. At the height of ...

Through the Eyes of Another: Intercultural Reading of the Bible

This hefty book is the product of a three-year study of John 4:1-42 by 120 groups from all parts of ...

Letters to the Editor

Are We Really about Church Planting? Several quotes caught my attention in Larry Sharp’s article “Are We Really about Church ...

The Secret Efficiency of Faith Missions

At a recent conference of Christian organizations, my roommate told me of a donor retreat his agency had just sponsored ...

What Makes Mission Christian?

Although Christian mission may seem easily definable, there is a growing divide among evangelicals today regarding the fundamental meaning, role ...

Middle Mission

Consider the following idea from a young person interested in overseas missions: “Maybe there would be merit in removing the ...

Missions and Web Outreach

“Online outreach is an innovative response to today's high-tech world. It is possible to evangelize one billion people through this ...

The Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic

Few topics have more coverage on the Web than HIV/AIDS. A Google search results in nearly ninety million hits. Having ...

Letters to the Editor

Are We Really about Church Planting? Several quotes caught my attention in Larry Sharp’s article “Are We Really about Church ...

The Secret Efficiency of Faith Missions

At a recent conference of Christian organizations, my roommate told me of a donor retreat his agency had just sponsored ...

What Makes Mission Christian?

Although Christian mission may seem easily definable, there is a growing divide among evangelicals today regarding the fundamental meaning, role ...

Middle Mission

Consider the following idea from a young person interested in overseas missions: “Maybe there would be merit in removing the ...

Missions and Web Outreach

“Online outreach is an innovative response to today's high-tech world. It is possible to evangelize one billion people through this ...

The Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic

Few topics have more coverage on the Web than HIV/AIDS. A Google search results in nearly ninety million hits. Having ...

Missionary Teaching in a Postmodern Context

Actions really do speak louder than words—especially for first-term missionaries tongue-tied with learning a new language and adapting to a ...

Grounded for Good? Is the Era of Missionary Aviation Coming to an End?

The small red and white Cessna spirals down through the clouds and makes a perfect landing on the tiny grass ...

The Long-term Impact of Short-term Missions

During several recent meetings in Nairobi, one of my goals was to reconnect with friends in the city. I had ...

Transformation: Dream or Reality?

God brings about transformation in individuals, families, communities and nations where local churches understand and respond to his full intentions ...

Tools for Listening: Quantitative and Qualitative

Twenty years ago, I had cancer. Chemotherapy brought me to the brink of death. After receiving a transfusion, a single ...

Oh, No! Not Another Seminar!

Keys to an effective non-formal training event ...

Let’s Get Real about Missionary Team Chemistry

What is the theological explanation for a missionary team meltdown? ...

Missionary Teaching in a Postmodern Context

Actions really do speak louder than words—especially for first-term missionaries tongue-tied with learning a new language and adapting to a ...

Grounded for Good? Is the Era of Missionary Aviation Coming to an End?

The small red and white Cessna spirals down through the clouds and makes a perfect landing on the tiny grass ...

Let’s Get Real about Missionary Team Chemistry

What is the theological explanation for a missionary team meltdown? ...

The Long-term Impact of Short-term Missions

During several recent meetings in Nairobi, one of my goals was to reconnect with friends in the city. I had ...

Transformation: Dream or Reality?

God brings about transformation in individuals, families, communities and nations where local churches understand and respond to his full intentions ...

Tools for Listening: Quantitative and Qualitative

Twenty years ago, I had cancer. Chemotherapy brought me to the brink of death. After receiving a transfusion, a single ...

Oh, No! Not Another Seminar!

Keys to an effective non-formal training event ...

Globalization and the Missionary Potential of International Churches

During the latter half of the twentieth century, globalization has caused the dispersion of millions of English-speakers to the ends ...

Changing Traditional Missions: The Law of the Boomerang Effect

Recently I reached the milestone of a decade of leadership at CBInternational (CBI). It gave me pause to reflect on ...

What Do You Do When Sins Seem Ignored

After months of internal wrangling, the denominational pastors board finally reached a decision. Despite the objections of some national pastors, ...

Globalization and the Missionary Potential of International Churches

During the latter half of the twentieth century, globalization has caused the dispersion of millions of English-speakers to the ends ...

Changing Traditional Missions: The Law of the Boomerang Effect

Recently I reached the milestone of a decade of leadership at CBInternational (CBI). It gave me pause to reflect on ...

What Do You Do When Sins Seem Ignored

After months of internal wrangling, the denominational pastors board finally reached a decision. Despite the objections of some national pastors, ...

Reflections on the Lausanne Forum

Back in September-October, 2004, I was fortunate to be among the delegates to the Lausanne Forum 2004 held in Pattaya, ...

Twenty First Century Population Factors and Leadership of Spiritual Movements

Today’s population growth is driving change in unprecedented ways. The challenges and opportunities for all aspects of life are at ...

Awake Africa!

The old man’s desk was covered in papers. His hair was peppered with white and his eyes were yellowed and ...

Good Agency Practices: Lessons from ReMAP II

The Great Commission calls us “to make disciples of all nations.” The central focus is on making mature followers of ...

Reflections on the Lausanne Forum

Back in September-October, 2004, I was fortunate to be among the delegates to the Lausanne Forum 2004 held in Pattaya, ...

Twenty First Century Population Factors and Leadership of Spiritual Movements

Today’s population growth is driving change in unprecedented ways. The challenges and opportunities for all aspects of life are at ...

Awake Africa!

The old man’s desk was covered in papers. His hair was peppered with white and his eyes were yellowed and ...

Good Agency Practices: Lessons from ReMAP II

The Great Commission calls us “to make disciples of all nations.” The central focus is on making mature followers of ...

Lessons from Latino Missions to Europe

The Church has witnessed many changes during the past century. One of the most dramatic has been the massive growth ...

Kingdom Living: The Gospel on Our Lips and In Our Lives

What is our primary responsibility in a world without Christ, struggling with the poverty, injustice and violence that result from ...

Missionary or Wife?

While most missionary men and even single missionary women have well-defined roles, the constantly changing roles of married missionary women ...

Creative Access Platforms: What Are They and Do We Need Them?

I recently had lunch with a veteran tentmaker missionary whom I shall call “Bill,” who has served twenty years in ...

In the Right Gear

We met friends at an Indian restaurant. As we munched warm flatbread with these missionaries, they told us how their ...

Europe and Missions on the Web

Europe remains perhaps the most overlooked mission field in the world today. Even the General Secretary of the World Council ...

Asian Church and God’s Mission

With the increasing shift in mission personnel from Western to non-Western countries, how do Asian “mission-ed” churches grow up to ...

Lessons from Latino Missions to Europe

The Church has witnessed many changes during the past century. One of the most dramatic has been the massive growth ...

Kingdom Living: The Gospel on Our Lips and In Our Lives

What is our primary responsibility in a world without Christ, struggling with the poverty, injustice and violence that result from ...

Missionary or Wife?

While most missionary men and even single missionary women have well-defined roles, the constantly changing roles of married missionary women ...

Creative Access Platforms: What Are They and Do We Need Them?

I recently had lunch with a veteran tentmaker missionary whom I shall call “Bill,” who has served twenty years in ...

In the Right Gear

We met friends at an Indian restaurant. As we munched warm flatbread with these missionaries, they told us how their ...

Europe and Missions on the Web

Europe remains perhaps the most overlooked mission field in the world today. Even the General Secretary of the World Council ...

Asian Church and God’s Mission

With the increasing shift in mission personnel from Western to non-Western countries, how do Asian “mission-ed” churches grow up to ...

Missions and Earthly Things

This issue of Missions on the Web focuses on practical resources and services that cater to the needs of international ...

Empowered Church Leadership: Ministry in the Spirit According to Paul

“Dodd examines the letters of the Apostle Paul, writing to church leaders, lay and clergy alike, in hopes of engaging ...

Funding Projects: Anatomy of a Matching Grant

From the start, Africa Equip Ministry (AEM), based in Nairobi, Kenya, was a ministry that had very little money but ...

Time for African American Missionaries

While teaching a group of Ugandan church leaders, I mentioned how few African Americans were engaged in global missions. Okiru ...

Latin American Survey: Thirty Years Later

A profile of today’s missionary candidates could help mission agencies evaluate their policies for recruiting, selecting and placing missionaries in ...

AmeriCAN or AmeriCAN’T? A Critical Analysis of Western Training to the World

It was an e-mail you pray will never be written about you. The message came from an African friend, Zwanda ...

Who Needs to Hear?

Both theologically and pragmatically, at least five priorities or questions should be kept in mind when choosing new target areas ...

Forty Years: The Story of EMQ

Evangelical Missions Quarterly was conceived in an ice cream shop called the Eskimo Inn at Winona Lake, Indiana ...

Missions and Earthly Things

This issue of Missions on the Web focuses on practical resources and services that cater to the needs of international ...

Empowered Church Leadership: Ministry in the Spirit According to Paul

“Dodd examines the letters of the Apostle Paul, writing to church leaders, lay and clergy alike, in hopes of engaging ...

Funding Projects: Anatomy of a Matching Grant

From the start, Africa Equip Ministry (AEM), based in Nairobi, Kenya, was a ministry that had very little money but ...

Time for African American Missionaries

While teaching a group of Ugandan church leaders, I mentioned how few African Americans were engaged in global missions. Okiru ...

Latin American Survey: Thirty Years Later

A profile of today’s missionary candidates could help mission agencies evaluate their policies for recruiting, selecting and placing missionaries in ...

AmeriCAN or AmeriCAN’T? A Critical Analysis of Western Training to the World

It was an e-mail you pray will never be written about you. The message came from an African friend, Zwanda ...

Who Needs to Hear?

Both theologically and pragmatically, at least five priorities or questions should be kept in mind when choosing new target areas ...

Forty Years: The Story of EMQ

Evangelical Missions Quarterly was conceived in an ice cream shop called the Eskimo Inn at Winona Lake, Indiana ...

Managing the Short-term Missions Explosion

Short-term missions has moved from being part of a larger missions vision and instead has become the primary goal of ...

What I Want in a Missionary

I never want to have another missions emphasis week like the one my church endured last year. It was a ...

Distractions on the Path to Contentment

The following distractions prolong our discomfort and often keep us from fitting in or belonging ...

Theological Critique of Security

I wish to challenge the prevailing assumptions which support our notion of security in missions ...

Managing the Short-term Missions Explosion

Short-term missions has moved from being part of a larger missions vision and instead has become the primary goal of ...

What I Want in a Missionary

I never want to have another missions emphasis week like the one my church endured last year. It was a ...

Distractions on the Path to Contentment

The following distractions prolong our discomfort and often keep us from fitting in or belonging ...

Theological Critique of Security

I wish to challenge the prevailing assumptions which support our notion of security in missions ...

Making It Stick

One of the major roles of a cross-cultural evangelist is to experiment enough to find ways to make the gospel ...

Theological Education in the 21st Century

By the second half of the twentieth century, missiologists had recognized the inaccuracy of the colonialist assumption, “West is best” ...

Adult Education Principles for Pre-field Missionary Orientation

I would like to suggest that as we work to improve the quality of our training, we must address an ...

And So the Story Goes…Web Resources on Storytelling, Myths, and Proverbs

No doubt many EMQ readers learned their missiology the academic, propositional way—from books and lectures. It’s only natural for us ...

Frontline Women

How are North American women to move beyond perseverance in cross-cultural work to creativity, satisfaction and effectiveness? ...

Making It Stick

One of the major roles of a cross-cultural evangelist is to experiment enough to find ways to make the gospel ...

Theological Education in the 21st Century

By the second half of the twentieth century, missiologists had recognized the inaccuracy of the colonialist assumption, “West is best” ...

Adult Education Principles for Pre-field Missionary Orientation

I would like to suggest that as we work to improve the quality of our training, we must address an ...

And So the Story Goes…Web Resources on Storytelling, Myths, and Proverbs

No doubt many EMQ readers learned their missiology the academic, propositional way—from books and lectures. It’s only natural for us ...

Frontline Women

How are North American women to move beyond perseverance in cross-cultural work to creativity, satisfaction and effectiveness? ...

Strategic Issues in Missions—An Asian Perspective

Asia, with some 3.7 billion people and less than nine percent of whom are Christians, clearly needs the gospel. But ...

Paul’s Missionary Prayer Requests

As a missionary I often struggle with the task of writing prayer letters that creatively communicate the very real needs ...

Becoming the Boss: How to Unravel Tangled Roles and Relationships

You are pioneering the growth of an exciting ministry. You have dreams and plans and a commitment to do things ...

Business as Mission

Honest business is rooted in God. Consider God’s character, activities and the objects of God’s actions. God is the Creator ...

Strategic Issues in Missions—An Asian Perspective

Asia, with some 3.7 billion people and less than nine percent of whom are Christians, clearly needs the gospel. But ...

Paul’s Missionary Prayer Requests

As a missionary I often struggle with the task of writing prayer letters that creatively communicate the very real needs ...

Becoming the Boss: How to Unravel Tangled Roles and Relationships

You are pioneering the growth of an exciting ministry. You have dreams and plans and a commitment to do things ...

Business as Mission

Honest business is rooted in God. Consider God’s character, activities and the objects of God’s actions. God is the Creator ...

Capturing the Next Generation: Missions Mobilization Resources on the Web

Mission agencies have discovered the Internet. In fact, many mobilization departments see the Web as their most effective recruitment venue ...

Multi-cultural Teams in Church Planting

The evangelical world has become enamored with the idea of multicultural church planting teams in the last few years. This ...

Towards Self-Reliance: A Challenge for African Churches and Ministries

I would like to challenge African ministers of Christ to think about the possibilities for self-reliance in our churches and ...

Screwtape on Summer Missions

Involvement in and spending on mission trips is seeing an unprecedented increase, while recruitment for full-time mission service is flat ...

Shadows of Doubt

I would like to propose a few important considerations that I have found helpful for long-term survival, that every thinking ...

Support Raising 101

We would love to teach at an MK school,” the couple shared. “If it wasn’t for this support-raising thing. Why ...

Generation X

Welcome to the information age. As the baby-boomer generation ages, my generation, Generation X, is beginning to establish itself as ...

The World’s Students Find a Mission in Life

Missions may not be in their vocabulary, but students are searching for their “mission in life.” ...

Capturing the Next Generation: Missions Mobilization Resources on the Web

Mission agencies have discovered the Internet. In fact, many mobilization departments see the Web as their most effective recruitment venue ...

Multi-cultural Teams in Church Planting

The evangelical world has become enamored with the idea of multicultural church planting teams in the last few years. This ...

Towards Self-Reliance: A Challenge for African Churches and Ministries

I would like to challenge African ministers of Christ to think about the possibilities for self-reliance in our churches and ...

Screwtape on Summer Missions

Involvement in and spending on mission trips is seeing an unprecedented increase, while recruitment for full-time mission service is flat ...

Shadows of Doubt

I would like to propose a few important considerations that I have found helpful for long-term survival, that every thinking ...

Support Raising 101

We would love to teach at an MK school,” the couple shared. “If it wasn’t for this support-raising thing. Why ...

Generation X

Welcome to the information age. As the baby-boomer generation ages, my generation, Generation X, is beginning to establish itself as ...

The World’s Students Find a Mission in Life

Missions may not be in their vocabulary, but students are searching for their “mission in life.” ...

Evangelicals in Latin America

In this article I am going to focus on the situation of the evangelical churches ...

Guatemala Research: The Joshua Project

Some mission boards and sending agencies have questioned the need to continue sending missionaries and/or finances to Guatemala ...

Mission Mobilization: The Radical Project

Three hours outside of São Paulo, Brazil in the small town of Monte Verde, sixty Brazilians and other Latin Americans ...

Communicating Scriptures: The Bible in Audio and Video Formats

This manual effectively addresses a critically important issue—how can those who are functionally illiterate have access to the Bible? ...

Communicating Scriptures: The Bible in Audio and Video Formats

This manual effectively addresses a critically important issue—how can those who are functionally illiterate have access to the Bible? ...

Evangelicals in Latin America

In this article I am going to focus on the situation of the evangelical churches ...

Guatemala Research: The Joshua Project

Some mission boards and sending agencies have questioned the need to continue sending missionaries and/or finances to Guatemala ...

Mission Mobilization: The Radical Project

Three hours outside of São Paulo, Brazil in the small town of Monte Verde, sixty Brazilians and other Latin Americans ...

Globalization and the Support of Nationals

Globalization is a term that evokes passionate feelings. Conflicting convictions about the effect of globalization have surfaced in missions too, ...

Globalization and the Support of Nationals

Globalization is a term that evokes passionate feelings. Conflicting convictions about the effect of globalization have surfaced in missions too, ...

The Best Missionary Training Model

The author assesses three primary training models: Providers (42%), Out-sourcers (31%), and Partners (19%) ...

Wisdom and Information

The Internet has made information instantly available. Twenty years ago even the world’s most sophisticated intelligence agencies would have drooled ...

Relief Work, Development Work: Complement or Conflict?

Increasingly, overseas service involves health care, agriculture, economics, education and related community development approaches as the means to do ministry ...

Halting an Exodus with Satellite Television

It’s the birthplace of Christ and of the Church. Yet Christians are leaving the Middle East in droves. Sixty percent ...

The Missionary and Porn

Our wives had just left the room where we had been eating. Once they were out of hearing range, my ...

Should Missionaries Start Web Movements

We came to Uganda as a traditional rural church planting team, hoping to start a Web movement of evangelical Christ-centered ...

Missions on the Web

In this edition of Missions on the Web we break with our tradition of developing a Web page for MisLinks ...

Christian Weddings in Japan: Ministry or Mammon?

The entire concept of making a business of "Christian" weddings has sparked an ongoing and, at times, rather heated debate ...

Wisdom and Information

The Internet has made information instantly available. Twenty years ago even the world’s most sophisticated intelligence agencies would have drooled ...

The Best Missionary Training Model

The author assesses three primary training models: Providers (42%), Out-sourcers (31%), and Partners (19%) ...

Relief Work, Development Work: Complement or Conflict?

Increasingly, overseas service involves health care, agriculture, economics, education and related community development approaches as the means to do ministry ...

Halting an Exodus with Satellite Television

It’s the birthplace of Christ and of the Church. Yet Christians are leaving the Middle East in droves. Sixty percent ...

The Missionary and Porn

Our wives had just left the room where we had been eating. Once they were out of hearing range, my ...

Should Missionaries Start Web Movements

We came to Uganda as a traditional rural church planting team, hoping to start a Web movement of evangelical Christ-centered ...

Missions on the Web

In this edition of Missions on the Web we break with our tradition of developing a Web page for MisLinks ...

Christian Weddings in Japan: Ministry or Mammon?

The entire concept of making a business of "Christian" weddings has sparked an ongoing and, at times, rather heated debate ...

Missions Has Changed: Is Our Thinking Keeping Up?

Since David Hesselgrave has publicly taken issue with the book written by Jim Engel and myself, I have been invited ...

Seven Ingredients of Successful TEE Programs

Seven ingredients that I discovered to be present in every successful TEE program that I researched in southern Africa ...

Missions and Arts on the Web

From drama in local churches to images of Jesus in paintings and sculptures, from music reflecting God's glory in local ...

Surviving Furlough Travel While Keeping Your Sanity

As a deputation survivor still on reasonable speaking terms with both supporting churches and family members, let me pass along ...

Capacity Building: Growing Healthy Roots in Mission Organization

As much as missions partners know that organizational capacity is key to sustainable ministry, they'll also quickly admit they are ...

Missions and Arts on the Web

From drama in local churches to images of Jesus in paintings and sculptures, from music reflecting God's glory in local ...

Missions Has Changed: Is Our Thinking Keeping Up?

Since David Hesselgrave has publicly taken issue with the book written by Jim Engel and myself, I have been invited ...

Seven Ingredients of Successful TEE Programs

Seven ingredients that I discovered to be present in every successful TEE program that I researched in southern Africa ...

Surviving Furlough Travel While Keeping Your Sanity

As a deputation survivor still on reasonable speaking terms with both supporting churches and family members, let me pass along ...

Capacity Building: Growing Healthy Roots in Mission Organization

As much as missions partners know that organizational capacity is key to sustainable ministry, they'll also quickly admit they are ...

Missions Fund Raising

This edition of "Missions on the Web" will introduce you to sites that offer help in the area of fundraising ...

Hometown Ministry as Pre-Field Preparation

In today's America, missionary appointees have great opportunities for significant cross-cultural ministry experience before they go overseas ...

It’s Your History: Guidelines for Establishing Your Mission Archives

Literally hundreds are nondenominational missions and the vast majority of them have no systematic method of compiling and preserving their ...

It’s Your History: Guidelines for Establishing Your Mission Archives

Literally hundreds are nondenominational missions and the vast majority of them have no systematic method of compiling and preserving their ...

Missions Fund Raising

This edition of "Missions on the Web" will introduce you to sites that offer help in the area of fundraising ...

Hometown Ministry as Pre-Field Preparation

In today's America, missionary appointees have great opportunities for significant cross-cultural ministry experience before they go overseas ...

Does the Mind of Missions Need to Be Changed?

I am honored to be invited to present my perspective on the strengths and weaknesses of the "revolution" in mission ...

Using Money in Missions: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Four alternatives for the use of money and missions ...

The Expatriate Church: Possibilities and Potential

The need to initiate and expand dependable, extensive evangelistic work among expatriates can no longer be disputed ...

The Incarnational Model: Perception of Deception?

The incarnational model is built upon three foundational assumptions ...

Does the Mind of Missions Need to Be Changed?

I am honored to be invited to present my perspective on the strengths and weaknesses of the "revolution" in mission ...

Using Money in Missions: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Four alternatives for the use of money and missions ...

The Expatriate Church: Possibilities and Potential

The need to initiate and expand dependable, extensive evangelistic work among expatriates can no longer be disputed ...

The Incarnational Model: Perception of Deception?

The incarnational model is built upon three foundational assumptions ...

Global Report: Evangelicals Tackle Social Issues at 11th WEF General Assembly

World Evangelical Fellowship moves into the new century with a new name and energized vision ...

Short-term Missions: Building Sustainable Mission Relationships

With the continued growth of short-term missions, those who are short-term mission mobilizers need to consider the value of developing ...

Multicultural by Choice

How effective is this increasing trend in internationalization? ...

When Will You Be Home?

I will be back in two days".... "two weeks" "two months." These are familiar words in the lives of many ...

Multicultural by Choice

How effective is this increasing trend in internationalization? ...

Global Report: Evangelicals Tackle Social Issues at 11th WEF General Assembly

World Evangelical Fellowship moves into the new century with a new name and energized vision ...

When Will You Be Home?

I will be back in two days".... "two weeks" "two months." These are familiar words in the lives of many ...

Short-term Missions: Building Sustainable Mission Relationships

With the continued growth of short-term missions, those who are short-term mission mobilizers need to consider the value of developing ...

Billions to Be Won: Going after the Largest Mission Field in the World—Youth!

We must take some cues and penetrate the youth market with Jesus. There are "billions to be won!" ...

Reflections on the Role of Western Evangelicals in China

This February I attended a symposium in Pasadena sponsored by Christian Leadership Exchange, which sought to bring together Christians in ...

Reflections on the Role of Western Evangelicals in China

This February I attended a symposium in Pasadena sponsored by Christian Leadership Exchange, which sought to bring together Christians in ...

Billions to Be Won: Going after the Largest Mission Field in the World—Youth!

We must take some cues and penetrate the youth market with Jesus. There are "billions to be won!" ...

Exit Strategy. Another Look at Phase-out

Post-exit roles for team members are considered ...

The State of the Gospel in Africa

In 1989 Professor Andrew F. Walls delivered a public lecture entitled “The Significance of Christianity in Africa” at the Church ...

Exit Strategy. Another Look at Phase-out

Post-exit roles for team members are considered ...

The State of the Gospel in Africa

In 1989 Professor Andrew F. Walls delivered a public lecture entitled “The Significance of Christianity in Africa” at the Church ...

Biblical Principles for Missionary Leadership

Only by God’s grace did I become an area administrator for the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention ...

Touring the Terrain: An International Sampler of Member Care Literature

My wife and I work out of a mission center nestled at the base of the Jura mountains, not too ...

Touring the Terrain: An International Sampler of Member Care Literature

My wife and I work out of a mission center nestled at the base of the Jura mountains, not too ...

Biblical Principles for Missionary Leadership

Only by God’s grace did I become an area administrator for the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention ...

Short-term Mission Trips Are Great, IF…

Are short-term missions trips the panacea for missions, or are they part of the larger problem of missions? Actually, the ...

Global Report: Sticks and Stones Revisited: Consultation on Mission Language and Metaphors

Few issues are more volatile today than the use of language. There are not many days in which "political correctness," ...

Teaching, Technology and Transformation

Distance education is the most powerful dynamic affecting training institutions today ...

Missions on the Web: Surfing to Asia

Asia is awakening to the Web; indeed, Asians are global leaders in some aspects of Internet technology ...

First, Do No Harm

Each year tens of thousands of women and men from North America participate in short-term mission trips sponsored by local ...

Short-term Mission Trips Are Great, IF…

Are short-term missions trips the panacea for missions, or are they part of the larger problem of missions? Actually, the ...

Teaching, Technology and Transformation

Distance education is the most powerful dynamic affecting training institutions today ...

Missions on the Web: Surfing to Asia

Asia is awakening to the Web; indeed, Asians are global leaders in some aspects of Internet technology ...

Global Report: Sticks and Stones Revisited: Consultation on Mission Language and Metaphors

Few issues are more volatile today than the use of language. There are not many days in which "political correctness," ...

First, Do No Harm

Each year tens of thousands of women and men from North America participate in short-term mission trips sponsored by local ...

Begging and Beggars: A Missionary’s Dilemma

Responding appropriately to requests for money, especially from desperately poor beggars on the streets, is one of a missionary’s most ...

Mission Societies: Are They Biblical?

Are mission societies really necessary? Or are they, at best, “an historical accommodation for accomplishing missions due to the negligence ...

More than a Virtual Church: Church-Planting Resources on the Web

Prior to the Internet, inexperienced church planters often faced the prospect of a lonely job in a new location struggling ...

Mission Societies: Are They Biblical?

Are mission societies really necessary? Or are they, at best, “an historical accommodation for accomplishing missions due to the negligence ...

Begging and Beggars: A Missionary’s Dilemma

Responding appropriately to requests for money, especially from desperately poor beggars on the streets, is one of a missionary’s most ...

More than a Virtual Church: Church-Planting Resources on the Web

Prior to the Internet, inexperienced church planters often faced the prospect of a lonely job in a new location struggling ...

Open Letter to Robertson McQuilkin

The following two letters are important additions to the discussion of the last year concerning the use of foreign funds ...

The China Challenge: New Lenses for a New Millennium

In China, over the past two decades or so, we have witnessed God’s work among people who have remained faithful ...

Bridging the Gulf Between Christians in China

Since 1981, when I first began to visit China on a regular basis, I endeavored to understand the political situation, ...

The China Challenge: New Lenses for a New Millennium

In China, over the past two decades or so, we have witnessed God’s work among people who have remained faithful ...

Bridging the Gulf Between Christians in China

Since 1981, when I first began to visit China on a regular basis, I endeavored to understand the political situation, ...

Open Letter to Robertson McQuilkin

The following two letters are important additions to the discussion of the last year concerning the use of foreign funds ...

What an Agency Leader Would Say to Local Churches

Six suggestions for inhanced effectiveness ...

Global Report: Past Midnight

2000—An evaluation and a look ahead ...

Musings on Education and Attrition

Just how important is missionary training? ...

Learning. . . Growing. . . Collaborating. . . Phasing Out

These stages in the church-planting cycle are a must ...

What an Agency Leader Would Say to Local Churches

Six suggestions for inhanced effectiveness ...

Global Report: Past Midnight

2000—An evaluation and a look ahead ...

Musings on Education and Attrition

Just how important is missionary training? ...

Learning. . . Growing. . . Collaborating. . . Phasing Out

These stages in the church-planting cycle are a must ...


Ruts. They're predictable. They're comfortable. And they're deadly. Combining as they do, peaceful repose with minimal achievement, they have been ...


Ruts. They're predictable. They're comfortable. And they're deadly. Combining as they do, peaceful repose with minimal achievement, they have been ...

The Pad Declaration

Two hundred and fifty Presidents and Academic Deans (PAD) representing theological schools from 53 nations gathered at the Doxa Deo ...

Dreams, Hopes, Concerns, Fears: Working Together to Shape the New Millennium: AERDO

The following response is from Evvy Cambell of AERDO: Association of Evangelical Relief and Development Organizations ...

Dreams, Hopes, Concerns, Fears: Working Together to Shape the New Millennium: EMS

The following response is from Kenneth Mulholland of EMS: Evangelical Missiological Society ...

What Local Churches Are Saying to Mission Agencies

I am writing this as someone committed to the local church and the local church’s role in world evangelism ...

Redefining Holism

The word “mission” seems to embrace any and every enterprise sincere Christians undertake ...

Dreams, Hopes, Concerns, Fears: Working Together to Shape the New Millennium: IFMA

The following response is from John Orme of IFMA: Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association ...

Dreams, Hopes, Concerns, Fears: Working Together to Shape the New Millennium: COSIM

The following response is from John Bennett of COSIM: Coalition for the Support of Indigenous Ministries ...

What Local Churches Are Saying to Mission Agencies

I am writing this as someone committed to the local church and the local church’s role in world evangelism ...

The Pad Declaration

Two hundred and fifty Presidents and Academic Deans (PAD) representing theological schools from 53 nations gathered at the Doxa Deo ...

Redefining Holism

The word “mission” seems to embrace any and every enterprise sincere Christians undertake ...

Dreams, Hopes, Concerns, Fears: Working Together to Shape the New Millennium: IFMA

The following response is from John Orme of IFMA: Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association ...

Dreams, Hopes, Concerns, Fears: Working Together to Shape the New Millennium: AERDO

The following response is from Evvy Cambell of AERDO: Association of Evangelical Relief and Development Organizations ...

Dreams, Hopes, Concerns, Fears: Working Together to Shape the New Millennium: COSIM

The following response is from John Bennett of COSIM: Coalition for the Support of Indigenous Ministries ...

Dreams, Hopes, Concerns, Fears: Working Together to Shape the New Millennium: EMS

The following response is from Kenneth Mulholland of EMS: Evangelical Missiological Society ...

Microsoft and Missiology

Reading Fortune magazine is not part of my routine, although I must confess that mission work at the end of ...

In Search of Ecclesolasticity

What is “ecclesiolasticity”? On the mundane level it is what came out of my mouth when I recently got my ...

In Search of Ecclesolasticity

What is “ecclesiolasticity”? On the mundane level it is what came out of my mouth when I recently got my ...

Microsoft and Missiology

Reading Fortune magazine is not part of my routine, although I must confess that mission work at the end of ...

Global Report: Bug Bite

Missionaries can have a lot to worry about. Should they add the “Year 2000 Bug” to the list? ...

Measuring Fruitful Ministry

During a home ministry assignment several years ago, it was my privilege to mow a friend’s “postage stamp-sized” lawn. After ...

The CACTUS Kit for Building Resilent Teams

There are three sure ways to undermine a team—or a family. In a phrase—don’t talk, don’t share feelings, and don’t ...

Reviewing the Place of Western Missionaries for the Third Millennium

At the end of the second millennium since Christ’s birth, we have near equality in the number of missionaries sent ...

Global Report: Bug Bite

Missionaries can have a lot to worry about. Should they add the “Year 2000 Bug” to the list? ...

The CACTUS Kit for Building Resilent Teams

There are three sure ways to undermine a team—or a family. In a phrase—don’t talk, don’t share feelings, and don’t ...

Reviewing the Place of Western Missionaries for the Third Millennium

At the end of the second millennium since Christ’s birth, we have near equality in the number of missionaries sent ...

Measuring Fruitful Ministry

During a home ministry assignment several years ago, it was my privilege to mow a friend’s “postage stamp-sized” lawn. After ...

Global Report: Economic Gloom

Asia's pride now in ashes, financial crisis challenges promise of missions success ...

Keys to an Effective Furlough

Suggestions on providing your supporters with ample reason to trust you as a missionary worthy of their support once your ...

Global Report: Economic Gloom

Asia's pride now in ashes, financial crisis challenges promise of missions success ...

Keys to an Effective Furlough

Suggestions on providing your supporters with ample reason to trust you as a missionary worthy of their support once your ...

What’s Happening to Missions Mobilization?

World mission mobilizers are confronted by a bewildering array of opinions, facts, and new realities ...

What’s Happening to Missions Mobilization?

World mission mobilizers are confronted by a bewildering array of opinions, facts, and new realities ...

What Is Our Message?

Our preference for methods and numbers over content may be watering down the gospel we take to the nations ...

Preaching What We Practice: Not Always the Answer

This article is a response to "When the Mission Pays the Pastor" by Wayne Allen, April 1998 EMQ ...

What Is Our Message?

Our preference for methods and numbers over content may be watering down the gospel we take to the nations ...

Preaching What We Practice: Not Always the Answer

This article is a response to "When the Mission Pays the Pastor" by Wayne Allen, April 1998 EMQ ...

Global Report: Children at Risk: The Biggest Little Mission Field in the World?

Not long ago at a city park in Central America, Patrick McDonald spotted a group of 30 street children. Then ...

AIDS: The 15/45 Window

In missiology we talk about the "10/40 Window," referring to the large number of unreached people groups living between the ...

AIDS: The 15/45 Window

In missiology we talk about the "10/40 Window," referring to the large number of unreached people groups living between the ...

Global Report: Children at Risk: The Biggest Little Mission Field in the World?

Not long ago at a city park in Central America, Patrick McDonald spotted a group of 30 street children. Then ...

Evangelistic Campaigns in Unreached Areas: A Primer

Some in cars, some on horses, some on bicycles and some on foot. They start out together but end up ...

Reflections on Missionary Malaise

Missionaries returning home for visits to North America find a changing landscape. During coffee breaks at church meetings and conferences ...

The Missionary’s Role in Developing Indigenous Christian Theology

"I don’t like the doctrine of the Trinity,” one of our students confessed. “It gives us all kinds of trouble ...

Global Report: Ministries Now Aim to Reach Hindu Heads as Well as Hearts

C. Kaushal remembered the bloody partition of India in 1947 as if it happened last week. Kaushal was 9 years ...

Crisis Intervention for Missionaries

When someone commits his or her life to the Lord to serve as a missionary, there is an understanding and ...

Evangelistic Campaigns in Unreached Areas: A Primer

Some in cars, some on horses, some on bicycles and some on foot. They start out together but end up ...

Global Report: Ministries Now Aim to Reach Hindu Heads as Well as Hearts

C. Kaushal remembered the bloody partition of India in 1947 as if it happened last week. Kaushal was 9 years ...

Crisis Intervention for Missionaries

When someone commits his or her life to the Lord to serve as a missionary, there is an understanding and ...

Reflections on Missionary Malaise

Missionaries returning home for visits to North America find a changing landscape. During coffee breaks at church meetings and conferences ...

The Missionary’s Role in Developing Indigenous Christian Theology

"I don’t like the doctrine of the Trinity,” one of our students confessed. “It gives us all kinds of trouble ...

Introducing Social Change through Community Health

By intelligently transcending cultural barriers rather than being shut out by them, Christian health care workers can introduce basic changes ...

Evangelism Explosion: “Reaching All the Nations”

In a March morning last year, colorful flags streamed down the center aisle of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church carried by ...

Target Evangelism: Ready, Aim, Witness!

In June, 1996, the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution calling upon its churches to direct “energies and resources toward ...

Evangelism Explosion: “Reaching All the Nations”

In a March morning last year, colorful flags streamed down the center aisle of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church carried by ...

Introducing Social Change through Community Health

By intelligently transcending cultural barriers rather than being shut out by them, Christian health care workers can introduce basic changes ...

Target Evangelism: Ready, Aim, Witness!

In June, 1996, the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution calling upon its churches to direct “energies and resources toward ...

How to Make Sure the Home and Away Teams Don’t Blow the Game

An influential group at Community Church was excited. They effectively mobilized their church to pray for the cities of the ...

Here Come the Missiomega Churches!

One of the most significant developments in the missions enterprise from North America over the last decade has been the ...

How to Make Sure the Home and Away Teams Don’t Blow the Game

An influential group at Community Church was excited. They effectively mobilized their church to pray for the cities of the ...

Here Come the Missiomega Churches!

One of the most significant developments in the missions enterprise from North America over the last decade has been the ...

Ministry to Cuba: The Right Questions to Ask

Cuba is the only country in the Western Hemisphere closed to resident foreign missionaries ...

Editorial: Call to Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Hats off to the World Evangelical Fellowship for mobilizing evangelical churches the world over to pray for persecuted Christians. Last ...

Boomers, Busters, and Missions: Things Are Different Now

The process of understanding the differences between missionary generations and identifying the changes that the Boomers and Busters have encouraged ...

The Road to Self-sufficiency in Africa’s Missionary Development

Three principal areas to look at when talking about mobilizing Christian Africa to touch the world for Christ ...

Ministry to Cuba: The Right Questions to Ask

Cuba is the only country in the Western Hemisphere closed to resident foreign missionaries ...

The Road to Self-sufficiency in Africa’s Missionary Development

Three principal areas to look at when talking about mobilizing Christian Africa to touch the world for Christ ...

Editorial: Call to Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Hats off to the World Evangelical Fellowship for mobilizing evangelical churches the world over to pray for persecuted Christians. Last ...

Boomers, Busters, and Missions: Things Are Different Now

The process of understanding the differences between missionary generations and identifying the changes that the Boomers and Busters have encouraged ...

Causes of Stress and What to Do about Them

Some ideas about how to handle stressors common to missionaries: language study, culture shock, discouragement, loneliness, burnout, and depression ...

How Do You Train Book Writers? With Love

While imported books sit on shelves, there’s a famine for hearing the word of the Lord in context ...

How Do You Train Book Writers? With Love

While imported books sit on shelves, there’s a famine for hearing the word of the Lord in context ...

Causes of Stress and What to Do about Them

Some ideas about how to handle stressors common to missionaries: language study, culture shock, discouragement, loneliness, burnout, and depression ...

Why Africa’s Transformation Waits

The root of development failure in Africa is a faulty world view ...

Global Push or Grandiose Schemes?

Recently, I showed a Kenyan missions leader a copy of a magazine which focused on the AD2000 and Beyond Movement ...

When Your Audience is Clueless

The clueless are the informational have-nots, who, like the poor of the world, constitute the vast majority and often represent ...

Why Africa’s Transformation Waits

The root of development failure in Africa is a faulty world view ...

Global Push or Grandiose Schemes?

Recently, I showed a Kenyan missions leader a copy of a magazine which focused on the AD2000 and Beyond Movement ...

When Your Audience is Clueless

The clueless are the informational have-nots, who, like the poor of the world, constitute the vast majority and often represent ...

Some Tips for Youth Ministry

Though the current needs of global youth may seem overwhelming, there are some things we can do by partnering with ...

Reinventing Mission Training

Desire for change in the way we do mission training in North America has been a burr under a lot ...

Some Tips for Youth Ministry

Though the current needs of global youth may seem overwhelming, there are some things we can do by partnering with ...

Reinventing Mission Training

Desire for change in the way we do mission training in North America has been a burr under a lot ...

The Nature and Character of God’s Mission

When Jeff Anderson arrived in Manila with Action International Ministries in 1985, his goal was simple: to be a “street ...

The Problem with Success

Our Protestant mission enterprise is at a crossroad. Not because it has failed, but largely because it has succeeded ...

Educating Youth in South America

Descriptions of the forces shaping the educational ministry models national churches were using, problems encountered, and suggested strategies for strengthening ...

Keep the Change

History and personal experience remind us powerfully that change is inevitable. Futurists have been telling us for years that change ...

The Nature and Character of God’s Mission

When Jeff Anderson arrived in Manila with Action International Ministries in 1985, his goal was simple: to be a “street ...

Educating Youth in South America

Descriptions of the forces shaping the educational ministry models national churches were using, problems encountered, and suggested strategies for strengthening ...

The Problem with Success

Our Protestant mission enterprise is at a crossroad. Not because it has failed, but largely because it has succeeded ...

Keep the Change

History and personal experience remind us powerfully that change is inevitable. Futurists have been telling us for years that change ...

Global Report: Evangelicals in Europe Dropping Anchor of Hope

It is time to bring the same compelling message of hope to an outwardly prosperous, yet increasingly pessimistic, continent ...

An International Perspective on Evangelical-Catholic Cooperation

Let me share my observations about “Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium.” It is tragic ...

Rwanda: Analysis by the U.S. Ambassador

Jesus saw trials awaiting human society as a combination of political, cultural, environmental, and religious elements. That's what we witnessed ...

House United or Unequal Yoke?

This last year has seen a fire in the armory of evangelical theology. Though it looked for a time like ...

Global Report: Evangelicals in Europe Dropping Anchor of Hope

It is time to bring the same compelling message of hope to an outwardly prosperous, yet increasingly pessimistic, continent ...

Rwanda: Analysis by the U.S. Ambassador

Jesus saw trials awaiting human society as a combination of political, cultural, environmental, and religious elements. That's what we witnessed ...

An International Perspective on Evangelical-Catholic Cooperation

Let me share my observations about “Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium.” It is tragic ...

House United or Unequal Yoke?

This last year has seen a fire in the armory of evangelical theology. Though it looked for a time like ...

Editorial: A New Management Model

Over the past 30 years or so I have sat on the boards of six mission agencies. How this multifaceted ...

You Can Keep up with Your Correspondence

In most of my conversations with missionaries, one particular dilemma always seems to come up—how to keep up with correspondence ...

You Can Keep up with Your Correspondence

In most of my conversations with missionaries, one particular dilemma always seems to come up—how to keep up with correspondence ...

Editorial: A New Management Model

Over the past 30 years or so I have sat on the boards of six mission agencies. How this multifaceted ...

Africans in Missions: The Possible Dream

As we approach the dawn of the 21st century, the church faces certain critical strategic questions: Who will be the ...

Boarding School Staff: How to Get the Best

In “The right stuff for boarding school staff” (October), psychologist David Wickstrom concluded, “It is time to recognize the vital ...

Yes, but We Must Learn to Work with the Chinese Churches

This article is in response to the EMQ article "Why I Don't Pray for China to Open," by Ralph Covell, ...

Looking under the Hood of the Non-Western Missions Movement

Reading current missions literature, you might get the idea that Asian, African, and Latin American missionaries have blown past their ...

Windows of Opportunity in China: New Program Trains Chinese for China

An exploration of some of the partnerships that already exist between churches inside and outside China, and an examination of ...

Looking under the Hood of the Non-Western Missions Movement

Reading current missions literature, you might get the idea that Asian, African, and Latin American missionaries have blown past their ...

Africans in Missions: The Possible Dream

As we approach the dawn of the 21st century, the church faces certain critical strategic questions: Who will be the ...

Boarding School Staff: How to Get the Best

In “The right stuff for boarding school staff” (October), psychologist David Wickstrom concluded, “It is time to recognize the vital ...

Windows of Opportunity in China: New Program Trains Chinese for China

An exploration of some of the partnerships that already exist between churches inside and outside China, and an examination of ...

Yes, but We Must Learn to Work with the Chinese Churches

This article is in response to the EMQ article "Why I Don't Pray for China to Open," by Ralph Covell, ...

MK Nurture Is Just as Much a Part of the Ministry as Are Literacy Classes or Church Planting.

This article is a response to the EMQ article, "About Research with MKs," by David Wickstrom," October 1994 ...

Producing an Effective Prayer Card

It's one of those projects that often gets put off until furlough looms. Or it's a requirement of new missionaries ...

The Honor of Listening: Indispensable for Mission

One-sided nationalistic vision hinders global perspective and partnership in mission ...

Editorial: Boarding School’s Demise?

This morning's paper carried a picture of a weather-beaten, dilapidated one-room school near here. It looked like it belonged in ...

The Honor of Listening: Indispensable for Mission

One-sided nationalistic vision hinders global perspective and partnership in mission ...

MK Nurture Is Just as Much a Part of the Ministry as Are Literacy Classes or Church Planting.

This article is a response to the EMQ article, "About Research with MKs," by David Wickstrom," October 1994 ...

Producing an Effective Prayer Card

It's one of those projects that often gets put off until furlough looms. Or it's a requirement of new missionaries ...

Editorial: Boarding School’s Demise?

This morning's paper carried a picture of a weather-beaten, dilapidated one-room school near here. It looked like it belonged in ...

Three Things You Should Not Believe about Ministry in the Former Soviet Union

One of the greatest challenges for today’s mission is the former Soviet Union, also known as the Commonwealth of Independent ...

Holding Tightly or Lightly?

Experiences with changing missionary strategies ...

Three Things You Should Not Believe about Ministry in the Former Soviet Union

One of the greatest challenges for today’s mission is the former Soviet Union, also known as the Commonwealth of Independent ...

Holding Tightly or Lightly?

Experiences with changing missionary strategies ...

Global Report: International Christians Are Meeting the Challenge of Missions

International Christians are Meeting the Challenge of Missions ...

Reaching the World at Our Doorstep

Mission opportunites are multiplied by the influx of immigrants ...

Editorial: Donor Report Cards?

The 747's wheels crunched into the runway with a jarring thud. Their nine-hour flight completed, Joe and Sally and their ...

Global Report: International Christians Are Meeting the Challenge of Missions

International Christians are Meeting the Challenge of Missions ...

Reaching the World at Our Doorstep

Mission opportunites are multiplied by the influx of immigrants ...

Editorial: Donor Report Cards?

The 747's wheels crunched into the runway with a jarring thud. Their nine-hour flight completed, Joe and Sally and their ...

Your Development Projects: Secular or Scriptural?

Do we offer run of the mill development, or transformational programs? ...

The Making of a Hymnal

Five years of tough work culminated in a radically new worship tool ...

Estranged Bedfellows?

After two centuries in Latin America, church and state are no longer such cozy partners ...

World Evangelization by A.D. 2000: Will We Make It?

As the year A.D. 2000 began to loom into view, Christian leaders started praying and dreaming about what could be ...

Your Development Projects: Secular or Scriptural?

Do we offer run of the mill development, or transformational programs? ...

Estranged Bedfellows?

After two centuries in Latin America, church and state are no longer such cozy partners ...

The Making of a Hymnal

Five years of tough work culminated in a radically new worship tool ...

World Evangelization by A.D. 2000: Will We Make It?

As the year A.D. 2000 began to loom into view, Christian leaders started praying and dreaming about what could be ...

Video Newsletters for the Do-it-yourselfer

When’s the last time a National Geographic film or video crew visited your ministry . . . to tell your ...

Children at Risk

There are solutions, despite overwhelming social problems ...

Retooling for the Future

A look at U.S. world missions in the 21st century ...

Where Should Missions Be Heading in the 21st Century?

We invited the following responses to our question ...

Missionary Reportcards?

One of those truly earthshaking innovations that was supposed to revolutionize education back in the 1930s when I was in ...

Video Newsletters for the Do-it-yourselfer

When’s the last time a National Geographic film or video crew visited your ministry . . . to tell your ...

Children at Risk

There are solutions, despite overwhelming social problems ...

Where Should Missions Be Heading in the 21st Century?

We invited the following responses to our question ...

Retooling for the Future

A look at U.S. world missions in the 21st century ...

Missionary Reportcards?

One of those truly earthshaking innovations that was supposed to revolutionize education back in the 1930s when I was in ...

How Shall We Equip the Cross-cultural Force?

What training do we need, who shall do it, and where? These are some basic issues for missions ...

The Mass Media and Church Planting in Restricted Access Countries

Some key issues must be faced if we are to use the mass media effectively ...

Let the Buyer Beware

Financially supporting national pastors and missionaries may not always be the bargain it's cracked up to be ...

Editorial: Megashift in Missions

We are riding the crest of a megashift in missions, away from full-time missionary vocations and toward a grab-bag assortment ...

How Shall We Equip the Cross-cultural Force?

What training do we need, who shall do it, and where? These are some basic issues for missions ...

The Mass Media and Church Planting in Restricted Access Countries

Some key issues must be faced if we are to use the mass media effectively ...

Let the Buyer Beware

Financially supporting national pastors and missionaries may not always be the bargain it's cracked up to be ...

Editorial: Megashift in Missions

We are riding the crest of a megashift in missions, away from full-time missionary vocations and toward a grab-bag assortment ...

Romania’s Army of the Lord

A large Orthodox renewal movement battles the challenges of freedom ...

When Local Churches Act Like Agencies

A fresh look at mission agency-local church relationships ...

Missiological Education for the 21st Century

Conference at Fuller's School of World Mission faced many complex issues ...

Romania’s Army of the Lord

A large Orthodox renewal movement battles the challenges of freedom ...

When Local Churches Act Like Agencies

A fresh look at mission agency-local church relationships ...

Missiological Education for the 21st Century

Conference at Fuller's School of World Mission faced many complex issues ...

The Pentecostal Trunk Must Learn from its Branches

North American and European Pentecostals need to recognize when God is doing in the world and work toward international cooperation ...

The Golden Rules of Relief

Efforts by Western Christians to help Romania yield valuable lessons—not all of them positive ...

The Pentecostal Trunk Must Learn from its Branches

North American and European Pentecostals need to recognize when God is doing in the world and work toward international cooperation ...

The Golden Rules of Relief

Efforts by Western Christians to help Romania yield valuable lessons—not all of them positive ...

Global Report

Special section on the World Evangelical Fellowship's General Assembly ...

What about Dorothy?

Does the illiterate and eventually deranged woman who married William Carey have anything to teach us? Yes ...

The Changing Face of the Missionary Force

Short-termers are here to stay despite the criticisms ...

Global Report

Special section on the World Evangelical Fellowship's General Assembly ...

What about Dorothy?

Does the illiterate and eventually deranged woman who married William Carey have anything to teach us? Yes ...

The Changing Face of the Missionary Force

Short-termers are here to stay despite the criticisms ...

In Print

A selection of signiflcant articles about missions ...

We’ve Got to Win the Younger World

Worldwide media, crises, family chaos, and urbanization make youth ministry extremely difficult ...

In Print

A selection of signiflcant articles about missions ...

We’ve Got to Win the Younger World

Worldwide media, crises, family chaos, and urbanization make youth ministry extremely difficult ...

Just Where Are the Frontiers?

We short cut the biblical mandate by dodging crucial theological and missiological issues ...

In Print

A selection of significant articles about missions ...

Multinational Teams: Smooth as Silk or Rough as Rawhide?

The answer so far seems to be "rawhide," but we can change it to "silk." ...

The Cure for Dependency: Teach Your Churches to Give

Without some changes, we may be condemning our churches to continual dependence ...

Plugging the Theological Brain Drain

Churches, mission agencies, and seminaries have a part to play in avoiding failures in our training investments ...

The Critical Context of Today’s World Mission

Some concerns must be faced if we are to be faithful to the Great Commission ...

Just Where Are the Frontiers?

We short cut the biblical mandate by dodging crucial theological and missiological issues ...

In Print

A selection of significant articles about missions ...

Multinational Teams: Smooth as Silk or Rough as Rawhide?

The answer so far seems to be "rawhide," but we can change it to "silk." ...

The Cure for Dependency: Teach Your Churches to Give

Without some changes, we may be condemning our churches to continual dependence ...

Plugging the Theological Brain Drain

Churches, mission agencies, and seminaries have a part to play in avoiding failures in our training investments ...

The Critical Context of Today’s World Mission

Some concerns must be faced if we are to be faithful to the Great Commission ...

The Elements of Style in Crafting New International Mission Leaders

I want to reflect on my experiences and observations concerning leadership styles as they relate to the internationalization of mission ...

Global Report

Important news stories from the world of missions ...

In Print

A selection of significant artlcles about missions ...

New Opportunities, New Demands in the Oid Red Empire.

The demise of Marxist regimes means fundamental changes in Western mission methods ...

When the Pen Becomes Mightier than the Sword.

Facing our ethical sloppiness in mission fund raising ...

The Elements of Style in Crafting New International Mission Leaders

I want to reflect on my experiences and observations concerning leadership styles as they relate to the internationalization of mission ...

Global Report

Important news stories from the world of missions ...

In Print

A selection of significant artlcles about missions ...

New Opportunities, New Demands in the Oid Red Empire.

The demise of Marxist regimes means fundamental changes in Western mission methods ...

When the Pen Becomes Mightier than the Sword.

Facing our ethical sloppiness in mission fund raising ...

It’s Time for a New World Order in Missions Leadership

When the Berlin Wall was torn down, and the Cold War evaporated, civilization was said to be poised on the ...

Servant Leadership Can Work in Local Church Development

I confess that Jesus’ teachings about servanthood (e.g., John 13:14, 15; Matt. 20:27, 28) always left me feeling uneasy. Although ...

Filipinos and Foreigners Must Tackle the Missionary Task Together

Cross-cultural mission has grabbed the attention of the churches in the Philippines. Local churches, evangelical denominations, and parachurch organizations are ...

It’s Time for a New World Order in Missions Leadership

When the Berlin Wall was torn down, and the Cold War evaporated, civilization was said to be poised on the ...

Servant Leadership Can Work in Local Church Development

I confess that Jesus’ teachings about servanthood (e.g., John 13:14, 15; Matt. 20:27, 28) always left me feeling uneasy. Although ...

Filipinos and Foreigners Must Tackle the Missionary Task Together

Cross-cultural mission has grabbed the attention of the churches in the Philippines. Local churches, evangelical denominations, and parachurch organizations are ...

Phasing out Your Work: Make it a Plan, Not a Crisis

Finding a balance between staying too long and leaving too early ...

Reflections of a Maturing MK: Grappling with Tough Latin Realities

In the first of this two-part series (April, 1991), I described what I call the "double bubble syndrome" that missionary ...

Phasing out Your Work: Make it a Plan, Not a Crisis

Finding a balance between staying too long and leaving too early ...

Reflections of a Maturing MK: Grappling with Tough Latin Realities

In the first of this two-part series (April, 1991), I described what I call the "double bubble syndrome" that missionary ...

Soften Your Media to Put Community in Communication

Five principles will help us to do a better job ...

Global Report

Important news stories from the world of missions ...

Global Report

Important news stories from the world of missions ...

Soften Your Media to Put Community in Communication

Five principles will help us to do a better job ...

Keys to Effective Evangelism by Teaching English

By following these eight rules, teaching English can open hearts to the gospel ...

The Battle Can Be Won on Brazil’s Spiritual Warfront

Victories by Brazilian believers raise some important questions ...

A Love Affair That Must Be Cultivated Three Ways

Church-mission agency-missionary relationships must face up to some realities ...

Keys to Effective Evangelism by Teaching English

By following these eight rules, teaching English can open hearts to the gospel ...

The Battle Can Be Won on Brazil’s Spiritual Warfront

Victories by Brazilian believers raise some important questions ...

A Love Affair That Must Be Cultivated Three Ways

Church-mission agency-missionary relationships must face up to some realities ...

Mission Boards: The Self-critical Alternative

It is time for evangelical mission boards to engage in self-examination ...

The Soviet Union: A Different Kind of Mission Field

If you are considering ministry to the U.S.S.R., there are some points for you to consider as you your work ...

Confessions of a Sender

What responsibilities do the "goers" have to the "senders?" ...

Mission Boards: The Self-critical Alternative

It is time for evangelical mission boards to engage in self-examination ...

The Soviet Union: A Different Kind of Mission Field

If you are considering ministry to the U.S.S.R., there are some points for you to consider as you your work ...

Confessions of a Sender

What responsibilities do the "goers" have to the "senders?" ...

19th-century Commitment and 21st-century Perspective: Attributes of a Christian Internationalist

Four clusters of attributes that are called for by those from any culture, especially western cultures, who are going to ...

19th-century Commitment and 21st-century Perspective: Attributes of a Christian Internationalist

Four clusters of attributes that are called for by those from any culture, especially western cultures, who are going to ...

Global Report

Interviews with Church and Mission Leaders in Eastern Europe ...

We Need to Work Together to Develop Good Relationships

While most of today's growth in African churches may be the result of local churches multiplying themselves in biblical fashion, ...

Helping Missionaries Do Their Best at Home

Local church leaders can help missionaries in the time they spend at our churches in at least three ways ...

The Road to Conversion: The Latest Research

A Christian researcher soon learns that the workings of God cannot be reduced to simple patterns, but there is general ...

Global Report

Interviews with Church and Mission Leaders in Eastern Europe ...

We Need to Work Together to Develop Good Relationships

While most of today's growth in African churches may be the result of local churches multiplying themselves in biblical fashion, ...

Helping Missionaries Do Their Best at Home

Local church leaders can help missionaries in the time they spend at our churches in at least three ways ...

The Road to Conversion: The Latest Research

A Christian researcher soon learns that the workings of God cannot be reduced to simple patterns, but there is general ...

Lone Ranger: Yes or No?

A look at the advantages and disadvantages of two tentmaker modes ...

Church and Mission in Nepal: The Development of a Unique Relationship

Nepal was closed politically and economically, as well as religiously, for almost 150 years. Nevertheless, God was preparing the way ...

Jerusalem to Antioch to the World: A Biblical Missions Strategy

I am constantly intrigued and challenged whenever I look at the logic and strategy of the young missionary church in ...

Lone Ranger: Yes or No?

A look at the advantages and disadvantages of two tentmaker modes ...

Church and Mission in Nepal: The Development of a Unique Relationship

Nepal was closed politically and economically, as well as religiously, for almost 150 years. Nevertheless, God was preparing the way ...

Jerusalem to Antioch to the World: A Biblical Missions Strategy

I am constantly intrigued and challenged whenever I look at the logic and strategy of the young missionary church in ...

Missions and AIDS: Facing Down the Deadly Juggernaut

The decade of the 1980s was born with the sound in its ears of an indistinct rumbling as of distant ...

New Strategies for Winning Unreached Youth

A newspaper in Ohio runs an advice column entitled "By George." One question ran like this: "Dear George, I am ...

Missions and AIDS: Facing Down the Deadly Juggernaut

The decade of the 1980s was born with the sound in its ears of an indistinct rumbling as of distant ...

New Strategies for Winning Unreached Youth

A newspaper in Ohio runs an advice column entitled "By George." One question ran like this: "Dear George, I am ...

Wanted: Black Missionaries, but How?

In Nigeria, I've been surprised at the number of people who have said to me, "You are the first black ...

Wanted: Black Missionaries, but How?

In Nigeria, I've been surprised at the number of people who have said to me, "You are the first black ...

What’s Holding up World Evangelization?: Strategic Hurdles

The hurdles discussed here reflect the thoughtful concerns of a number of mission agency leaders and missiologists, who frankly admitted ...

What’s Holding up World Evangelization?: Strategic Hurdles

The hurdles discussed here reflect the thoughtful concerns of a number of mission agency leaders and missiologists, who frankly admitted ...

Non-Western Missionaries: Our Newest Challenge

About one-fourth of cross cultural mission work is being done by people from non-Western nations ...

The Risks of Sending Our Dollars Only

Sending dollars to substitute missionaries creates the dangerous misconception that missions equals money alone ...

What’s Holding up World Evangelization?: The Mission Agencies

Something about the approaching arrival of the 21st century has sparked a plethora of new world evangelization initiatives. Actually, according ...

Non-Western Missionaries: Our Newest Challenge

About one-fourth of cross cultural mission work is being done by people from non-Western nations ...

The Risks of Sending Our Dollars Only

Sending dollars to substitute missionaries creates the dangerous misconception that missions equals money alone ...

What’s Holding up World Evangelization?: The Mission Agencies

Something about the approaching arrival of the 21st century has sparked a plethora of new world evangelization initiatives. Actually, according ...

Europe Needs All Kinds of Church Planters

When it comes to planting churches in Europe, what should a missionary do? There are at least four possibilities ...

Anglo-American Missionaries in Europe Speak Up

After World War II, North American missionaries discovered a new mission field—Western Europe ...

The Missionary’s Ministry Prayer

We might as well not have church services on Ecuadorian holidays," complained my friend, "because only gringos were there today." ...

Europe Needs All Kinds of Church Planters

When it comes to planting churches in Europe, what should a missionary do? There are at least four possibilities ...

Anglo-American Missionaries in Europe Speak Up

After World War II, North American missionaries discovered a new mission field—Western Europe ...

The Missionary’s Ministry Prayer

We might as well not have church services on Ecuadorian holidays," complained my friend, "because only gringos were there today." ...

Choosing a Mission Board: What You Should Look For; What They Will Look For

Researching mission agencies is a lot like doing a term paper. I've suggested the crucial matters you'll want to look ...

The Fall and Rise of TEE in One African Church

Our church leaders have suggested that there are some serious flaws in this TEE format, and they have prompted an ...

Putting the Cross Back in Cross-cultural Ministry

Unfortunately, we missionaries often cross continents and oceans and cultures to do God's work, but we leave the love of ...

Choosing a Mission Board: What You Should Look For; What They Will Look For

Researching mission agencies is a lot like doing a term paper. I've suggested the crucial matters you'll want to look ...

The Fall and Rise of TEE in One African Church

Our church leaders have suggested that there are some serious flaws in this TEE format, and they have prompted an ...

Putting the Cross Back in Cross-cultural Ministry

Unfortunately, we missionaries often cross continents and oceans and cultures to do God's work, but we leave the love of ...

Build Your Family, Don’t Idolize It

The role of families in missions is highly debatable ...

Quality Control: Four Ways to Check It

The first years of my first term were filled with questions about the quality of my ministry and relationships. Our ...

A Call to Die on an Old Field

Does prolonged missionary presence foster dependency in national churches? ...

Educational Preparation of Missionaries — A Look Ahead

Every decision about curriculum reflects someone's view of the future. This key premise of educational planning is widely accepted by ...

Build Your Family, Don’t Idolize It

The role of families in missions is highly debatable ...

Quality Control: Four Ways to Check It

The first years of my first term were filled with questions about the quality of my ministry and relationships. Our ...

A Call to Die on an Old Field

Does prolonged missionary presence foster dependency in national churches? ...

Educational Preparation of Missionaries — A Look Ahead

Every decision about curriculum reflects someone's view of the future. This key premise of educational planning is widely accepted by ...

Editor’s Analysis: Where are the Black Missionaries?

Time is running out for white mission agencies to use black missionaries. At the same time, the reservoir of potential ...

Editor’s Analysis: Where are the Black Missionaries?

Time is running out for white mission agencies to use black missionaries. At the same time, the reservoir of potential ...

Stress Factors in Missionary Marriages

In considering stressful features of missionary marriages, certain factors are important ...

Amsterdam ’86: Smelling the Sulphur Bubbles

As Billy Graham himself put it, Amsterdam '86 wasn't a theological conference. It was a training conference ...

Stress Factors in Missionary Marriages

In considering stressful features of missionary marriages, certain factors are important ...

Amsterdam ’86: Smelling the Sulphur Bubbles

As Billy Graham himself put it, Amsterdam '86 wasn't a theological conference. It was a training conference ...

There Are Some Workable Alternatives to the Old Way of Doing Deputation

Case studies examine three successful support models ...

The Tin-cup Image Be Shattered

Suggestions for practical steps churches can take to cooperate with agencies to facilitate and improve the deputation system ...

Wives: Homemakers or Mission Employees?

There are many obstacles to fuller integration of women in mission work ...

There Are Some Workable Alternatives to the Old Way of Doing Deputation

Case studies examine three successful support models ...

The Tin-cup Image Be Shattered

Suggestions for practical steps churches can take to cooperate with agencies to facilitate and improve the deputation system ...

Wives: Homemakers or Mission Employees?

There are many obstacles to fuller integration of women in mission work ...

God’s Word Works— even for Mission Agencies

In the early 1980's it became evident to many associated with the United World Mission that God was about to ...

God’s Word Works— even for Mission Agencies

In the early 1980's it became evident to many associated with the United World Mission that God was about to ...

How to Choose the Right Missionary

As I have talked with 121 missionaries and many mission leaders over a three-year period, I have become convinced of ...

How to Choose the Right Missionary

As I have talked with 121 missionaries and many mission leaders over a three-year period, I have become convinced of ...

Women’s Roles in Mission: Where Are We Now?

The most recent major movement for women's rights, often referred to as "women's lib," began in 1963 with the publication ...

Women’s Roles in Mission: Where Are We Now?

The most recent major movement for women's rights, often referred to as "women's lib," began in 1963 with the publication ...

The Crucial Roles of the Church Missions Committee

Seven roles that missions committee in supporting churches should play ...

The Crucial Roles of the Church Missions Committee

Seven roles that missions committee in supporting churches should play ...

Overcoming Stress in Singleness

Today, to be "single" means "being alone." ...

Authors Talk about Their Books

Miraim Adeney, Harvie, Samuel Wilson and Edward R. Dayton, David Hesselgrave, Robertson McQuilken, C. Peter Wagner and Donald McGavran talk ...

The Trouble with My Home Board Is . .

A look at some of the factors that cause conflicts and ways that may diminish their unfortunate consequences ...

The Trouble with My Home Board Is . .

A look at some of the factors that cause conflicts and ways that may diminish their unfortunate consequences ...

Overcoming Stress in Singleness

Today, to be "single" means "being alone." ...

Authors Talk about Their Books

Miraim Adeney, Harvie, Samuel Wilson and Edward R. Dayton, David Hesselgrave, Robertson McQuilken, C. Peter Wagner and Donald McGavran talk ...

Training Local Villagers to Provide Health Care

Successful projects in Uganda point the way for others ...

Planting in Tandem for Church Growth

What's being done in Germany shows that co-operation is better than competition ...

A Report on the National Meeting

In conjunction with EFMA-IFMA triennial study conference, 60 professors of missions met at U.S. Center for World Mission in Pasadena, ...

Training Local Villagers to Provide Health Care

Successful projects in Uganda point the way for others ...

Planting in Tandem for Church Growth

What's being done in Germany shows that co-operation is better than competition ...

A Report on the National Meeting

In conjunction with EFMA-IFMA triennial study conference, 60 professors of missions met at U.S. Center for World Mission in Pasadena, ...

How Shall We Handle Divorced Applicants? Responses by Emilio Nunez, Paul Toms, Warren Webster

The late seventies and early eighties have seen a rising tide of divorce and remarriage in western Christendom. There is ...

The Cultural Key to Developing Strong Leaders

"We desperately need leadership in our church." How often have missionaries uttered this lament? It was certainly among my first ...

To Send or Not to Send? Missionary Parents Ask. with Response by David Pollock

New priorities on family solidarity bring debate about educational options for MKs ...

The Demands of Change

An Interview with Howard Whaley ...

How Shall We Handle Divorced Applicants? Responses by Emilio Nunez, Paul Toms, Warren Webster

The late seventies and early eighties have seen a rising tide of divorce and remarriage in western Christendom. There is ...

The Cultural Key to Developing Strong Leaders

"We desperately need leadership in our church." How often have missionaries uttered this lament? It was certainly among my first ...

To Send or Not to Send? Missionary Parents Ask. with Response by David Pollock

New priorities on family solidarity bring debate about educational options for MKs ...

The Demands of Change

An Interview with Howard Whaley ...

It’s Our 20th Birthday Interviews with Wade Coggins and Edwin L. Jack Frizen, Jr.

To mark the occasion, we asked the heads of our sponsoring associations where we are in missions now compared to ...

Doing Mission

Our look at what makes pastors (and missionaries) weep; power In proverbs; finding support In a good learning setting; and ...

The Two Shall Become One

Church-mission integration, like marriage, costs much of both parties to make it work ...

It’s Our 20th Birthday Interviews with Wade Coggins and Edwin L. Jack Frizen, Jr.

To mark the occasion, we asked the heads of our sponsoring associations where we are in missions now compared to ...

Doing Mission

Our look at what makes pastors (and missionaries) weep; power In proverbs; finding support In a good learning setting; and ...

The Two Shall Become One

Church-mission integration, like marriage, costs much of both parties to make it work ...

Key Issues in Missiology: An Evangelical View

It needs to be recognized at the outset that an agenda of missiological issues will to a degree be inevitably ...

Key Issues in Missiology: An Evangelical View

It needs to be recognized at the outset that an agenda of missiological issues will to a degree be inevitably ...

What I Could Write to My Supporters but Don’t . . . And Why

Some stories make great prayer letter, but should we tell them? ...

What I Could Write to My Supporters but Don’t . . . And Why

Some stories make great prayer letter, but should we tell them? ...

Roots of Bad Feelings: What the Locals Say

Not every mission is equally guilty, but we must pay attention to the grievances of our brothers ...

Roots of Bad Feelings: What the Locals Say

Not every mission is equally guilty, but we must pay attention to the grievances of our brothers ...

Beyond Independence to Responsible Maturity

Human development can be divided into stages of growth. A newborn baby is dependent on its parents for every need ...

Beyond Independence to Responsible Maturity

Human development can be divided into stages of growth. A newborn baby is dependent on its parents for every need ...

Editor’s Analysis: After the Cheers: Humility and Cooperation

All missionaries can be thankful for the research Larry Keyes had done on the exploding growth of the Third World ...

Third World Missionaries: More and Better

It has long been the conviction of some missiologists that the recruitment and deployment of missionaries is growing at least ...

Editor’s Analysis: After the Cheers: Humility and Cooperation

All missionaries can be thankful for the research Larry Keyes had done on the exploding growth of the Third World ...

Third World Missionaries: More and Better

It has long been the conviction of some missiologists that the recruitment and deployment of missionaries is growing at least ...

Faith Missions: Do They Have a Future?

Let's find out what God wants for the future, then do it even if our obedience means radical changes ...

Ten Commandments for Nationals from the Standpoint of Missionaries

I. Thou shalt not have any other objectives than the glory of God in building his Church in your own ...

Faith Missions: Do They Have a Future?

Let's find out what God wants for the future, then do it even if our obedience means radical changes ...

Ten Commandments for Nationals from the Standpoint of Missionaries

I. Thou shalt not have any other objectives than the glory of God in building his Church in your own ...

Following up Youth’s Interest in Missions

Here is the problem. A few of the members of the youth group or the college group return from a ...

Muslim Misconceptions about Missionary

A study on the distinctives of how Muslim priests and Christian missionaries are perceived in society ...

Following up Youth’s Interest in Missions

Here is the problem. A few of the members of the youth group or the college group return from a ...

Muslim Misconceptions about Missionary

A study on the distinctives of how Muslim priests and Christian missionaries are perceived in society ...

The Concept of a Third Era in Missions

When I was asked to give the opening address at the 1979 Executives Retreat of the Evangelical Foreign Missions Association, ...

The Concept of a Third Era in Missions

When I was asked to give the opening address at the 1979 Executives Retreat of the Evangelical Foreign Missions Association, ...

Indian Missionaries: How Should They Be Used?

Missionary interest began in the Indian church long before it began anywhere else in Asia ...

Indian Missionaries: How Should They Be Used?

Missionary interest began in the Indian church long before it began anywhere else in Asia ...

Editorial: When ‘Simple’ Bible Truths Won’t Do

If there's anything we want to be sure about in missions, it's the biblical validity of our work. Yet as ...

Editorial: When ‘Simple’ Bible Truths Won’t Do

If there's anything we want to be sure about in missions, it's the biblical validity of our work. Yet as ...

1980: Year of Three Missions Congresses

For a host of eminent leaders from all over the world, Berlin both portrayed and provided a new dimension of ...

1980: Year of Three Missions Congresses

For a host of eminent leaders from all over the world, Berlin both portrayed and provided a new dimension of ...

Confusion Concerning the Great Commission

From Reformation times reference to the missionary mandate of the Great Commission has raised serious questions ...

Editorial: Missionary Numbers Vs. Missionary Attitudes

Does the world need 120,000 North American missionaries by the year 2000? All along it's been assumed by missions strategists, ...

Confusion Concerning the Great Commission

From Reformation times reference to the missionary mandate of the Great Commission has raised serious questions ...

Editorial: Missionary Numbers Vs. Missionary Attitudes

Does the world need 120,000 North American missionaries by the year 2000? All along it's been assumed by missions strategists, ...

It’s Now Time for a Fresh Look at China Mistakes

For multitudes of God's people concerned for the spiritual needs of all the world, President Carter's mid-December announcement of the ...

It’s Now Time for a Fresh Look at China Mistakes

For multitudes of God's people concerned for the spiritual needs of all the world, President Carter's mid-December announcement of the ...

Career Counseling for Single Women Missionaries

Jokes about single women missionaries bother me. First, for what they reveal about the people who tell them - Christians ...

Career Counseling for Single Women Missionaries

Jokes about single women missionaries bother me. First, for what they reveal about the people who tell them - Christians ...

The Money Barrier between Sending and Receiving Churches

The 1971 Green Lake Conference convened to identify points of tension in church-mission relations and to develop guidelines to assist ...

The Money Barrier between Sending and Receiving Churches

The 1971 Green Lake Conference convened to identify points of tension in church-mission relations and to develop guidelines to assist ...

Mission and Context: The Current Debate about Contextualization

The word "contextualization" was coined just over five years ago, and already it is used around the world in many ...

Mission and Context: The Current Debate about Contextualization

The word "contextualization" was coined just over five years ago, and already it is used around the world in many ...

What Happened at Urbana— its Meaning for Missions

Missionaries at Urbana 76 found a new mood among college students regarding missions. The convention's director looks at reasons for ...

A Way out of the Marriage/ Baptism Tangle

Missionaries need to study the Scriptures and the local culture, to find suitable answers to the very complex problems of ...

What Happened at Urbana— its Meaning for Missions

Missionaries at Urbana 76 found a new mood among college students regarding missions. The convention's director looks at reasons for ...

A Way out of the Marriage/ Baptism Tangle

Missionaries need to study the Scriptures and the local culture, to find suitable answers to the very complex problems of ...

Self- Support: The Missing Leg in the Development of Indigenous Churches

Missionaries have long defined the indigenous church as one that is self-propagating, self-governing, and self-supporting. Envision the indigenous church as ...

Self- Support: The Missing Leg in the Development of Indigenous Churches

Missionaries have long defined the indigenous church as one that is self-propagating, self-governing, and self-supporting. Envision the indigenous church as ...

Survey Tests Reactions to Mission’s Structural Change

The Community of Latin American Evangelical Ministries (CLAMS) was born of the deep awareness that if the Latin America Mission ...

Survey Tests Reactions to Mission’s Structural Change

The Community of Latin American Evangelical Ministries (CLAMS) was born of the deep awareness that if the Latin America Mission ...

The Lausanne Covenant

We, members of the Church of Jesus Christ, from more than 150 nations, participants in the International Congress On World ...

The Lausanne Covenant

We, members of the Church of Jesus Christ, from more than 150 nations, participants in the International Congress On World ...

A Look at Bangkok in Historical Perspective

The purpose of this article about the recent "Salvation Today" conference is to attempt to react to it in the ...

A Look at Bangkok in Historical Perspective

The purpose of this article about the recent "Salvation Today" conference is to attempt to react to it in the ...

Pauline Patterns of Church-Mission Relationships

It has been frequently observed that the Bible does not prescribe specific patterns of relationship between mission agencies and national ...

Pauline Patterns of Church-Mission Relationships

It has been frequently observed that the Bible does not prescribe specific patterns of relationship between mission agencies and national ...

Aid to the National Church—When it Helps, When it Hinders

Henry Venn's famous formula coined in 1861 as a definition of the autonomous church— self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating (extension)— has ...

Aid to the National Church—When it Helps, When it Hinders

Henry Venn's famous formula coined in 1861 as a definition of the autonomous church— self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating (extension)— has ...

Evangelizing the Chinese of the Diaspora

Outside mainland China there are about thirty million Chinese. Twenty eight million can be located in South East Asia, Hong ...

Evangelizing the Chinese of the Diaspora

Outside mainland China there are about thirty million Chinese. Twenty eight million can be located in South East Asia, Hong ...

Receiving Churches and Missions

Emergent and revitalized non-Christian religions threaten the churches of Asia like storm clouds on the horizon of the '70s, while ...

The Future Role of Western Missions in the Muslim World, Africa, India and Asia – a Concise Survey

THE MUSLIM WORLD The region being considered is both geographically and religiously near the heart of the Muslim world. It ...

Receiving Churches and Missions

Emergent and revitalized non-Christian religions threaten the churches of Asia like storm clouds on the horizon of the '70s, while ...

The Future Role of Western Missions in the Muslim World, Africa, India and Asia – a Concise Survey

THE MUSLIM WORLD The region being considered is both geographically and religiously near the heart of the Muslim world. It ...

Teams and Teamwork

In Scripture, we see God fulfilling his purposes in the world through men. Usually he begins with one man-burning his ...

Teams and Teamwork

In Scripture, we see God fulfilling his purposes in the world through men. Usually he begins with one man-burning his ...

Is Term Service a Viable Option?

Twenty-three years ago I had the task of drafting a service application form for the fledgling Missionary Aviation Fellowship. I ...

Is Term Service a Viable Option?

Twenty-three years ago I had the task of drafting a service application form for the fledgling Missionary Aviation Fellowship. I ...

Dialogue- Friend or Foe?

Dialogue fever is our contemporary syndrome. Talkathons are the order of the day. The prospect of dialogue will turn on ...

Dialogue- Friend or Foe?

Dialogue fever is our contemporary syndrome. Talkathons are the order of the day. The prospect of dialogue will turn on ...

In-Service Preparation: Language Study and Orientation

At the East Asia Christian Conference meetings in 1964 in Bangkok it was unequivocally stated that, "inasmuch as theresponsibility for ...

In-Service Preparation: Language Study and Orientation

At the East Asia Christian Conference meetings in 1964 in Bangkok it was unequivocally stated that, "inasmuch as theresponsibility for ...

Urban Ecumenical Program: Missionary Thrust or Bust?

The following article is based on a paper written by Mr. Hull while a student at Princeton Theological Seminary, (Fall, ...

Urban Ecumenical Program: Missionary Thrust or Bust?

The following article is based on a paper written by Mr. Hull while a student at Princeton Theological Seminary, (Fall, ...

The Mission of Missions

In 1954 Kenneth Strachan of the Latin America Mission advocated international partnership in all aspects of missionary endeavor. He wrote, ...

National Leadership for Such a Time as Tomorrow

There is a Chinese proverb that says: "If you are planning for a year, plant rice; if you are planning ...

The Mission of Missions

In 1954 Kenneth Strachan of the Latin America Mission advocated international partnership in all aspects of missionary endeavor. He wrote, ...

National Leadership for Such a Time as Tomorrow

There is a Chinese proverb that says: "If you are planning for a year, plant rice; if you are planning ...

The Scope of Strategy Planning for Latin America

The letter that follows is not a journalistic gimmick; it is an actual letter written by the author, a missionary ...

Mission-Church Relations: Integrate or Cooperate?

How can we work both with indigenous churches in other lands and (with) our own missionaries there, preserving the proper ...

The Scope of Strategy Planning for Latin America

The letter that follows is not a journalistic gimmick; it is an actual letter written by the author, a missionary ...

Mission-Church Relations: Integrate or Cooperate?

How can we work both with indigenous churches in other lands and (with) our own missionaries there, preserving the proper ...

Missions Must Evaluate

At the Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission at Wheaton, April, 1966, it was declared: "we will engage in periodic ...

Missions Must Evaluate

At the Congress on the Church's Worldwide Mission at Wheaton, April, 1966, it was declared: "we will engage in periodic ...

Achievements and Failures

Scripture tells us that we must look out to the harvest fields, but before doing that, it is often most ...

Achievements and Failures

Scripture tells us that we must look out to the harvest fields, but before doing that, it is often most ...

A Critical Look at the Wheaton Congress from Five Perspectives

The Congress on the Church's worldwide mission was convened in Wheaton, Ill., April 9-16, 1966. It represented the response of ...

A Critical Look at the Wheaton Congress from Five Perspectives

The Congress on the Church's worldwide mission was convened in Wheaton, Ill., April 9-16, 1966. It represented the response of ...

My Recollections of J. O. Fraser

Tbe prayer meeting at Woosung Road was dismissed, and as the people began to leave, we finally clasped each other's ...

The Wheaton Declaration

Subscribed by the Delegates to THE CONGRESS ON THE CHURCH'S WORLDWIDE MISSION Convened at Wheaton, Illinois April 9-16, 1966 ...

My Recollections of J. O. Fraser

Tbe prayer meeting at Woosung Road was dismissed, and as the people began to leave, we finally clasped each other's ...

The Wheaton Declaration

Subscribed by the Delegates to THE CONGRESS ON THE CHURCH'S WORLDWIDE MISSION Convened at Wheaton, Illinois April 9-16, 1966 ...

Taking Away the Reproach of Barrenness

Can the barren produce? My wife and I have been compelled to ask ourselves this question again and again during ...

Training Missionaries for Today’s World

We have laid down the principle that the missionary's preparation must be commensurate with the task assigned. Further, we have ...

Training Missionaries for Today’s World

We have laid down the principle that the missionary's preparation must be commensurate with the task assigned. Further, we have ...

A Survey of Cooperation among National Churches Overseas

In a previous article in the Evangelical Missions Quarterly (Spring 1965) I attempted to document the nature and extent of ...

A Survey of Cooperation among National Churches Overseas

In a previous article in the Evangelical Missions Quarterly (Spring 1965) I attempted to document the nature and extent of ...

Personalized Missionary Prayer

What a heart-breaking tragedy to have fine young men wiped out at an advanced post by enemy fire simply through ...

Personalized Missionary Prayer

What a heart-breaking tragedy to have fine young men wiped out at an advanced post by enemy fire simply through ...

Missions and the Emerging Church

Mission agencies and the church face a major question with respect to the national churches that are emerging as a ...

Today’s Missions in the Latin American Social Revolution

No one questions that our world of today is an exciting place to live. It has been called by many ...

Missions and the Emerging Church

Mission agencies and the church face a major question with respect to the national churches that are emerging as a ...

Today’s Missions in the Latin American Social Revolution

No one questions that our world of today is an exciting place to live. It has been called by many ...

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Sometimes you’ve just got to go back to the basics. When Vince Lombardi, former coach of the National Football League’s Green Bay Packers, wanted to stop the team’s losing streak, he started by telling his players, “This is a football.”

Partnership Revisited

Sometimes you’ve just got to go back to the basics. When Vince Lombardi, former coach of the National Football League’s Green Bay Packers, wanted to stop the team’s losing streak, he started by telling his players, “This is a football.”

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