Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 22 - Issue 3
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Lausanne 74: The Plenary Program
Billy Graham opened and closed the International Congress on World Evangelization, and in between he preached at a Sunday afternoon public evangelistic rally at Lausanne’s Olympic Stadium.
Lausanne 74: The Plenary Program
Billy Graham opened and closed the International Congress on World Evangelization, and in between he preached at a Sunday afternoon public evangelistic rally at Lausanne’s Olympic Stadium.
Spirituality in Cross-Cultural Mission – Embracing the Lifelong Journey
Description: A practical exploration of the different spiritualities we grapple with over a life-time of mission ministry. The spirituality that “gets us there” will soon…
The Numbers Game in World Evangelization
Not only are our statistics confusing, they can be used to arouse false hopes.
The Numbers Game in World Evangelization
Not only are our statistics confusing, they can be used to arouse false hopes.