Webinar: The Five Directions to Guide Investing Your Leadership

Description: A practical guide to making wise choices on investing your leadership energy AND a simple but very effective way to develop leadership capacity in those around you.\\

About Roy King, the presenter:  Since 1973 God has allowed me to be a start up kind of person who steers new initiatives or rebuilds when the wheels have come off.  I am the “1.0” leader who functions best to assess and see possible solutions, experiment freely, conduct many funerals for failed experiments and then in God’s grace discovering strategies for fruitful work.  I select, coach and launch a team who can do the “2.0” work and I move on. I have been served in this manner in local churches, global mission endeavors, including Columbia Int. University and the Billy Graham Training Center.  

In the past 30 years I have been leading in a specific context but also serving other leaders through coaching and consulting.  I have worked in over 15 countries with more than 850 churches and nonprofits.  Recently I have also been helping some Christian business leaders develop a business culture conducive to disciple making.

Married in 1976 to Pandora and after 36 years in Special Education she is training and coaching parents and teachers working with special needs children in several countries and also worked with TCKs.

2 married children and 3 grandchildren.  (For more see royking.org)

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