EMQ (Evangelical Missions Quarterly)
July – September 2024 | Volume 60 Issue 3
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The Evangelical Missions Quarterly is released each year in January, April, July, and October. Geared toward missionary practioners, EMQ provides a forum for the exchange of concepts, strategies, and ideas. Each issue includes 8–10 articles, 8–10 book reviews, and occasional featured articles including Editorial and Missiographics.
EMQ is available for Missio Nexus members online and in the following digital formats: web, pdf, mobi, epub.
About the Journal
In the 1964 inaugural issue, Jim Reapsome, the first editor, stated that the quarterly had two purposes: “to make available to the Church as a whole the wide range of insights gained from its work throughout world and for mission agencies to keep each other stimulated and informed in the realm of ideas and practical missionary tactics.” Missio Nexus intends to remain on that course.
EMQ began as a print journal then several years ago it was offered simultaneously online. Currently EMQ is available online and in the following digital formats: web, pdf, mobi, epub. It can also be found on Amazon as a bound PDF.