Nepal Earthquake

Missio Nexus announces the July/August 2015 Global Issues Update

The Status of the Nepal Earthquake, with Wayne Pederson, president of Reach Beyond (formerly HCJB Global). Complex global challenges impact Great Commission activities at every level. No matter how connected and motivated you are as an individual Christ-follower, church or mission leader, you can’t be an expert on everything. This edition will help update you on the continued devastation across Nepal as a result of the April mega-earthquake, and what Christians can do to continue to help.

Wayne Pederson, president of Reach Beyond, provided leadership to some of the top media ministries in the country including Moody Radio, Northwestern Radio, National Religious Broadcasters and Mission America Coalition. Wayne is a passionate leader, strategic thinker, developer of people and skilled speaker and writer. He is burdened for those who have never heard the name of Jesus or had a chance to enter into a relationship with Him. Global Issues Update is an audio/visual 20-25 minute recording and will take a few minutes to download. You will be glad you waited.

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