Bible Translation Equips Everyday Evangelists to Share the Gospel

Every day, Caritina sold tortillas at the market in San Blas Atempa, Oaxaca. The mother of seven sons, she never missed an opportunity to share the gospel.

“I go everywhere,” she said. “That’s my life. I preach any opportunity I have.” But for a long time, Caritina lacked one thing: God’s Word in her own language of Zapotec.

The passion was there. The resources weren’t.

So she told one of her sons, “If you see a Bible in my language, please buy it and bring it to me.” He replied, “Mom, you don’t know how to read; how are you going to understand it?”

“I don’t know,” Caritina admitted. “But God will help me.”

Then Caritina taught herself to read.

“I sat here,” she remembered, “and I started to put together the words one by one, one by one. And finally, I could read my language.”

John 15:7 became her favorite verse—”But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!” (NLT)

Praise God that her desire to read his Word was granted. For the rest of her life, she had the joy of sharing the treasure she’d found with others.

Caritina passed away in September 2022, leaving a legacy of faithfulness behind her. Today, her sons still walk closely with the Lord, and one of them, Rolando, continues in Bible translation.

Seed Company helps equip ministers like Caritina and Rolando through working with partner organizations and churches worldwide. Together, we accelerate the pace of Bible translation and impact among people groups without God’s Word in their own language.

Meet more people who have been transformed by Scripture in their heart language.

This is submitted by Rebecca Gorman of Seed Company.  Seed Company is a Missio Nexus member.  Member organizations can provide content to the Missio Nexus website. See how by clicking here.

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