The Roles of Church and Mission in Crisis Management: Overlap? Competition? Cooperation?

Description:  This webinar will look at the issues churches and missions face in responding to crises on the field.  How do they cooperate and communicate well?  The focus will be on setting up strategies for communication and event management BEFORE a crisis occurs.  The case will be taken from a group of Singaporean churches and Missions.

Presenter:  Brent Lindquist is a Psychologist and President of Link Care Center, based in Fresno CA, USA.  He  is a Mission Advisor for Member Health for Missio Nexus, and consults with many global missions and churches on issues of Member Care and Development.  He is also on the Executive Board of the Global Member Care Network.  He is married to Colleen and they are the parents of two and grandparents of four.

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