SHIFT: Return to the Heart of Member Care

Series: Your Path to Success at the 2023 Mission Leaders Conference!

In this video, Geoff Whiteman and Faith De La Cour, (Missio Nexus People Care and Development co-leaders), talk about his upcoming workshop at the 2023 Mission Leader Conference: SHIFT: Rapid Social Transformation and the Gospel.

Return to the Heart of Member Care

What if missional discipleship was at the heart of our care for God’s beloved global workers? What could that make possible? In early 2023, a needs assessment to discern the current opportunities, obstacles, and trajectory for our global member care community was conducted through Valeo Research Institute ( This session will unpack the results of that study, clarify the next steps we must take individually and collectively as we chart our course toward the future of member care with the aid of and for the glory of the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Register for SHIFT today and join Geoff in Orlando September 27–29, 2023. You’ll network with new Great Commission friends and colleagues and gain helpful resources as you take in dynamic speakers and practical workshops at the beautiful Caribe Royale Resort.


Geoff Whiteman, LMFT, ThM serves as the VALEO Research Institute Director.

He volunteers as the People Care and Development Track co-leader for MissioNexus and is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of Kentucky.

Geoff spent some of his formative years as a TCK in the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong, and Singapore. He and his wife, Kriss, have been engaged in vocational service since 2000 and supporting the care and training of those in cross-cultural work since 2007.

Those experiences piqued his interest in understanding how global workers could persevere with joy. That’s what led him to study and research global worker resilience:

The People Care & Development Track is sponsored by Soul Shepherding

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