Shift 2023


Watch Workshops on Demand

Watch workshops on demand from the 2023 Mission Leaders Conference.
Now available to all Missio Nexus members – log in to gain access.


Event Theme: SHIFT – Rapid Social Transformation and the Gospel

How do we fulfill the Great Commission when there are so many cultural shifts around us?

We live in a time where Sunday continues to be more segregated than we want. Even though our corporations and companies are more diverse and multi-cultural than they have ever been. We live in a time where the cultural ethic is more like Rome than Mayberry. Instead of starting your career in one company and ending it in another, we live in a time where you are born in one country and die in another. We live in a time where the church is no longer seen as the anchor of society but finds itself tossed on the waves of the sea of stormy cultural change unsure of its own future.

These are many of the rapid social changes we’re facing and we focused on at the 2023 Mission Leaders Conference.

Video Highlights

Jack and Theo Robinson were recognized with the Lifetime of Service Award
Congratulations to AIRO – the recipient of the Excelerate Award


Event Recap

Event Sponsors