Canada On Mission

An encouraging look at the current missiological thinking and unique contributions that Canadians are making to global missions in Canada and beyond.

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EMQ Volume 55, Issue 2 – Canadian Missions: Read Online and Download

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<p><a href=""><strong>Canada On Mission</strong></a><br />An encouraging look at the current missiological thinking and unique contributions that Canadians are making to global missions in Canada and beyond. </p>

God continues to raise up new generations of missionaries from the rural to urban centers of Canada.  From the Pacific coast of Vancouver to the mountains of Calgary, to the every growing metropolis of Toronto, and the Eastern regions of Quebec which touch the Atlantic. 

God is moving in churches and utilizing mission agencies to train, mobilize, and send out cross-cultural workers.  Missionaries are being sent to the furthest reaches of the globe and the church is also responding to the nations which are ever growing at their door steps.  This Missiographic seeks to overview the current state of missions in and from Canada.

Engaging through Prayer
Father, we are so thankful for your love for the Canadian church. We ask Almighty God that you would move across this land, that you would raise up a church that is passionate about your gospel of Good News! We pray, O Lord, that you would move today in the hearts of your people to engage with those that have come to Canada as students, as immigrants, and as refugees. We pray Lord, that they would be willing to share your love, your kindness and your goodness with those that are different than themselves. Lord, we pray, that churches would be planted and your name glorified. We ask, Lord, that you would rise up new generations of missionaries in Canada who would be equipped and sent to the unreached peoples of the World. Please, O Lord, light a new fire within the Canadian church to take the hope of Christ to all the peoples of the earth!

For more reflection and conversation check out the April–June 2019 issue of EMQ focused on missions in the Canadian Context.

Ultimately, the health of Canada’s mission movement comes down to the obedience of God’s people who have been blessed to share this land. It is up to us to proclaim and live out, Christ’s dominion across Canada, from sea to sea, and to the ends of the earth.

Jon Fuller (OMF International Director for the Americas), “From Sea to Sea: Reflections on the Canadian Mission Movement,” EMQ 55, no. 2 (April 2019): 6.

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