Webinar: Launching Collaboration in the People Care & Development Community


Kingdom Collaboration is a powerful thing! Between sending agencies and their partners it is a potent vehicle for ensuring that cross cultural workers thrive through the life arc of their service. The Missio Nexus People Care & Development team is launching collaboration inside of the Missio Nexus community! This years pre-conference and workshops will all have collaborative pieces.

This webinar will introduce you to the need for collaboration and a primer on collaboration as we share our vision for collaboration in the Missio Nexus community.


Faith De La Cour spent many years in Japan with her husband Stan, before returning to the US to invest in SIM staff as the director of Member Care, and then the Vice President of People Care. She currently is a mentor to leaders in the cross-cultural worker world, serves on the board of Mission Training International, and is the People Care & Development track leader for Missio Nexus.

Kimberly Drage spent a decade in Vietnam with her husband Dan, before heading to Scotland to pursue a Master’s in Organizational health from the University at St. Andrews. It was during this time that theyjoined first Sent Well and now Novo UK where she contributes to the thriving or cross cultural workers through the intersection of Organization and Care.

Vern Salter and his wife Janell spent almost 23years in ministry to the military with the Navigators before moving to staff care and pursuing a Master’s in Clinical counseling. In 2023 he left the Navigators to be come the director of care for Mission Training International, where they are pursing collaborations of care givers to ensure cross cultural workers thrive.

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Missio Nexus encourages interaction on diverse and difficult topics. Be aware that the information shared in this event may not reflect the views of the Missio Nexus staff, board, or other community members.

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