EMQ Book Review Guidelines
EMQ reviews books that offer fresh ideas relating to world missions. We are not a scholarly journal written for academics, but publish material that is academically sound, reflecting careful thought and practical application to mission professionals, mission pastors, and, especially, working missionaries. While we may review more academic books, the reviews will be focused on how their concepts can be practically applied.
Requesting a Book for EMQ to Review
Please submit the book review request in the form below. Alternatively, you may send marketing information about the book to EMQ-book-reviews@missionexus.org.
Publishing a Book Review with EMQ
For those interested in writing a book review for EMQ, please fill in the request form below.** Otherwise, please submit a brief bio of your mission background (education and experience) along with the publication details and a link to the book you would like to review to EMQ-book-reviews@missionexus.org.
If the book has not already been reviewed and is deemed applicable, you will be sent a set of Guidelines and Instructions to proceed with your book review. Review copies will not be provided for requested book reviews. Quality book reviews may be accepted for publication, and excellent book reviews will also be offered future book review opportunities. Unsolicited, completed book reviews are not desired.
Book Review Parameters
The purpose of our reviews is to direct the reader to books that contribute to the broader missional endeavors of the church. The review (400-500 words) is to help potential readers understand how the book will contribute to their ministry whether in international missions or within a U.S. setting. A clear statement of how the book is applicable is highly desirable. Book reviews may be edited for style and space.
About the EMQ Audience
- Missionaries, mission agency executives, mission professors, missionary candidates, students, school/church libraries, mission pastors, mission-minded church leaders, mission supporters, and agency board members.
- Over half of our readers live and work overseas serving with over a hundred different denominations and sending agencies.
- They are well educated; two-thirds of them have graduate degrees.
- They work at hundreds of different missionary ministries, most of them as church planters and teachers.
- They are most interested in cultural and biblical values, Christianity and culture, church and culture, discipleship processes, evangelism methods, church planting methods, and leadership training methods.
- They do not see EMQ as a scholarly journal; rather they see it as a very readable, informative, stimulating, and practical professional publication.
- Five times as many readers describe EMQ as extremely practical compared to extremely theoretical.
Submit a Book Review