by Various

A line up of the articles in the October 2015 issue of EMQ.


A Second Look: Reaching and Reconciling  
By Gary Corwin

Voices in the Local Church: Perched on the Shoulders of Giants: Building Legacy for the Sake of Mission
By Matt Erickson

Excellence in Missions: Four Ways to Improve Field Staff Retention
By James Nelson

Orality in Missions: Transition: The Key to Storytelling
By Paul Trinh



The C-1-C6 Spectrum after Fifteen Years: Misunderstandings, Limitations, and Recommendations
By John Jay Travis

The W-Spectrum: Worker Paradigms in Muslim Contexts
By Warrick Farah and Kyle Meeker

Modes of Mission in New and Established Churches
By Ed Stetzer

Learning to “Read the Air”: Three Ways to Improve Communication in Cultures Where Silence Is Golden
By Paul Sadler

Is English a Blessing or a Curse in Missions?
By Paul Switz and Michael Lessard-Clouston

Let’s Leave Shahada to Real Muslims
By Fred Farrokh, with response from Kevin Higgins

How Teams Work: A Case Study in Senegal, West Africa
By Richard G. Lewis

Celebrating Donald A. McGavran: A Life & Legacy
By Gary L. McIntosh



A Common Mission: Healthy Patternsin Congregational Mission Partnerships
David Wesley

Cross-Cultural Church Planting for Probies: Envisioning and Facilitating Holistic Church Planting among Unreached People Groups from Preparation to Closure 
Roger L Dixon and Jan B. Dixon

Early Christian Martyr Stories: An Evangelical Introduction with New Translations
Bryan M. Litfin

From Every Tribe and Nation: A Historian’s Discovery of the Global Christian Story
Mark Noll

Kingdom Conspiracy: Returning to Radical Mission of the Local Church 
Scot McKnight

The Missionary Family: Witness, Concerns, Care
Dwight P. Baker and Robert J. Priest, eds.

Overturning Tables: Freeing Missions from the Christian Industrial Complex 
Scott A. Bessenecker

Sent Forth: African Missionary work in the West
Harvey C. Kwiyani

Spiritual Equipping for Mission: Thriving as God’s Message Bearers
Ryan Shaw

Spiritual Equipping for Mission: Thriving as God’s Message Bearers
Ryan Shaw

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While significant progress has been made in evangelical missiology on general contextualization, and much debate has swirled around the degree to which a Muslim-background believer can remain an “insider,” less attention has been placed on workers’ practices—and the connection to their view of Islam. Hence, in this article we seek to augment the overall dialogue by focusing on the worker.

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