Salesforce Conversion Project Leader

Missio Nexus is seeking to convert portions of their existing Association Management System (AMS) to Salesforce. We are looking for a qualified volunteer to steer our conversion process, including needs assessment, selection of additional tools and apps, configuration of Salesforce, integration to current customer-facing website, deployment and initial round of follow-up modification.

This person could be seconded to us from a member organization for the duration of the project.


  • Gather input from our existing staff, members and board regarding the design needs of our AMS.
  • Help ideate, define, create, and launch a conversion process from our existing AMS to a Salesforce based platform.
  • Evaluate, select and deploy Salesforce Apps that most closely mirror current AMS capabilities.
  • Evaluate and design new capabilities such as dashboards and connections to existing systems.
  • Assist the staff in the conversion process, providing training, modifications and guidance to the deployment process.
  • Project costs and manage licensing fees.
  • Execute the conversion process, evaluate the deployment and guide additional modifications and requirements.


  • You must have experience in a Salesforce deployment project
  • Experience in building enterprise software and/or Internal tools
  • Comfortable working closely with a non-technical team to achieve results
  • Strong organization and planning skills
  • Good communication skills, both verbal and written


This role does not require a physical move but will be done from whatever location best suits the candidate. Some travel will be required. Project timelines will be sympathetic to the volunteer nature of this project.

For more information, please use our contact us form.

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