Predictions of Gospel Advance in 2016

advance scale I am neither a prophet, nor the son of a prophet. But, looking over the landscape of global missions, I would like to offer an informed prediction of what is in store for gospel advance in 2016. Because the globalization of missions and ministry continues unabated, we can be optimistic about what 2016 will bring.

One mission researcher has stated, “… the globalization of mission and ministry means that more people in more places are launching more ministry efforts in more creative ways than ever before.”[1] Based on this assessment, coupled with Hab. 1:5, “Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told,” I dare predict:

In this New Year, more than any previous year…

There will be more workers mobilized
There will be more missionaries sent out
There will be more churches planted
There will be more souls saved
There will be more new believers discipled
There will be more pastors trained
There will be more unengaged people groups engaged
There will be more unreached people groups reached
There will be more mission agencies founded
There will be more mission and church partnerships forged
There will be more mission-related conferences
There will be more Bible translations started, and more completed
There will be more Internet outreach
There will be more money channeled into missions       

However there will also be…

More money absconded from missions than ever before
More confusion about the essence of the Gospel message
More nominal Christians
More opposition, hostility and persecution
More martyrs

But joyfully…

There will be more worldwide anticipation of Christ’s return.

2016 will be a year full of “mores.” These will all work together so that more than ever before, “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14).


[1] Gilles Gravelle, The Age of Global Giving, Kindle location 1345

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