Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 20 - Issue 3
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Welcoming the Stranger
Presenter: Matthew Soerens, US Director of Church Mobilization, World Relief Description: Refugee and immigration issues have dominated headlines globally recently. While many American Christians view these…
Mapping Church Missions: A Compass for Ministry Strategy
Description: The terrain of church missions is often bewildering. Should we prioritize evangelism or works of service?
How Hudson Taylor Got Recruits for China
It’s easy to get sentimental when writing about great missionaries of the past. Although Hudson Taylor was a product of Victorian perspectives, his life and ministry speak to a wide number of our concerns.
From Unhealthy Dependency To Local Sustainability
Presented by: Jean A. Johnson, Executive Director of Five Stones Global Description: It takes a great amount of intentionality to create a culture of dignity,…