Details: September 27, 2023, 03:45 PM - 5:00:00 PM ET 

Workshop Track: People Care and Development

Primary Audience: Directors/practitioners of care from churches & mission orgs. Concerned global workers/field leaders

What if missional discipleship was at the heart of our care for God’s beloved global workers? What could that make possible? In early 2023, a needs assessment to discern the current opportunities, obstacles, and trajectory for our global member care community was conducted through Valeo Research Institute (

This session will unpack the results of that study, clarify the next steps we must take individually and collectively as we chart our course toward the future of member care with the aid of and for the glory of the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Participants will: 1) widen their view of the current state of the global member care community, including both strengths and limitations; 2) receive a clear plan of individual and collective member care next steps that are responsive to the realities of today's global workers; 3) engage with a renewed vision of member care: dependent on the triune God, proclaiming in word and deed the good news of Jesus Christ, building up God's people, and seeking shalom for the glory of God.

Meet the Presenters

Geoff Whiteman

Research Institute Director

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