Partner-Friendly Organizations

Partner friendly organization maximizing kingdom impact through Partnering Intelligence
Brian O’Connell, President,
May 22, 2:00 – 3:30 pm Eastern

Over the past decade, partnership and collaboration have become one of the more prominent buzz words in Christian ministry circles. But what does it mean to partner together with other ministries, and can we really become more effective in achieving our own ministry objectives through it?

This webinar will help you increase your partnering intelligence by better understanding: Real ministry partnering: what it is and why it’s important. The differences between connecting, cooperating, coordinating, and collaborating. Areas in your organization or church that limits your partnering effectiveness. Important principles for effective collaboration and partnering. Key factors are in cross cultural partnering. Current geographical and affinity partnerships that are working and how can your organization or church connect to them. Brian F. O’Connell has worked in international partnership development for over 20 years and is now President of REACT Services, an organization that guides and equips Christian ministries to harness the power of partnership for more Kingdom impact. He serves as the Mission Exchange consultant for partnership with a specialty in working with CEO’s, leadership teams and field workers to increase knowledge and skills related to effective ministry collaboration.

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