New Study on Risk and Short-Term Missions

Missio Nexus ( and Brotherhood Mutual ( are collaboratively spearheading a pivotal study addressing the intersection of risk and short-term missions.

Key Highlights:

  • Modern Realities: How is the landscape of North American short-term missions shaping the next generation of global missionaries?
  • Shifting Perspectives: What influence do global events and societal changes have on short-term mission participation?
  • Survey Results: Our findings will be released in March 2024, accompanied by a virtual webinar exploring the study’s findings.

The tradition of North American short-term mission sending stands as a cornerstone in engaging and nurturing the next generation of church members, both youth and adults, into the realm of global missions. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, the participation in short-term trips soared to unprecedented levels. However, the landscape has witnessed significant shifts in recent years due to the impacts of global pandemics, wars, terrorism, and evolving social perspectives. With a newfound enthusiasm within churches and agencies to resume sending teams, we aim to gauge the levels of preparation and the acceptance of risk that ministries are willing to embrace to sustain short-term missions globally.

Be an integral part of this transformative journey by participating in our survey. Your insights will play a vital role in shaping the future of short-term missions.

The survey results will be unveiled in March 2024, accompanied by an insightful joint webinar presented by Missio Nexus and Brotherhood Mutual. Exclusive details regarding the publication and webinar will be communicated at and directly to all survey participants.

Contribute your perspective:

Shape the narrative, impact the future. Join us on this mission of discovery and transformation! 

Our thanks to Brotherhood Mutual for their partnership in this initiative!

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