Who is My New Neighbor?

With millions on the move, it is likely that you have some new neighbors from around the world. How are you responding to their presence in your neighborhood? Are you being a blessing to those who have moved just down the street but may come from places and peoples who have never heard the Gospel?
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Devotional: A World on the Move
NOTE: This Missiographic is the second in a series of 3 infographics on issues related to global mobilization developed for the Center for Mission Mobilization. The first and third in the series can be found here at New Harvesters and Ambassadors.
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<p><a href="https://missionexus.org/who-is-my-new-neighbor/"><strong>Who is My New Neighbor?</strong></a><br />With millions on the move, it is likely that you have some new neighbors from around the world. How are you responding to their presence in your neighborhood? Are you being a blessing to those who have moved just down the street but may come from places and peoples who have never heard the Gospel?</p>

Engaging through Prayer
Dear God, my life is full, but I pray there would be plenty of room in my heart for the new neighbors moving into my neighborhood. Help me to see them in the midst of my hectic schedule and stop to be a kind and loving neighbor to them.  Amen

Personal Reflection
Think back to something a neighbor did for you that was a particular encouragement or blessing. Now consider what you might do to bless a new neighbor from another country. Research what hospitality looks like in their country and then ask God to give you a plan for how you can connect with them in an appropriate and helpful way.

Engaging the Church
How neighborly is your church? Do you know your neighbors in the community? Are you intentionally reaching out to the unreached peoples and immigrants who have moved near the church? What have you done to help them feel welcomed? Consider working with us at GMI to identify the nations next door. Contact GMI at info@gmi.org.

Organizational Application
It’s so easy for international organizations to focus your time “out there” in the world and for local organizations to focus only on those who have been your traditional audiences. But our world is changing and the peoples of the world can be found everywhere. How is your ministry responding? Are you integrating an “everywhere to everywhere” approach to mission? Are you giving people a chance to engage where they are as well as around the world? Don’t see it as a distraction. Instead, see it as an expansion of your impact with new amazing opportunities to connect.

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