Global Status of the Refugee Highway

Missio Nexus presents the January/February 2014 Global Issues Update: Global Status of the Refugee Highway, with Brian O’Connell.

Complex global challenges impact Great Commission activities at every level. No matter how connected and motivated you are as an individual Christ-follower, church or mission leader, you can’t be an expert on everything. This edition will help you become better aware of what is currently happening in regards to the phenomenon and crisis of refugees around the globe.

Brian O’Connell is President of REACT Service and has been involved in partnership development and international missions for over 25 years. REACT specializes in the design,facilitation and coaching of global partnering initiatives, primarily among the most vulnerable and least reached. Brian’s efforts have brought value to specific arenas of need that include focus on the global refugee situation,serving as chairman of the Refugee Highway Partnership. Global Issues Update is an audio/visual 35-40 minute recording and will take a few minutes to download. You will be glad you waited.

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