FaithTech Labs Project Spotlight: Share Bibles Impact

The Share Bibles App project began at #HACK in 2017 when Rob Wiebe from YWAM presented a problem he was facing in his ministry to the FaithTech community: his team needed a way to track which homes had received a Bible, and which hadn’t, during their distribution efforts.

A team formed, an app was built, and has been going strong ever since! So far, the app has tracked the distribution of 197,484 Bibles in 40 countries! It’s also helped to collect data for some incredible insights, like only 5.15% of households offered a Bible refused it.

We especially love this sentiment Rob shared from a team member in Colombia: “This app helps to coordinate distribution efforts across organizational boundaries, uniting churches and others as we aim to distribute Bibles through our entire nation.” This is Redemptive Technology at work!

Read Rob’s full report here, and check out the original video below to see where it all started!

This content was submitted by Beth Round of FaithTech, a Missio Nexus member. Member organizations can share content with the Missio Nexus community through our publish platform.

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