Webinar: Your Greatest Story Ever Told: How Your Missions Writing Can Reach More Readers


(Or: A Greater Story Ever Told: …)

A Peer-2-Peer Webinar for Communications and Marketing Professionals

You want more people to care about missions. You have great stories to tell. But your stories don’t get the readership they deserve—especially online where people are information-saturated and time-starved. What can be done? Veteran writer and editor Jeremy Weber explains the technique and strategy behind his award-winning international articles for Christianity Today magazine, as well as how to best repackage them for secondary success on search and social.


Jeremy Weber is director of CT Global, where he oversees all the non-US and non-English content for Christianity Today. A Christian media nonprofit founded by Billy Graham, CT’s thought-provoking magazine journalism reaches 120,000 readers in print and 3.5 million online monthly, with one-third of readers outside the US. Jeremy launched a multilingual publishing initiative in March 2020 that has produced 2,500 non-English articles across 10 languages and reached 4 million readers. CT was named the best US religion magazine in 2017 and 2018 by both the Evangelical Press Association (EPA) and the secular Religion News Association (RNA). Based in Chicago, Jeremy has visited 40 countries and has received 1st place reporting awards from both EPA and RNA. The American Academy of Religion described him as one of the six most influential religion journalists in the US in 2018. He graduated from Wheaton College (IL), has worked at CT for 15 years, and has presented at EPA, LittWorld, Magazine Training International, and other events.

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