Where’s the Pre-field Training Sweet Spot for Short/Mid-term Workers? (TR)

Where’s the Pre-field Training Sweet Spot for Short/Mid-term Workers? (TR)

Friday @ 1:30pm

The range of opinion on how much training is appropriate, and the value of such training, is wide. Some agencies seem to have concluded that limited time on the field and the need for efficient use of time and money dictate minimal pre-field training. Others seem to believe that once a worker has committed to a field for at least a year, pre-field training is nearly identical to what is required of those going as career workers. We’ll be discussing the available research on how different agencies are currently answering this question and exploring case studies so we can address this important issue with more knowledge than opinion. There will also be opportunity to share your approach and find others with whom you can network as you continue to develop your organization’s answer to this question.

Mark Wenger

US Director

An MK raised in Ibero-America, Mark anticipated training cross-cultural communicators of the Gospel in East Asia, where he and his family served for 28 months in Seoul, South Korea. However, in 2001, Mark accepted a position as a professor of English at Columbia International University. In 2013, he joined the board of ReachAcross, and in 2016 was helping recruit the next US Director when CIU downsized, cutting nine positions, allowing him to volunteer his services for four months before stepping into the leadership of the US home office.


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