Mobilizing Communities of Color – Resources

This list of books, articles, and messages was compiled on the recommendation of participants in the 24 Plus event, Mobilizing Communities of Color.


African-American Experience in World Mission: A Call Beyond Community
By Vaughn Walston and Robert Stevens (William Carey Library Pub, 2003)

A Cross-Shaped Gospel: Reconciling Heaven and Earth
By Bryan Loritts (Moody Publishers, 2011)

A New Man: Missionary Journeys of an African American
By Hoise Birks (HB Publishing Company, 2016)

The Decline of African American Theology: From Biblical Faith to Cultural Captivity
By Thabiti M. Anyabwile (IVP Academic, 2007)

The Disease of Racism: Rediscovering the Cure!
By Terry Stull (Companion Press, 1996)

The Fellowship of the Suffering: How Hardship Shapes Us for Ministry and Mission
By Paul Borthwick and Dave Ripper (IVP Books, 2018)

Going Global – Beyond the Boundaries: The Role of the Black Church in the Great Commission of Jesus Christ
By Carl F. Ellis (Urban Ministries, Inc, 2010)

Letters Across the Divide: Two Friends Explore Racism, Friendship, and Faith
By David Anderson and Brent Zuercher (Baker Books, 2001)

The Lott Carey Legacy of African American Missions
By Leroy Fitts (Gateway Press, 1994)

Making the Blind Man Lame: What Jesus Wouldn’t Do
By Dr. Michael Johnson (, 2006)

One Blood: Parting Words to the Church on Race and Love
By John Perkins (Moody Publishers, 2018)

One Day In The Life: A Missionary’s Memoirs
By Brenda Fuller (KDP, 2020)

Oneness Embraced: Reconciliation, the Kingdom, and How We are Stronger Together
By Tony Evans (Moody Publishers, Reprint edition 2015)

Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope
By Esau McCaulley (IVP Academic, 2020)

RED, BROWN, YELLOW, BLACK, WHITE – WHO’S MORE PRECIOUS IN GOD’S SIGHT?: A Call for Diversity in Christian Missions and Ministry
By Leroy Barber (Jericho Books, 2014)

Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity
By David Swanson (IVP, 2020)

Vanguards of a Missionary Uprising
By author Michael Vincent Fariss (2013)

Voices Rising: Women of Color Finding and Restoring Hope in the City
By Shabrae Jackson Krieg (Servant Partners Press, 2018)

White Awake: An Honest Look at What It Means to Be White
By Daniel Hill (IVP Books, 2017)


The Great Commission Christianity Keeps Blacks Away From Evangelicalism
By Anthony Bradley (Fathom, 2019)

The History of Mission: African-American Missions
The Traveling Team

Missionaries You Should Know: George Liele
By Lesley Hildreth (Imb, 2018)

Tim Keller explains the systemic problem of white privilege

Reconciliation Fellowship
By Pastor Rickie Bradshaw and Don Allsman


Accepting Ethnic Diversity and Difference
by Rev Dr Kate Coleman (Missio Nexus, 2020)

Black Lives Matter vs All Lives Matter
Bishop David Perrin (NAAMC, 2020)

Reconciliation Fellowship
Pastor Rickie Bradshaw


The Table of Brotherhood
Hosted by NAAMC on December 15th @ 12:00 noon-1:30 pm EST.

This is a panel discussion on “Fixing the Racial Divide in the Church”. The event is free. Those interested can register here:

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