EMQ » July–September 2023 » Volume 59 Issue 3
Summary: Traditional and embodied missions methods are not always possible among the least reached communities. Digital distribution of Scriptural content, when driven by sound missiology, can bridge this gap. Missionary technologists have a unique opportunity to help missionaries use this powerful and effective means for evangelism and discipleship. When they use their skills in this way, they become frontline contributors in church planting efforts amongst the world’s least reach peoples.
By D. B. Brown*
Christians are sure that people of every tribe, tongue, people, and nation will worship God. Although this idea is by no means exclusive to the book of Revelation, John perhaps communicates this point most clearly in his apocalypse (Revelation 5:9; 7:9).i
Today, certain ethno-linguistic people groups still know little about Christ and some lack any access to learn about who he is. Surveillance, war, political tensions, geographic isolation, and more in the homeland of these least-reached groups can present challenges for church planting.
Ideally, the gospel is proclaimed in embodied, face-to-face communication.ii But in places where the church is small or non-existent, mediated communication forms, such as online messaging platforms or mobile applications, can significantly aid church planting efforts.
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