MLC 2015 Plenary: Complexity with Skye Jethani

Skye is an author, editor, speaker, consultant and ordained pastor.  Since 2004 he has served on the editorial team of Leadership Journal, and he currently occupies numerous roles at Christianity Today.

Skye is also a south-after consultant for groups facing challenges at the intersection of faith and culture like The Lausanne Movement, The White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and the Interfaith Youth Core.  He is frequently featured on radio programs around the country.

Skye has also authored three books:  The Divine Commodity: Discovering a Faith Beyond Consumer Christianity (2009), WITH: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God (2001), and Futureville (2014).  His latest writing project is the With God Daily Devotional, a subscription-based daily email designed to help a smartphone generation begin the day with God.

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