On Mission 2020 – On Demand

On Mission 2020 is still available to watch!

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Session 1:
Melissa Weissenberger: South America Mission – Mobilizing Younger Generations
Jay Matenga: WEA Missions Commission – Mobilization in an Era of Deconstruction
Matthew Ellison: Sixteen:Fifteen – Keys for Effective Church Mobilization
Irmiyaa Williams: Global Frontier Missions – Mobilizing a Diverse Mission Force
Jeannie Marie: Author, Across the Street and Around the World – Eight Things Great Mobilizers Do

Session 2:
Stephen: Cafe 1040 – Mobilizing Millennials and Generation Z
Steve Shadrach: Center for Missions Mobilization – The 4th Era of Modern Missions Movement
Dave & Lorene Wilson: Avant – Engaging the Church in Missionary Mobilization
Ferdinand Nweke: Eternity Ministries – Mobilizing the Marketplace for Missions

Session 3:
Tanner Callison: The Traveling Team – Mobilizing Millennials and Generation Z
Chris Conti: SIM – Why and How to Involve the Whole Church in Missions
Sharon Hoover: Centerville Presbyterian Church – On-Ramps for Missions in the Local Church
Ryan Shaw: Global Mission Mobilization Initiative – Multiplying Mission Mobilization Movements

Session 4:
Rory Bonte & Laney Mills: Global Frontier Mission – Mobilizing Millennials and Generation Z
David Jacob: Center for Missionary Mobilization and Retention – Seven Keys to Effectively Utilize Missionaries as Mobilizers
Steve Leston: To Every Tribe – Church and Agency Partnerships for Stronger Mobilization
Valerie Althouse: International Students, Inc. – Mobilizing for International Outreach in North America

Additional Speakers on On Mission On Demand:
Brent McHugh: Christar – Three Mobilization Rivers
Jamie Farr: Wycliffe – Removing Mobilization Hinderances
Rodney Pennington: OMF – Keys for Effective Mobilization
Jeff Boesel: OCI – Partnership in Mobilization Preparation
Dave Rofkahr: Center for Missions Mobilization – Mobilization Index: A New Tool for Mission Leaders
Chris Conti: SIM – How to Mobilize in A Personal and Strategic Way
Grant Haynes: Global Frontier Missions – Working To, Through, And With the Diaspora
Randy Mitchell: One World Mission – Imperative of Mobilization

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