Four Generations: One Mission – Tension and Synergy

Four Generations: One Mission – Tensions and Synergy Larry Walker, ACMC

Generational paradigms provide a helpful outline for how church and mission have evolved over the last several decades; they show how we got to where we are now. And the generational makeup of any given church or agency gives cues for how to best motivate, organize and involve its people as the sent Church.

This webinar gives an overview of the four adult generations currently active in church and mission: The unique context that shaped each generational cohort. Some core operational values that help compare and contrast. The missional soul of each generation where conflicts often arise. How to find synergy among them. Implications for church and mission: This webinar will give you eyes to see where your church or agency is in relation to its generational makeup and contemporary culture. It will provide cues for how to be more effective and relevant while at the same time being thoroughly biblical. Larry Walker has served as a missionary, a mission pastor, and a mission mobilizer. For the past twenty years he has served as the Southwest Regional Director for Advancing Churches in Missions Commitment, now a part of Pioneers. Larry preaches, teaches, trains, and coaches church mission leaders in North America and Latin America.

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