Recruiting, Training, and Retaining Fundraising/Development Staff

Presented by: Cole Costanzo

Description: From smaller organizations to the largest organizations, retention of quality fundraising staff is a challenge. In this workshop, we will explore how to successfully find the right candidate for your organization’s fundraising staff needs and then how to retain that ideal candidate through establishing a proper training and on-boarding plan. Through this workshop, participants will better understand: how to get the position description right for your organization’s fundraising personnel needs, how to create an on-boarding plan that enables staff to take full ownership of their role, the process for engaging development staff in the mission of the organization so they have experiences to back their vision-casting words, how to establish, manage and evaluate expectations, including clearly articulated dollar and activity goals, and strategies for empowering development staff to meet their goals through providing a dashboard of the right information to track their progress. The primary audience for this workshop is CEOs, Executive Directors, and Development/Advancement/Fundraising Staff.

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