Mission Staffing and Financing
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<p><a href="https://missionexus.org/mission-ceos-survey/"><strong>Mission Staffing and Financing</strong></a><br />The recent release of the North American Mission Handbook includes data on both staffing and finances for agencies in the US and Canada. As a collective, agencies have remained stable in their sending of missionaries and finances. As can be expected, there were significant changes within individual organizations. This new Missiographic provides an overview of the current status of staffing and finances for the North American movement. </p>
Engaging through Prayer
Father in Heaven, we praise you! Thank you for allowing us to be part of your mission to bring hope to the nations! We praise you for those that you continue to call to serve the unreached and fulfill your commission. We ask Almighty God, that we would continue to find your favor as we send out new workers and raise the needed finances to support them as they go. Help us to be good stewards of these resources and servants. Lord, we humbly ask that you raise up even more laborers and enable us to send them and support global church planting movements to your glory and honor!
Personal Reflection
Has God called you to be part of his work to redeem the nations? It has been said that you can participate in the Great Commission in many ways. Are you praying? Are you giving? Are you going? Perhaps God has been prompting you in one of these areas to engage at a deeper level. Our prayer is that Psalm 45:17 would be a passion for each follower of Christ: “I will cause your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore nations will praise you forever and ever.”
Engaging the Church
Partnership between the local church and mission agencies is essential. As one body, we must each fulfill our purpose and place in the work of the Great Commission. For the nations to be reached, the local church needs to be the breeding ground for birthing passionate, faithful kingdom workers. Churches, are you proactively building up new generations of missionaries to be sent to the field? Are you strengthening and supporting the missionaries you have sent? Take this opportunity for your church to review your efforts in building up and supporting the next generation of missionaries!
Organizational Application
As North American sending agencies we should be encouraged in our combined work and efforts to send and support missionaries around the globe. We must stay focused on the future of North American missions. How can we remain strong, motivated, and passionate as agencies to adapt to changing trends that will remain sustainable? We must be willing to analyze the trends of our own organization and learn from others so that we do not rest on our laurels of stability, but rise up with new energy to see even more workers and funds mobilized to take the gospel to every last corner of globe!
Click here to find out more about the North American Missions Handbooks, 22nd Edition.
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