The State of Mission Leadership – A Report on the 2019 CEO Survey

Friday, 3:30 – 4:45 PM

Presented by: Michael VanHuis

The purview of a mission agency CEO is unique. In light of this, Missio Nexus surveys this group on a triennial basis to determine what trends, issues and opportunities exist within the North American mission enterprise. With over a decades worth of data we will dive into the unique facets of where we have come and the new realities we face as a community. As we collectively engage in the topic of Future Missions, we will explore how missions today can stay true to our scriptural calling and carry out the operations and execution of cross-cultural missions in creative, sustaining and innovative ways in order to relentlessly propel the gospel forward. This will be the first report and analysis on the newly collected data from the 2019 CEO Survey.

Primary Audience: CEOs and Executive Leaders.

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