Costly: Non-Negotiables in Relating to Nationals and Persecution

Executive Leadership Track | Workshop Set 4

Thursday, September 29, 2022 15:45 PM


Primary Audience Missionaries, mission agency leaders and followers who want to partner with believers in persecution Description Believers in persecution invite us into shared suffering. Scripture teaches us that persecution is a reality for followers of Christ.

Frankly, sometimes it costs believers living in places of persecution more. Why? Often this is true when those coming from the West do not practice wise, culturally sensitive, Biblical norms of living and witnessing in host environments. We must be careful to focus on dying for Christ never for secondary reasons or because of our mistakes.

When persecution comes it must be for Who Jesus is, not for secondary issues. During this time, we will discuss the following: Believers in persecution suggest some core values and non-negotiables, that will assist Western workers to be wise sheep among wolves.

Embrace that persecution and suffering are unavoidable for both the witnesser as well as those receiving a Biblical witness to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Where do those who send and those who go assimilate their world view?

What are some wise practices that lead to persecution due to the primacy of Jesus Christ?



Nik Ripken

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