Digital Strategies for Collaboration

EMQ » July–September 2023 » Volume 59 Issue 3

Summary: Missions leaders and practitioners see the need for digital solutions, but they may be overwhelmed by the vast amounts of apps, tools, and strategies. The digital landscape for missions is key for collaboration as many ministries, including those who have built their own tools or platforms, can share their resources to collectively take the gospel to new peoples and places. 

By Andrew Feng and Nick Wu 

Technology advances so rapidly that many find it difficult to keep up with the latest apps, tools, or strategies. While the COVID-19 global pandemic encouraged many to adapt to digital transformation, after three years, new tech continues to surface. From artificial intelligence to blockchain, new digital resources and strategies are becoming increasingly accessible to society. 

The market is saturated with thousands of products and services. At the same time, some missions agencies want to invest in developing their own tools. This can be a time-consuming and costly process. And when they focus on creating Christian versions of big tech tools, ministries can be left with underperforming products. This gets amplified when multiple agencies follow suit or develop the same kinds of products in competition with one another. 

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