How Do I Mobilize in My Church? (MOB)

How Do I Mobilize in My Church? (MOB)

Friday @ 1:30pm

Come discover lessons learned in sending into missions. How do you mobilize your church to go? What factors are important in choosing organizations that Calvary Church uses and should be consider when partnering with Mission agencies to carry out global missions?

Steve Beirn

Global Ministries Pastor
Calvary Church, Lancaster PA

Steve Beirn is the Global Ministries Pastor at Calvary Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, providing leadership in mobilizing the local church to recruit, prepare, send and sustain their members in cross-cultural ministry. Calvary Church has approximately 100 of their members serving cross-culturally. Steve’s commitment to advancing world missions has taken him to over 40 countries. His book “Well Sent: Reimaging the Church’s Missionary-Sending Process”, has recently been translated into Mandarin. He has served on the Board of Directors of The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) for 18 years. He and his wife, Lorraine, have three children and five grandchildren.


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