Survival Mode w/ Bryan Taylor of Cornerstone Management

Survival Mode: Piloting Your Ministry’s Finances through the Water of Economic Uncertainty
Bryan Taylor, Chief Investment Officer, Cornerstone Management
November 5, 2009
Description: How does your ministry navigate the prevailing winds and changing tides of economic uncertainty? Instability often highlights the economic weaknesses of a ministry and elicits fear from constituents and management alike. Join us as we review the opportunities that accompany significant financial turmoil and learn what other ministries are doing to protect their assets, preserve their ministry, and prepare for recovery. Reviews recent trends in ministry giving, analyzes productive tactics utilized by other ministries to cope with financial challenges, reviews the impact of the credit crisis and recession on investment portfolios, and provides an overview of current economic and market trends. Bryan C. Taylor is a principal of Cornerstone Management and currently serves as the Chief Operating and Investment Officer. Mr. Taylor has more than 15 years of investment consulting experience and has earned the prestigious Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. He is a frequent writer and speaker on the economy as it relates to Christian non-profit organizations. Cornerstone is a national consulting firm managing more than 300 Charitable Trusts and 25 Gift Annuity programs with over $400,000,000 under management.

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