The North American Missions Movement: Key Facts and Trends

The North American Missions Movement: Key Facts and Trends
The North American Missions Movement: Key Facts and Trends
Michael Jaffarian, Senior Research Associate, Operation World and Missionary Researcher, World Venture
February 12, 2009-10-21

Michael Jaffarian has been studying major trends in the North American missions movement. Serving as the North American office for the update of the book Operation World, he has gathered information from, and talked with, hundreds of mission organizations in the USA and Canada. His in-depth study was published in the 20th edition of the North American Mission Handbook, and in ‘The Statistical State of the North American Protestant Missions Movement,’ published in the International Bulletin of Missionary Research. This seminar looks at major trends and realities in the North American missions movement today – the sending of missionaries, money, and other resources from the churches of North America to the rest of the world. The findings focus especially on firm statistics and analyses related to three areas: (2) Investment in ministries of evangelism/discipleship/church planting vs. investment in ministries of relief/development; (3) The support of nationals from North American funds vs. the sending of North American missionaries to other countries. Michael was surprised to discover significant, rapid, extensive change in each area. The seminar will present the facts in a clear, straightforward, uncomplicated manner, and point participants to implications and recommendations. This content will allow decision-makers in the world of missions to engage in planning that is based on facts instead of hunches. Michael Jaffarian is the Senior Research Associate for Operation World and a Missionary Researcher serving with World Venture.

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