Involving the Next Generation in Missions with Jim Tebbe

Title: Involving the Next Generation in Missions
Jim Tebbe, Vice President of Missions and Urbana Director, Inter Varsity
May 6, 2010

Description: As we seek to involve the next generation in missions: What are the cultural realities we need to be aware of? What motivates this generation? Where are young people starting from as they weigh their options and identify their vocation? How does creative- access mission work change the traditional missionary training process? How does the time needed to prepare for the field differ from previous generations, and why?

Speaker: Dr. Jim Tebbe is vice president of Missions for Inter Varsity/USA and the director of Urbana 03, 06 and 09. Jim has spent much of his life in international ministry in South Asia and the Middle East. Previously he served as area director and then international director of Interserve. In 2011 Jim and Beth will move back to Pakistan where he will assume his new position as president of Forman Christian College in Lahore.

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