Cybersecurity in Global Missions – Article 2

Cybersecurity in the Context of Global Missions

Written by Josh.
Josh is a full-time worker in the global missions community. Though his specialties revolve around cybersecurity, his heart is that all would come to know Christ.

This is the second in a series of articles that will walk through the various aspects of cybersecurity in the context of missions, focusing on the four major groups in our community: (1) Partnering Churches & Individuals, (2) Organizational Offices, (3) Short & Long Term Field Personnel, and (4) National Believers. Each of these groups has unique cybersecurity needs which require that they are addressed separately.  (Click here to see the previous article)

Cybersecurity In the Context of Global Missions – Partnering Churches & Individuals

A key part of the longevity of a cross-cultural worker is their partners – partners that regularly uphold them in prayer, come alongside and offer encouragement, as well as financial support. And yet, because of the hyper-connected world we live in, these actions can bring great risk to the work, especially work in sensitive locations. How can this fundamental part of the ministry be done safely? Put another way, how do partners communicate safely About their workers as well as With them?

The remaining content is for members only…

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