No Mo Mumbo Jumbo: How to Drive Your Ministry Forward with Technology

Details: September 28, 2023, 03:45 PM - 05:00:00 PM ET 

Workshop Track: MFA-Information Technology

Primary Audience: Everyone. Literally everyone.

Is your ministry struggling to keep up with technology? Do you feel overwhelmed by tech jargon and buzzwords? It doesn’t have to be this way! In this session, we'll help you understand what technology is meant to do and how you can use it in the best possible way. Join us, learn more, and start using technology to drive your mission forward!

• Understand the main components that make up technology in ministries;
• Learn how other ministries are using technology to advance their missions;
• Learn 2 technology models and identify which one makes the most sense in your ministry;
• Identify the main types of tools you likely need and where they fit in;
• Learn how much you should be investing in technology and tools;
• Learn how (and when) to make decisions about technology and tools; and
• Learn how to communicate about IT in a way that others will understand.

Meet the Presenters

Justin Miller



Justin Miller



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