Portraits of Global Christianity: Research and Reflections in Honor of Todd M. Johnson

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Leader’s Edge: Missions & Ministry

Portraits of Global Christianity: Research and Reflections in Honor of Todd M. Johnson*

By Gina A. Zurlo

William Carey Publishing, 2023 

244 pages 

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This book presents the research legacy of Todd Johnson (Center for the Study of Global Christianity [CSGC]) through this compendium from 32 contributors (former students, colleagues, and partners) of CSGC that upholds the four primary values of being global, ecumenical, interreligious, and social justice. The first part of the book addresses partnership in global Christianity and mission; the second include 28 reflections on the impact of Johnson’s scholarship, witness, spiritual life, and friendship; the third contains 185 table and graphs that feature the results of his research (on martyrdom, world religions, Christian mission, denominations, evangelization by peoples, etc.) over the past decades. This book provides perspective and self-understanding on the relationship between global Christianity and its impact on individual Christian experience across ethnic, gender, and class boundaries. 

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