Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 33 - Issue 2
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Keys to Effective Home Schooling of MKS
One of missionaries’ greatest concerns today is their children’s education, an issue to which mission agencies are becoming increasingly sensitive.
Mapping Resources for Missions
Finding map resources on the web.
The Measurement of Adult Mks’ Well-being
To answer the question, “How well do the children of missionaries do in different dimensions of their lives as adults?,” MK CART/CORE undertook a multimission research project entitled “AMK Study.”
The Measurement of Adult Mks’ Well-being
To answer the question, “How well do the children of missionaries do in different dimensions of their lives as adults?,” MK CART/CORE undertook a multimission research project entitled “AMK Study.”