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Missions and AIDS: Facing Down the Deadly Juggernaut
The decade of the 1980s was born with the sound in its ears of an indistinct rumbling as of distant thunder. As the decade winds to a close, the deadly juggernaut of AIDS, virtually unknown ten years ago, rolls relentlessly across the face of continents, threatening not only the health of their inhabitants, but the political and economic future of entire nations.
The Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic
Few topics have more coverage on the Web than HIV/AIDS. A Google search results in nearly ninety million hits. Having been a major world concern for years, AIDS finally seems to be gaining broad attention by evangelical Christians worldwide.
The Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic
Few topics have more coverage on the Web than HIV/AIDS. A Google search results in nearly ninety million hits. Having been a major world concern for years, AIDS finally seems to be gaining broad attention by evangelical Christians worldwide.
Confronting the AIDS Crisis in Africa
How one African denomination, the African Inland Church of Kenya, assumed its God-given responsibility in confronting the AIDS crisis in Africa.
Confronting the AIDS Crisis in Africa
How one African denomination, the African Inland Church of Kenya, assumed its God-given responsibility in confronting the AIDS crisis in Africa.