Mobilizing your Senior Leadership


One of the chief roles of pastors is to declare the whole counsel of God to those they shepherd. If God’s plan to make disciples of all nations is the plot line of God’s counsel and will, who better than the Church’s primary preachers and teachers to inspire and influence God’s people to actively engage in Scripture’s Grand Narrative? The job of casting missions vision can and should be shared with others, but it cannot be entirely delegated. If the pastor does not plead the cause of the nations, who will?

Join us for this critically important conversation as we think and talk about what it looks like to Mobilize Senior Leadership to be champions for global missions.

Our Guests

Brian Bell is the senior pastor at Calvary Murrieta, in California. He is the main teaching pastor and shepherd of Calvary Murrieta. Brian’s passion to bring Jesus to the nations has led him to well over thirty countries and is now focused on our two specific unreached people groups. Brian and his wife Kelly have worked fervently this past decade to bring justice for women and children who have been exploited in human trafficking. This continues to make a meaningful impact within our valley, in California, and across the globe.

Larry Hansen has been a Pastor for 17 years and serves as the Missions Pastor at Calvary Murrieta. God has moved him to passionately pursue unreached people across the globe and he has taken the Great Commission as a personal commission. Larry combines missions’ education, first-hand experience, and missions’ partnerships to continue to move forward in reaching the unreached. He has a strong desire for developing strong missionary care and support for missionaries in the field and invests in providing tools and preparation for them to become equipped to serve in a global capacity. Larry brings a strong focus to being a continuous learner and listener so that he can best serve in the role he has been called

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