7 Days of Prayer: Sunday, 12 May 2024

By Justin Long

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Join us in beseeching (δέομαι) the Lord of the Harvest this week for…

We pray for Sudan:
(a) that the hearts of ‘kings’ (RSF, SAF) would be turned to allow humanitarian aid to reach the hungry and hurt. Praise God for a potential new development that might allow aid into South Kordofan, and pray for more such opportunities.
(b) that the hearts of ‘kings’ (international powers) would be turned to intervene, at the very least, on behalf of the refugees in the many camps near the Sudan borders.
(c) that arms merchants will be brought to reconsider their support for this war.
(d) that the fighting will come to an end.
(e) for the Kingdom workers laboring in the midst of the violence, putting themselves in harms way, to be protected and comforted and strengthened in their work.

We pray for the church in India in the midst of an election that is making nationalistic religion a huge issue. “The biggest success of this government is the normalization of hatred” (Evangelical Focus). Most of this is aimed at the Hindu vs. Muslim divide, but Christians are feeling some brunt of persecution—and Christian work among Muslims is difficult and dangerous in this moment. Pray for the many Christian groups and movements in India to have discernment and boldness in their outreach—especially for those groups laboring in the north of India, in classically unreached areas, many at risk of martyrdom.

3 We pray for the many Kingdom workers laboring in Nigeria. An article from HumAngle highlights the travails of aid workers in the war-torn zones, and similar difficulties are had by believers attempting to be a blessing in the region. Northern Nigeria has over 100 million people, many of whom have no access to the Gospel. The area is rife with conflict from fundamentalist groups and ethnic violence between nomadic and pastoralist peoples. Pray that more in this area will come to find the true Prince of Peace.

4 We pray for the church in China, which endures and expands in the midst of relentless efforts on the part of the government to mold all religious belief into its image. We pray that, in spite of oppression and persecution, a true wave of spiritual hunger would sweep China. We pray for dreams and visions of Jesus to permeate the peoples of China just as they have been widely found amongst Muslims.

Pray for the spread of the Good News in Tibet. A BBC article gives a deep look into the idolatry that is widespread in the area, as it looks at people restoring monasteries: “For us Buddhists, the paintings and the artifacts in the monasteries are embodiments of the gods themselves, and we can’t worship a half-damaged idol… there was no one to repair it. Our heritage was slowly decaying away. We thought the deities were angry.” Pray that many in Tibet who are spiritually hungry will discover the real Way, Truth and Life. Pray for the Kingdom workers who are laboring to reach Tibetans against significant difficulties.

6 We pray again for the women of Iran. The government’s Noor (Light) campaign is, despite its name, a harsh crackdown enforcing the women’s dress code (NBC). A substantial percentage of the population have grown very disillusioned with the Iranian government and the version of Islam it promotes, and have turned away from Islam. Many in Iran are miserable and would prefer to move abroad. Praise God that the church in Iran is one of the fastest-growing in the world, and pray that many more will find Jesus.

We pray for the many thousands of foreign students studying in more open lands. A new article (Link) tells us how over 90,000 North African students (incl. 45,000 Moroccans and 32,000 Algerians) are studying in France. Pray for Kingdom workers who will be a blessing to these students, and for believing families who will invite them into their homes, share meals with them, and tell them about Jesus.
Over 670 intercessors are praying along with you!
Thank you for joining us in prayer for the nations.

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Where do these prayer requests come from? This is a weekly guide to beseeching (δέομαι/deomai, Matthew 9) the Lord of the Harvest for the unreached peoples and places of the world. It is based on the events listed in my Weekly Roundup, as well as on information received from disciple-making movements and other sources around the world. If you’re interested in my Weekly Roundup (out each Friday), you can see a sample and sign up for it here.

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