The Other 3/4 of the Christmas Tree

Using a unique “Gospel Wattage” formula, GMI brings you the 2015 version of the Missions Christmas Tree. By exploring the wattage of the Christmas lights and the size of the branches you get a new perspective on the size of the world’s major regions and the witness for the Gospel they have today.
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See the 2014 version of the Missions Christmas Tree.
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<p><a href=""><strong>The Other 3/4 of the Christmas Tree</strong></a><br />Using a unique “Gospel Wattage” formula, GMI brings you the 2015 version of the Missions Christmas Tree (See the 2014 version here). By exploring the wattage of the Christmas lights and the size of the branches you get a new perspective on the size of the world’s major regions and the witness for the Gospel they have today.</p>

Engage Through Prayer
Dear God, we ask you to light up the world with your light. We pray for a day when this Christmas Tree that represents your world will be glowing brightly with the witness of millions of vibrant believers. We also pray for the dark places on the tree today and ask for you to bring a light to them that is only possible because of what happened on Christmas day so many years ago.  Amen

Personal Reflection
Did you realize that Christmas is not an official holiday for over 30% of the world’s population? Most people have never thought about that or its implications. Because they don’t celebrate Jesus’ birth, many in those countries (along with so many other countries in the world) don’t know of his saving grace either. As you look at the Christmas Tree and see the dark branches, how is God speaking to you about your role in being a light that would reach from the ¼ of the tree that is well-lit to the darker branches?

Engaging the Church
There is most likely a Christmas Tree somewhere in your church building. Most of the time it is a decoration. Sometimes it is used to promote opportunities like Operation Christmas Child or Angel Tree. How could you take the idea in this Missiographic and represent it on your church’s Christmas Tree? Are there some ways you could highlight the low Gospel wattage in so many parts of the world while those going to your church will relate to the image of this decorative tree? Don’t miss the opportunity to lift the eyes of those in your church beyond their own celebration of Christmas and to the millions who desperately need to know the story of this baby born in Bethlehem.

Organizational Application
So many times as organizations we use the same tired ways of describing the need around the world. But if we take some time and relate the need to the symbols that are dominating the minds of those we seek to mobilize, then we may just get the opportunity to gain a hearing. How can you use this idea of Gospel wattage on a Christmas Tree to connect with people at the end of the year? Are there some ways you could locate your ministry on the Christmas Tree and explain to people what being on your particular branch means and why they should get involved in helping you increase the brightness? Try it and see how people respond!

Good information is key for any individual or ministry. For more insights look at


1 “Gospel Wattage” Formula Discussion & “Wattage” Around the World Table located at {CCM:BASE_URL}/wattageformula

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