Mission Networks

Networks are becoming one of the fastest growing platforms for leaders and practitioners to connect in the global missions community. These networks are leading to the discovery of best practices, new means of sharing information, and cooperative action for the sake of gospel proclamation to the ends of the earth. Hundreds of networks that have formed in the last decade range from wide global movements to very unique issue-focused communities. Through our partnership with LinkingGlobalVoices.com we hope that this window into the world of networks will open your eyes to new potential strategic relationships to investigate and invest in for God’s glory and the proclamation of his good news!
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<p><a href="https://missionexus.org/mission-networks/"><strong>Degrees of Partnership</strong></a><br />Networks are becoming one of the fastest growing platforms for leaders and practitioners to connect in the global missions community. These networks are leading to the discovery of best practices, new means of sharing information, and cooperative action for the sake of gospel proclamation to the ends of the earth. Hundreds of networks that have formed in the last decade range from wide global movements to very unique issue-focused communities. Through our partnership with LinkingGlobalVoices.com we hope that this window into the world of networks will open your eyes to new potential strategic relationships to investigate and invest in for God's glory and the proclamation of his good news! </p>

Engaging through Prayer
Join us today as we pray for unity. We seek God’s spirit to bring unity within networks and among networks. As we each strive to serve God, let us be passionate about seeing his spirit dwell richly within us so that as his people united together we will see his name proclaimed and his church established. In addition, pray for protection over these networks, safety as they gather, and clarity of vision as they meet virtually or physically. Please pray that as they meet, God would move these faithful workers to seek the Lord and his wisdom as the foundation for the strategies and hoped-for outcomes that are constructed during their gatherings.

Reflection for Churches and Organizations
It is essential that globally-minded and connected churches and organizations recognize partnership as a vital element of any work that is taking place around the world. If you are not actively engaged in partnership or networks take time to investigate those that exist in the area of the world in which you are called to work. Seek out those with a specific issue that you can align with to gain wisdom, insight, and strength in your ability to minister globally. Working together should not be an option for Kingdom minded initiatives. Through partnership and relationship, we reflect the heart of God and we are strengthened in our service to the nations.

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