Shaping Spiritual Formation: How Cross-Cultural Missions serves as a Crucible…Parts I & II

The webinar explores appropriate responses to these questions: Why do some missionaries become godly saints and effective leaders, while others plateau, burn-out and drop-out? What are the global realities and cross-cultural distinctives contributing to the crucible experience which impact the effectiveness of missionaries living in other cultures? What might be a more helpful way of looking at and understanding a typical cross-cultural sojourn so as to better prepare our missionaries for this journey?

Dr. Steve Hoke served ten years as Vice President for People Development for Church Resource Ministries (CRM). He has been a front-row participant-observer of the missionary enculturation and adaptation process for 58 years, and now does strategic life coaching and leader development with mission leaders in in the difficult places of the world. He is the co-author with Bill Taylor of the recently released, The Global Mission Handbook: Your Guide to Cross cultural Service (IVPress, 2009).

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