On Being A Good Steward – Making the Most of The People You Lead

Details: September 27, 2023, 03:45 PM - 5:00:00 PM ET 

Workshop Track: MFA-Information Technology

Primary Audience: CEOs, CTOs, Directors, VPs, Management

Leading technology staff is often referenced as “herding cats.” The challenge of leading high IQ high performers in a context that is ever-changing is difficult. Even more difficult is crafting the alignment that leverages teams to deliver on all the goals an organization has while technology stacks are changing.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the eight different dimensions of personal motivation.
  • Understand what causes staff to start, continue and complete efforts.
  • Identify the different ways to assemble teams for high performance.
  • Protect yourself (and your teams) from predictable conflicts on complex projects.

Meet the Presenters

Chris Lema

Chief Product Officer

Cherith Analytics

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