Webinar: Partnering with the Immigrant Church

A meeting with the Ethnic Inclusion Network Community of Practice


Pastor Robinson will share the story about how God sent an MBB (Muslim Background Believer) from Burkina Faso, West Africa around 2003 to his church. It became clear pretty quickly that God had a calling on his life and he was invited to be involved in the missions ministry. There was a steep learning curve and a number of miscommunications, but God blessed the partnership as eventually brothers and sisters from Burkina Faso and other francophone West African nations came to a prayer meeting in one of the church’s conference rooms. The MBB is now the senior pastor of “Centre Chrétien Eau Vive” (French for “Living Water Christian Center”), the bilingual French and English congregation affiliated with Bethel Gospel Assembly which serves the spiritual needs of the growing number of French-speaking West African immigrants in New York City.

We discussed:

  • How we can see the Kingdom of God grow by blending the resources of our more established American churches with that of 1st generation immigrants to America
  • What might be some best practices for partnering with immigrant churches to be more effective in world missions


Mimsie Robinson, missions pastor of Bethel Gospel Assembly in New York City. Pastor Robinson has been involved in disciple-making efforts in many countries including India, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa and Venezuela. He is also involved with Evangelism Explosion International as a teacher/trainer, as well as class coordinator and instructor of classes on Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, chairman of the board of Beth-Hark Christian Counseling Center, and member of the executive board of Heart for Muslim. In December 2019, he completed his Doctor of Missiology (Applied Intercultural Studies) with the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary.
Missio Nexus encourages interaction on diverse and difficult topics. Be aware that the information shared in this event may not reflect the views of the Missio Nexus staff, board, or other community members.

Watch the recording here:

Listen here:

Additional Resources and Discussions:
Book: Word Made Global, Stories of African Christianity in New York City by Mark R. Gornik

From Global Recordings Network https://5fish.mobi (free app as well). There are scripts for refugees and immigrants in about 20 languages. Gospel messages in 6,500 languages.

Book: The Cross Cultural Partnership Survival Guide: Proven Steps for Launching Healthy Partnerships Churches of Different Cultures by John Yoder. Also please contact John Yoder at john@immigrantministry.com to hear about their upcoming ministry focused on English-language second-generation immigrant young adults.

Also, if you are planning to attend Missio Nexus’ Leadership Conference in Sept, please keep in mind these workshops and event being organized by EIN: 

(pre conference workshop) Mental Health and Missions “I was Drafted” by Linda P Saunders, Wellspring of Hope LLC

(pre conference workshop) From Here to There: Conflict, Shalom, and the Journey to Inclusive Community by Rocky Tyler, Managing Director of Difficult Dialogues Consulting, LLC

(evening event) Sept 11 8:30pm, Ethnic Inclusion Networking Reception, come and meet others committed to strengthening ethnic minority inclusion within the Great Commission community. 

(workshop) Intercultural Communication and Cultural Bias by Linda P Saunders, Wellspring of Hope LLC

(workshop) Unlocking the Potential: Engaging the Bridge Generation of Stateside Latinos in Missionary Movement by Moses Saldivar, Frontiers

Our next EIN Community of Practice will be in November, details coming soon. 

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